Scrapyard Wars: Return of the Scrap

Scrapyard Wars: Return of the Scrap

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Scrapyard Wars: Return of the Scrap”.
Speaking of series have we talked on wancho about a series that we’re potentially going to bring back? Oh, I think it was very lightly mentioned, but very non-committally. I don’t know if you want to push that forward. Even more he’s deciding he’s deciding live, which is maybe not the way how to do it, but I think me saying that makes him want to do it more all right, dramatic attention, oops, Luke, you’re part of the problem, all right, we’re gon na do it. Um scrap yard Wars. 9 is officially being shopped for sponsorship.

Scrapyard Wars: Return of the Scrap

Right now, once we’ve got that locked in um we’re going to move forward uh it’s gon na, be. I won’t tell you guys too much because there’s there’s a there’s, a gimmick that I’m actually personally really proud of um. I think it was my idea. Maybe it wasn’t.

I raised the concern, in which case I’m proud of my team. I think you raised the idea. Okay, I’m really I’m really proud of either me or my team for coming up with this idea, because the gimmick I think is going to rejuvenate is the. I think the right word you think so I think it’ll rejuvenate it.

I think it’s gon na be back to basics in a way that you guys are going to be really happy about, but also something new in a way that I think is going to be really fun. I want to spoil the gimmick, but yeah we can’t spoil the gimmick yeah. I think I think we got it all right.

I won’t talk about it. I want them tuning into the first part, having no idea what the gimmick is, because it’s gon na be one of those. They did not no way moments and I’m I’m really excited for it, but yeah scrapyard Wars is coming back.

I think the timing genuinely makes sense, I think so too, because with a big part of the reason why we stopped it one we did too many too close to each other and the the gimmicks were getting kind of not great. It was getting kind of contrived and especially it didn’t help that everyone’s got ta have you got ta have the right mindset and I feel like we uh. We tried to create rule. Sets that didn’t reward. The right mindset to make a good scrap yard work. I think there was a couple as well, where not just the rule set leaned into that, but the the budget was like just way too high.

Yeah, like what made scrap yard was good, was needing to be Scrappy, and there was a few budgets where it was just like: okay, we’re just building computers, yeah yeah exactly so, you need to kind of like fight for it um, but the then immediately after that, The used Market just got horrible yeah, it was completely destroyed, there was no, there was nothing scrap yard, nothing. Just yeah. There was like no point empty Wars, not like yeah, and not only was there basically nothing available, but the prices on it was like. Sometimes it was more expensive. Anything capable of an internet connection was suddenly worth a thousand dollars. I’M looking at this going well.

Scrapyard Wars: Return of the Scrap

This is ridiculous. This doesn’t make any sense, yeah um. So now I mean it’s not 100 fixed because oh boy, AIG views and stuff like that, but it’s way better of a landscape. Now oh yeah, 100, 100 yeah yeah.

Scrapyard Wars: Return of the Scrap

I’M excited .