Setup Wars – Episode 332

Setup Wars - Episode 332

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Setup Wars – Episode 332”.
We are continuing the momentum of setup Wars season 7 with another Banger, for you guys today, welcome to episode, 332 sit back and relax, and the setup was beginning took a lot of energy, so Lily just released their brand new Galahad to Trinity, coolers and actually giving Away 10 of them, just to my subscribers, watching this video, the winners get to choose between one of their three brand new aios, starting with the standard Galahad 2 Trinity, which features argb fans with lighting supported by pump block header. Then you got the Galahad to Trinity. Sl INF that’s equipped with three other Infinity fans, and then we have the Galahad 2 Trinity performance which, as the name suggests, offers more performance through larger fans, a stronger pump and a thicker radiator. The performance version will also not have any RGB and will focus mostly on performance and Aesthetics if you’re into the whole non-rgb. Look if you guys want to check out any of the brand new coolers I’ll, have a link down below and if you guys want to enter for a chance to win one of them. All you have to do is Click The Gleam Link in the description section and just follow the instructions. This is a global giveaway by the way. So as long as you live on planet Earth, you can enter and there’ll be a total of 10 winners selected by Leon Lee. So well, good luck and now back to the video ladies and gents, we are starting off. The episode with a bang. Cyrus is set up, got nothing on this okay, we got the one, and only Mr Thai box, one two three, also known as Adam, and for those of you who’ve, been living under a boulder Adam here is a legend from YouTube.

Setup Wars - Episode 332

Okay, he used to be one of the OG Tech channels that focused on Apple products and smartphone videos. This goes way back when I was still doing smartphone content. Remember the days of camera comparisons and speed tests, that’s basically what helped my channel grow so fast. I was actually subscribed to Mr Thai box123 during that era of smartphone content, and I looked up to him for quite a long time.

Setup Wars - Episode 332

I mean who can forget the iconic hexa displays that has graced the tech YouTube scene for over a decade myself and many others have always drooled over this magnificent work of art. Dreaming that one day we would achieve something similar now, even though the modern layout itself has remained fairly constant over the years. The setup itself has gone through many Transformations. Youtube was a pretty big part of Adam’s life back then, but now it’s just a part-time gig. While he focuses on running his many successful businesses. So it’s safe to assume that the setup’s purpose is work work and you guessed it more work.

I’Ve always appreciated how Adam was able to perfectly align all six of his displays so seamlessly with one another. We got six 32-inch 4K monitors from Dell all mounted against the wall. To achieve this beautiful, floating look, which is just High Enough enough to squeezing a few Bose Companion speakers underneath I love it now before some of you guys start commenting down below that. This is absolutely Overkill. Let me remind you that, just because you have no use for six, displays doesn’t mean that Adam doesn’t, I believe, Adam does day trading as well in combination with running his businesses.

Setup Wars - Episode 332

So all six displays play a vital role to ensure his workflow is very efficient. I, like those subtle, warm tones from the RGB strips bouncing off the walls, to match the custom Butcher Block countertop the accent wall with a TV and even the art that he’s got hanging above the Mariners. You can tell everything was carefully thought out and planned, because this entire space is cohesive and it acts as an extension of his room rather than a separate workspace for the peripherals.

Of course, he went Wireless rocking, an apple magic keyboard, a trackpad with an MX Master 3s, and the thing that’s powering it all is a Decked Out 28 core cheese grater with what appears to be a Nas right behind it. But it’s all also got an entire cabinet filled with storage. On the other side, the entire setup is perfectly crafted, there’s an element of sophistication and a perfect blend of function and form. To put it simply, this workstation is out of this world and I see no reason why it shouldn’t take home a seal Adam congrats, on winning the 58th seal of approval on this insane workstation of yours. If you have a Discord to claim your plaque and your free Tech Source mouse pad, if you choose thanks for coming on the show, meaning dual setup quite literally and at first I was very confused, like most of you probably are watching this video, how? How is Ali able to use one PC with two setups? Well, I did a bit of digging, and apparently there are multi-seat software out there that split your Windows operating system between multiple users. This means you can plug in additional USB devices like mice, keyboard and monitors and use them independently from one another all off of one system. That’S a pretty cool way to maximize efficiency without having to buy another PC and, judging by the extra foot rest and different set of peripherals.

I’M going to assume he shares a setup with someone else, but I could be wrong. They both have a 28 inch. 4K monitor from Samsung, however, the first setup has an extra 18 inch and vertical for multitasking. I love that each setup has its own set of peripherals and mouse pads to add a bit of personality and help distinguish it from each other.

The desk is actually custom made and I like how it curves back to match the width of the wall. This way, it’s not sticking out from side to side. We do have a few sleeves and velcro straps in the back, keeping all the cables nicely contained and the rest of the wires underneath the desk are also managed very nicely. I haven’t really seen a dual setup quite like this on the show before so. Thank you, Ali for sharing this with us coming up. Next is TJ who’s, a public safety emergency dispatcher from Virginia he’s.

Basically, the person that picks up when you dial 9-1-1 in America and transfers the call to the appropriate Department. I got ta say that’s one hell of a cool job at the age of 19.. I bring up the job occupation because that actually had an impact on the setup’s purpose.

