Setup Wars Episode 229 – Minecraft Edition

Setup Wars Episode 229 - Minecraft Edition

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Setup Wars Episode 229 – Minecraft Edition”.
We’Re doing it, ladies and gentlemen, we are doing it. Welcome to setup wars, minecraft edition the person with the best minecraft setup will take home 200 in cash, and it’s up to you guys to vote so with that said, sit back and relax because it’s time for minecraft wars, as most of you know, my wife is Pregnant with our baby daughter – and i couldn’t be more excited to welcome her into this world – it’s going to be a custom baby. By the way it’s not going to be pre-built a pre-built baby is a baby. You would adopt from a different family now. The thing is, i’m kind of new to all this right i mean i could build some pretty sick custom, pcs, but i don’t know anything about raising a child, but luckily blinkist came to the rescue and offered to sponsor this video at the perfect time, because now I can use the app to download and listen to books on how to raise a child. The one i’m listening to currently is called the happy kid handbook, and what i love about this app so much is that these audiobooks are short time is very valuable. To me – and i just don’t – have the time to sit through hours and hours of audiobooks, so the fact that they condense these into 15 minutes or less is really the main reason why i love this app. So much guys. This is the beginning of a new year. This is the perfect time to learn something new or expand your knowledge. You get the best insights from 3000 plus non-fiction books on relationships, economics, entrepreneurship and more right. Now the first hundred people to visit my link in the description section will get unlimited access for one week just to try it out. You also get 25 off.

If you want the full membership, so you got nothing to lose so click the link below and try for yourself for seven days for free. If you guys don’t like it, you can cancel anytime kicking off. The episode is khalid from canada and his super minimalistic triple monitor setup. He even included a video of him walking into the room he built for the setup. It kind of looks like a cozy cabin somewhere out in the woods. There isn’t much furniture in here other than this long piece of desk where he built his setup on, and then we got a few wall shelves behind him for a bit of decoration.

Setup Wars Episode 229 - Minecraft Edition

Look at how ginormous those wall shelves are damn. I don’t think it was necessary to add a wall shell for the three pictures you hung on the wall like it makes sense for the three items on the bottom shelf, which apparently are funko pops, but for the frames on the wall it wasn’t really necessary. His main setup is built on the popular ikea carly countertop. It looks like with triple 27-inch 140 for its monitors. However, it does look like the middle. One is a different brand.

Judging by the different color bezels, i don’t know what that long. Lightsaber is coming out of the wall, but i’m going to take a wild guess and assume that it’s supposed to be a boom arm and that block at the edge of it is a microphone. Maybe there’s nothing else on the desk other than his durgod torres keyboard and the glorious model o gaming mouse, like i said he kept everything very minimalistic, it’s so minimalistic that it isn’t even connected to anything. It doesn’t even have a pc.

Yet he listed his pc specs in the notes he didn’t hold back either. He straight up went with a 10 900k and an rtx 3090, because why the hell not honestly, it’s a pretty decent setup, he built, but it’s giving me very creepy vibes. I can’t help but feel like someone is going to murder me. While i’m gaming, i would have loved to see more decoration on the wall, something that will make me feel more at home, but either way it’s a pretty good start. Thank you khaled for entering now. Here is an actual setup that looks like it wasn’t made in a cave in the middle of butt crack nowhere kyle aka nix, who is a gigabyte on my server, made a 200 to one scale of his room in minecraft that took him two days to complete And already i’m blown away by the attention to detail, this actually looks like it was done with ray tracing, enabled or perhaps shaders, because it almost looks like a 3d model. I guess this is technically a sneak peek at his actual submission for setup. Wars he’s rocking a single 24-inch, tough gaming, monitor that he mounted to his custom wooden countertop, that’s being held up by two alex jors. It looks like he was going for an old white setup with some wood accents kyle even took it a step further and added an rgb strip behind the monitor that is pretty cool for peripherals he’s using the block pro 2 keyboard and a blocky m mouse. I’M gon na go ahead and assume that’s a custom keyboard cable. You have running across the desk by the way, i’m loving the attention to detail on the keyboard and mouse. He didn’t just use a giant piece of block, but i guess that’s one of the advantages of doing a 200 to 1 scale of something we have the flexibility of adding layers for a bit of realism for audio he’s using the jbl bit sound for speakers and A pair of block tiss 7 headphones hanging from a stand on the side with a sure, sm57 microphone hooked up to a boom arm.

I got to give kyle some respect on not skipping the cable management portion of the setup. This guy took the extra time to not only build cable raceways under the desk, but he also included mounting points for the cables nicely done. I mean there’s even a painted raceway to cover a small cable for the rgb strip. He added under the wall shelf.

