Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Set Up a Class Calendar with Google Calendar”.
Let’S take a look at how to create a classroom calendar using Google Calendar and, as you can see, I’m in my Google Calendar and I have actually several different calendars – set up the different colors each one representing a different calendar. So I’ve got a family calendar with family events. I have a sports calendar with sporting events and of course, you can decide how to break this. These kinds of things out yourself, but I want a separate calendar for my students and for the events of my classroom, and I want only those events to be on that calendar. Here are the steps I have to take to make that happen. I’M gon na go here on the left, click on the little drop down button for my calendars and choose create new calendar, I’m gon na name it.
If I want to, I can put in a description about the calendar and a location. If I want to. I can put a time zone all of these different options. Now I click create calendar and if I select this little arrow to the side of my calendar notice that a new calendar appears if I want a different color code for it, all I have to do is click this little box and choose a different color. The next step is simply to create an event.
So let’s say on Wednesday the 12th. There is a an exam. I can either click and drag on a specific time for this exam, or I can click at the top and create an all-day event when creating a new event. It’S important that I click and change to the calendar that I want the event to appear on. Then click create event notice that the event comes in on the appropriate calendar and is all ready to go I’ll. Add one more event.
Let’S say Friday at 8 a.m. there’s a field trip, I’m gon na click and drag and release type in the event title and choose the appropriate calendar. Click create event. Ok, so I’ve got another calendar.
The thing is it’s just showing up for me when I go to my Google Calendar, it’s and, of course, the nice thing about Google cam. As all of these events, all these different calendars show up on one screen, but I would like to give my students access to this Earth Sciences calendar. For that to happen, all I need to do is go click on my calendars and find the exact calendar that I would like to share. Next click, the button next to it and choose calendar settings once you’ve created a calendar and I like to create an event or two. Before doing this, but at least having created a calendar, you go to those calendar.
Settings and you’ll see that there’s an option to embed this calendar and it gives you a code. I just triple clicked on the code to highlight it. Some people prefer to click in the upper left corner and then drag forever to get the up. You know to get the whole thing selected, but it’s really best to just triple click and it highlights all the text then I’ll copy it now. All I have to do is find my classroom website, whatever you use as your class website go to it, I’m gon na click the little plus sign at the top of the screen, and at this point I would just go to whatever website builder is used for, For my website it could be Weebly, it could be Google Sites and there are many other website building tools out there and they’ll all be somewhat similar.
Although Google Sites is quite a bit different, but I would like to show you how to how to add your calendar now on Weebly and also on a Utah tool called my uem and that part will only be applicable to viewers in Utah. So first with Weebly. So here’s my class website in Weebly I’ve logged into my account and I’m ready to to work on it. I’D like to add that Google Calendar so that parents and students can see it. All I have to do is make sure I’m on the build tab in Weebly, and you can see all the different tools I can add to it or components I can add to it. If you browse down the page, there’s an option for embed code and I’ll just click and drag that where I want it to be, and then click to set custom, HTML I’ll paste in the code from Google Calendar, you can see I’ve pasted it in there in The box with Weebly – all you do is you, then click outside the box and it pulls in the Google Calendar for everyone to see and notice that it’s only bringing in the the school related the class related events.
None of my personal events are showing up there at all. I would with Weebly. I would then have to publish the page and make it visible to the world. So that’s just one example.
I realized that and there’s many other website builders out there even blogger, like I said before Google Sites there’s so many, but just wanted to show you how it’s possible to add it to a website like Weebly. Let’S take a look now at a Utah tool only applicable to two utah teachers. It’S called my UEN and here you can see. I have just a typical generic calendar on my site, but it’s really not very functional, so I would like to just get rid of it and replace it with a Google Calendar I’ll, just click the X, click, OK and it’s gone to add a Google Calendar.
I simply click, add page content, a little window, pops up, I choose messages and you can pick any kind of message here. Click add a little box will appear that you can then drag over if you want to and I’m gon na just click on the name. Parent notes and highlight it and change it to be calendar and then I’ll click the edit button and I’m always tempted to just paste in the code here for my calendar, but that’s not right. Instead, I should click this little tiny, HTML button, an editor appears or an interpreter.
I like to think of it as a code interpreter and then I paste in the code click update, save and close. Now you can see my earth sciences. Calendar appears right on my page without any personal events appearing so that’s how you can add a classroom.
Google Calendar to a website. .