Samsung’s UNBREAKABLE Screen!

Samsung's UNBREAKABLE Screen!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Samsung’s UNBREAKABLE Screen!”.
My mama always said tech news is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gon na get. I mean you’re, not gon na get chocolate, so I think we can. We can cross that out pretty set. I mean chocolate technology.

Samsung's UNBREAKABLE Screen!

Things are looking good for Intel in the processor space, but for AMD they are looking even well, not better than Intel, but like better than AMD’s previous best. You know it’s like it’s like the kid who never wins the race, but, like always, does a little better. So the two companies both published their second quarter, earnings from 2018 and while Intel did beat their expectations AMD had its highest q2 in 7 pairs now, despite decent growth, Intel shares dropped following the news with some analysts concerned that their chips are still stuck on. The 14 nanometer process and Intel said that it won’t have 10 nanometer silicon and consumer machines until holiday 2019 and servers in 2020, and then meanwhile, AMD is going to have 7 nanometer epic server processors next year, with 7 nanometer rise in desktop chips. Coming shortly after that, CEO Lisa sue even said that they’re already starting work on their 5 nanometer process chips and while the size of the process isn’t everything I mean it does matter and so does hyper threading. I think I might be about to join team red. Even wearing red shirt today, baby Samsung’s next flagship phone, the galaxy X, will reportedly be a gaming phone meant to compete with recently released devices from companies like razor and a soos, and if it is, then it would be smart of Samsung to build it using their Unbreakable display the companies showed off a video showing a display made using an unbreakable substrate and a new type of plastic that doesn’t crack when it’s bent. The woman in the video takes out a little rage on the display with a hammer, but it is apparently undamaged from this vicious assault, though there’s no guarantee that doing this to an actual phone wouldn’t screw up something else.

Samsung's UNBREAKABLE Screen!

It’S just you know the outside would remain flawless. You never you’d have a beautiful brick. Just like me, I will I woke up like this and right after Apple released a fix for the 2018 MacBook Pros thermal throttling. Another issue has popped up, although in fairness to Apple it seems relatively smaller in scope, owners of 2018 MacBooks and 2017 iMac pros are reporting kernel panics, Oh colonel.

Samsung's UNBREAKABLE Screen!

No, not cannot the chicken, which is kind of like the Mac OS. Sorry about that a kernel. Panic is like the Mac OS version of Windows, this blue screen of death. Now it is believed that the issue may have something to do with the t2 chip found only in those two machines.

It enables bridge OS, which runs some under the hood features in Mac. Os like secure boot, encrypted storage and the hey Siri commands now the number of users affected seems small right now, but everyone’s talking about it, including me so hey, maybe it might be good to actually fix that. You know now it’s time for some little nuggets of news fried up quickly, ah brought to you by honey, a free Chrome browser extension that saves you money, how much money! Well, those of you who have downloaded honey using the Linus tech tips link have collectively saved over 70 thousand dollars in the last few months alone. Wow, really that’s pretty cool.

That’S an average of 27 dollars per person. Honey works on over 30,000 sites, including Amazon, eBay, Newegg, Razer, Walmart and more and there’s no catch. It costs you no money. In fact it does just the opposite.

It saves you money so check out the link in the description and add honey to your browser and your chicken nuggets today seriously chicken McNuggets with honey, no, not honey mustard. If you ask for it, you can get honey from McDonald’s. Even still, it’s really good with the chicken Meghan’s, sweet and salty baby on to the quick boots. Lenovo and Google did you know I was wearing boots today.

That’S fantastic! I’M! Actually. I rode here saying I got beats. Ok, Lenovo and Google have unveiled the Lenovo smart display, essentially an Amazon echo show, but with Google distant instead of Alexa.

So you can do well. You can do all the things that you already do with Google assistant, but now it’s been a stationary thing that plugs into the wall. Instead of your phone, which Nintendo has revealed the vehicle kit for lab. Oh, it adds controls and minigames for a car plane and submarine a cardboard submarine, Wow Nintendo. Now all we need is a train and then we’re set.

I’Ve always wanted to blow a whistle fake whistle got my fake whistle here. Nobody photoshopped this robots with two arms and two legs aren’t so boring, so the Italian Institute of Technology, or, as I call it, the IIT, our developing Sentaro, a robot with four legs on wheels along with two arms. It’S intended for a disaster relief scenarios, so it can pick up stuff, chop, wood or human limbs in half, and you know that would be so cool. It’S like the future of warfare is like Chronicles of Narnia but like robots speaking of disaster. Relief Apple is showing it has a heart after all and is offering free repairs to iPhone iPad and Mac owners in Japan who have been affected by devastating floods so way to go Apple.

You wanted some cost-effective PR and you got it go Apple. An origin has set a date and prices for its origin: access, premiere game subscription service, oh boy, it’s happening it launches July 30th and will give you access to all EA games five days before they launch. So you can experience all the pre-launch bugs that reviewers get. Oh, I’m so excited you’re, all gon na join the club, and it’s gon na cost. You just fifteen bucks a month or $ 100 a year. This actually kind of seems to make sense. If you know you’re gon na buy two or more EA games a year which, if you’re a sports fan, you know you are then, but then you stop paying and they go away. So your game, library won’t look as you know, lit you know, I’m know I’m doing away with lit. Then, let’s go with like heavy won’t look as heavy as mine, heavy pennies cool.

Anyway. That’S it for tech links. My pals, like the video and I’ll like yours, I’m not gon na I got I got to do.

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I died. I just said I’ve got I’ve, got I’ve got stuff to do. .