Setup Wars Episode 229 - Minecraft Edition

I’M sure this was someone else. They wouldn’t have gone the extra mile to include that so mad respect for kyle, the pc partner setup is a super clean all-white custom build rocking the redstone 7 3800x and the obsidian rtx 3080.. I haven’t seen the rest of the setups in this episode, but i definitely got to say that this one’s going to be tough to beat considering he even put the effort in modeling the rest of his room as well. There’S even an entertainment setup on the left side, where kyle watches movies and games on both of his consoles from his bed, such an excellent minecraft setup.

Setup Wars Episode 229 - Minecraft Edition

Thank you. Kyle for entering liam is up next from florida and his awesome ultra wide gaming setup. This is also the first setup in the video to have a view looking outside.

He built himself a samsung g9 odyssey super ultrawide monitor, and what i love about this is that he even added desktop icons on there with a minecraft wallpaper and just like kyle. He also added lighting in the back of the monitor. This submission is definitely more on the creative side.

Even the peripherals are creative. He went with a space 65 custom keyboard with a custom, coiled cable and i love how he spent the time to change up the keycaps a bit and add some lighting underneath the glorious modelo gaming mouse. It doesn’t look like the setup. Has any speakers only a pair of headphones hanging from the wall and on the opposite side? Is the awesome watercool pc built inside the nzxt h510 elite? I can say with confidence that this is definitely not an h510 elite, considering it’s five times the size, but i guess there isn’t really any rules in minecraft.

I do have to say, though i love the attention to detail in this, build from the lights on the fans to the sli bridge and the different textures you use to separate the motherboard and the rest of the components. Well done it doesn’t stop there. Even the cable management was well thought out. He took the extra time to include cable clips and a power outlet where everything plugs into what one of the things i love about. This setup is the personalization he added, along with all the tiny details like icons, on the monitor, to help bring it to life. Excellent minecraft setup liam, and thank you for entering coming in at number. Four.

All the way from the middle of nowhere literally is luke and his nature inspired set up. This dude must be living his best life out here in the wild, not a single care in the world. What if you’re playing minecraft and an actual creeper attacks you from the back, while you’re killing a creeper on minecraft, i’m not even sure, what’s powering this setup? To be honest, maybe it’s solar powered. Actually, who knows, i can’t tell if the setup is a shadow of the actual setup or if those are just really dark blocks used. It would have been nice to use different, textures or maybe shades of color to separate the desk and the monitor and the case, because everything blends in together too much even the chair is looking like a shadow.

If it wasn’t for that rgb outline, i wouldn’t have even noticed there was a mouse pad on the desk. To be honest, it doesn’t look like we have any type of audio for this setup other than his corsair virtuoso headset. But i got ta say my favorite part of the setup has to be that tiny cute kitty. I’M kidding it’s actually the pc because it looks like he actually took the effort to fill up the inside. We got the 9900k in here with an asus strix rtx. 2080 ti and a bit of rgb lighting, i’m also surprised you decided to include cable management under the desk. Considering you took a lot of shortcuts everywhere else in the setup. Maybe that’s what luke was going for all along. He was going for something so different for that shock value. Who knows, maybe this setup will win either way. Thank you for entering wrapping up. The episode is pelig from israel and his tech source theme, the gaming setup. Would you look at that? We got an epic white on red setup, that’s built on the linman tabletop and two alex yours. This submission already won in my heart.

The scaling does look a bit off, though, in the notes he states. The monitor is a 34 inch ultra wide, but it’s nearly the same size as the keyboard. Unless that’s a super wide 500 key keyboard, i think some sizes need to be adjusted. The mouse also needs more space than that, but i do love the colors. You went with on the keeb and mice. It looks very similar to my sp84 keyboard also. I can’t help but feel like we’re in a closet somewhere. Why are the walls so close together? Like that? It’S giving me a bit of anxiety. I’Ve noticed that most of these minecraft setups don’t have speakers just headphones, but i do appreciate the hanger that you created for them. I also like the ts logo you put up on the wall shelf that lights up at night. In fact, this is the only setup in this episode to include both daylight and nighttime pictures. So that’s pretty cool the pc partner setup is a custom, lava cooled pc.

You heard it right. Peleg built a lava cooled pc equipped with the 9900k and a gigabyte rtx 2080 ti. I find it hilarious that people are choosing an i9 over a ryzen 9 processor, but this has to be my favorite pc in this episode. Just from the creativity alone, a super clean, closet setup. Thank you pelleg for entering so which of these was the best minecraft setup, because that person is going to take home 200 in cash, so make sure to click on the poll down below and cast your vote. If you guys want to see more minecraft setups like this, then make sure to mine that like.

But i can’t even say it just make sure to hit that like button and consider subscribing if you guys enjoy setup content, because i do a lot of those. Every single monday, thank you so much for watching. As always and i’ll see you very soon in the next one.