You see. Tj has been fascinated with radios ever since he started his occupation so much that he started buying his own and programming them. So aside from gaming, graphic design and video editing, the setup is also used to monitor Public Safety, radio communications he saved up for several years. Buying all the gear – and he put the entire setup together in just one day, the centerpiece of it all is the giant 49-inch crg9 Ultra ride.

That’S the primary with two additional 24 inch displays up top as an overhead. That is certainly one way to do a triple Barner setup. This is the optimal layout to get the most screen real estate possible when your primary is is a 32×9 Ultra ride. All monitors are hooked up to an 8 feet, butcher block from Home Depot. That is also raised by a few generic Furniture Lakes, under that we got some of his radios and his Wireless peripherals, a Corsair k57 paired with a Logitech g502 wireless mouse. Even though he’s got the space for all the radios and speakers, I think a nice wood monitorizer would help clean up the look and also hide some of the surface cables. At the same time, aside from the speakers, he also swaps to the Sony’s and the Shure mv7 mic for gaming, underneath the setup looks very busy, which is to be expected since the setup has a ton of gear. But I believe TJ did a fantastic job.

Managing everything, tons of cable clips, velcro and sleeves were used to help route the cables into the back of the PC. That’S mounted underneath the desk. It’S a pre-built from Omen. That’S packing an I9 12900k and an oem RTX 3080 with atrocious Cable Management inside the case. Omen should be ashamed of themselves.

I think the radio and integration with the setup is pretty cool, and it’s obvious that you have a lot of passion in that field and you’re not afraid to share with the world excellent work on the setup. Best of luck to you on your career and thank you for coming on the show changing up the pace a bit. We have a pretty dope Iron Man themed dual setup register has a gaming partnership occupation from Canada who likes the game on his spare time. So he decided to build his very own, dedicated gaming, then in one of the bedrooms, the start of the show is, of course, the crg9 super ultra ride from Samsung sitting on top of a Sit and Stand desk from Ikea. So shishita is also team Wireless with the Razer Black Widow V3 Pro and an MX Master 3 Mouse, which is interesting, considering that he has a gaming partnership occupation from Canada.

I would definitely invest into an actual gaming mouse over the MX Master 3., not much else on the desk other than a few controllers, a tablet and his notebook for some productivity and when it’s game time he puts on his Xbox headset that’s stored. Underneath the desk. The PC panel setup is a Frankenstein of a build featuring a ryzen 9 3900x and the Nvidia RTX 2080 super. Now the case is custom painted in the Iron Man color scheme, which looks very nice, but the parts in it sadly don’t complement each other. Not only is the GPU in the wrong slot, but the stock PSU cables are an absolute eyesore.

You got nice cables for the EPS connector up top, so why not commit and swap the rest of the cables too. Aside from that, I do like what he did with the wall decor using a combination of rustic pipes and wood shelves. He created what he likes to call the DC Corner, which has a few figurines that he hand painted himself. It also complements the Marvel Hero wall, art that he picked up from Etsy. There are some areas that can definitely be improved and I wouldn’t exactly call this an Iron Man theme setup when you have a bunch of other superheroes displayed, but nonetheless it’s a pretty nice setup.

Thank you for coming on the show wrapping up the episode as a subscriber that goes by the name of African Scentsy, no, not Sensei, but Scentsy, not sure if that was a typo anyways. The inspiration for this setup came from watching a single episode of setup Wars. An infection that has plagued many users watching the show setup Wars has opened their eyes to A Whole New World where function meets form, and this setup is a prime example. Just like most people, he started with an ordinary setup, no Organization, no care for cable management.

Any lack of personality, but over the course of two years he has made some modest upgrades ultimately leading to his most recent creation. A beautiful cozy Sit and Stand Battle station, so the setup is used for studies, gaming and content creation, and he does it all. On the LG Ultra ride, that’s mounted to the E7 flexi spot desk for peripherals he’s rocking an NZXT keyboard with a steel series, Prime mouse and a custom, coil cable. That’S routed beautifully underneath one of the speakers.

Everything is nicely spaced out and we got a bit of Decor as well with that bonsai tree in the middle, which was a really good way to use up the empty space on the desk. Speaking of using empty space, I really like sensei’s use of space for the setup he took advantage of all the walls to hang up pegboards and some shelves to help with extra storage and decor for the the most part. I think he’s done a really good job sticking to a certain color scheme. Everything works so well together, except the color of the wall.

Personally, I’m not a fan of that color. I think black would have looked nicer or better, yet a lighter shade of gray. To add a bit of contrast against all the black gear and the wood table top, I feel, like the brown wall sticks up more than it should, especially against the white wall in the living room.

But again, that’s just my personal taste. Cable Management, however, is exceptional, and it’s even more impressive, with a certain stand desk, because you have to spend a lot of time measuring and planning to make sure that their cable lengths are perfect. That way, there is enough slack for the desk to raise and lower pairing.

Everything is a beautiful blacked out custom PC featuring The 12700k and the palette RTX 3080 with custom cables. But when he’s tired of gaming on the setup he rotates over to the couch to game on his PS5 or Xbox series X, I just love that he has options here, a very inspiring transformation over the past two years and I’m really happy to see that the Show has helped you get to that point. Thank You, Scentsy for sharing this with us. As always, ladies and gents, let me know in the comment section which of these setups was your absolute favorite.

If you guys are enjoying season seven so far, maybe consider tossing a like before you head out, as it does help out the YouTube algorithms. I love you beautiful, toenails and I’ll see you very soon in the next article foreign .