Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “SECRET AGENT GLOVE PHONE”.
Yeah Giddiup, What’s up guys Lou here Back with another video., I’m feeling great. Are you feeling great? Let’S do this together? Let’S take a deep breath, we haven’t done that in a while., A bit of a cold, so we’ll see how this goes., 3, 2 1 *makes. Extremely loud breathing, noise* *Exhales, while whistling* I whistled on the way out … That wasn’t planned. Today we’re doing a “. Does it suck” video? If you don’t know about this series, go back watch every single one, Because this is the series where I tell you.

If it sucks This one, I’m skeptical about., It is a bluetooth, *Long, pause*, handset, glove., HAAAHAAHAA, (, Extremely creepily. ) Strap yourselves in this is what this series was made: for. Gadgetree, That’s kind of a cool name Gadgetree., But it’s a tree., But the question remains …. Is it any good? Is there any reason in this world for this thing to exist? Probably not.. Here we go so one glove is just a normal situation here For touching your touchscreen Thats a little tight, Some like that and then what Hello? What am I gon na do here. Alright lets try What am I Maybe does not have all that much battery life. Look at all like the strings going there and you can’t even A bit of a nightmare so far.


Oh It’s alive.! That means it’s time for a phone call. Friends Lets see here Who makes sense What about … Ryan *Laughs*, It’s ringing in my ear, C’mon Ryan! You can do it man, We got his His voicemail. What a disaster Let’s go for.


Will you say my dad *Phone ringing*? Hey dad. Can you hear me? How do I sound Yeah? You know what i’m testing something out here. Well, the glove. The glove itself is the actual headset.


Anyway. I I sound clear, ( Lew’s, dad ). This is an excellent product Lew. I love it *Chuckle from man on the phone*, Oh wow, Ok, that’s an hell of a review.

We got Ryan on the other line. I’M gon na, let you go dad. Ryan.

What is it? Why is it so hard to get a hold of you these days? I’M trying to call you 40 times or something I don’t known. It might have been two times, but it felt like 40 ( Ryan on the phone ) I mean I don’t know what to say: …, *Laugh* Ryan, why you always so upset man? Do you ever have a good time or what ( Ryan )? Oh your about to phone Jack. I can see how the things are going.

Yeah, you know, Jack Jack. Probably Jack needs your love today, the guys been moping all day. No, I’m not yelling at anybody he’s just you know he’s It’s all catching up to him. You know, I know I know He’s on the verge of a nervous breakdown right. Now.! Ok, Ryan, listen! Listen to me here! It’S time to ge It’s time to get professional! Alright! Do you or do you not have a knock, knock joke prepared? Yes, right now! Ok: ok, ok, ok, ok, …, nevermind, any joke A poem, a poem, a poem Ugh. How about a line from your favourite song, *Ryan singing*, IIIIIII, waaaant, sooomethiiiiing, elllse …, not listening when you sayyy …

.. good bYYYYYE, …, *Lew Laughing*, You killed it man. Alright, that’s a … We’re testing out some Bluetooth, gloves.

Yeah, w …. How do I sound? Do I sound ok, Better than usual *Ryan complementing the glove’s sound quality*? I don’t know what happens if you know you drop them or step on them. Don’T know how delicate they are, but Let me I’m gon na *Unplugs the charging lead* *Ryan Speaking*. Can i imagine using these every day? Definitely not ….

I mean people are gon na think you lost your mind, probably but *Lew stutters*. I simply, after those two reviews from my dad and Ryan, there’s absolutely No way that i can say this sucks No way So does it suck Hell? No .