Samsung’s 98-inch 8K TV is Big, Bright and Really Expensive

Samsung's 98-inch 8K TV is Big, Bright and Really Expensive

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Samsung’s 98-inch 8K TV is Big, Bright and Really Expensive”.
Hey guys in case you can’t tell this is one gigantic television. This is the 98 in qn 990c Samsung’s best 8K resolution television for 2023. Let’S check it out so the headline here is the screen size yeah they couldn’t get quite to 100. In but 98 is the largest LED LCD TV that Samsung makes for 2023.

This thing is absolutely massive. Now one of the sells for K resolution is that yeah you’re supposed to be able to expand that image and still keep it nice and sharp so 98. In is kind of the perfect uh example of that and looking at it, it really does to my eye. Look incredibly sharp with some of this 8K demo footage that Samsung provided here. Of course, the uh issue with 8K is that you really don’t have a lot of 8K content out there. There’S very little right now. Youtube is the best source of it. So Samsung does make those YouTube videos pretty easy to find. There’S a dedicated line here right within the menu system, to jump right to those 8K videos, but mostly what you’re going to be watching on this television is 4K content.

Samsung's 98-inch 8K TV is Big, Bright and Really Expensive

1080B content processed up to fit those 33 million pixels. So the way that that works is Samsung has some processing magic, they’re, saying they do a little bit extra, even with the 98 in size compared to their other sizes, to reduce noise and things like that you’re going to get a sharp image at 4K or even 1080P resolution, but at the end of the day, it’s going to look really similar to something at a smaller screen size again with this really gigantic size, you’re, getting just an incredibly immersive picture, almost like a projector size picture. Of course, unlike a projector, you get really good contrast, because this uses mini LED backlighting. This 990c is takes advantage of Samsung’s Neo LED backlight, which again has that incre increased brightness, uh 1.5, more dimming zones than Samsung says, are available on their 4K mini LED models. So really bright, really Punchy contrasty picture so again in my quick. Look really did look extremely good, of course.

Samsung's 98-inch 8K TV is Big, Bright and Really Expensive

Now the kicker. What do you think a 98 in TV costs, if you guessed $ 40,000 ding ding ding you’re a winner? Yes, this is a $ 40,000 television, I’m not going to do the inches to Dollars in my head, but again not cheap for this level of screen size and Technology with the AK resolution. So this 98 in 8 TV isn’t the only gigantic expensive screen that we’re going to check out. Let’S go look at the 85in Terrace outdoor TV next, oh hi! Well, we were just talking about the 98 in AK TV. This is an 85in 4K TV, but guess what it’s specially made for outdoors now Samsung’s been selling its Terrace line of full sun outdoor televisions for a while now, but new for 2023. Is this gigantic 85 in size? Couple differences that set it apart from the other Terrace TVs aside from that large screen size one is that it has mini LED technology, so it uses the same kind of tech found in Samsung’s best Neo QED TVs this year.

Samsung's 98-inch 8K TV is Big, Bright and Really Expensive

That means that it has full away local dimming, the extra brightness of mini LED and, of course, when you’re outside that extra brightness really does pay dividend. Uh checking it out here indoors with Samsung’s little fake patio setup yeah. It does look really really bright, but I can imagine with the sun shining down. You appreciate that even more, it’s not quite as bright Samsung says as their 8K Neo LED TVs, but maybe they’ll put that in the tech next year. Another difference is This: TV has IP 56 weatherproofing they’re saying that’s the equivalent of a blast of water. I would not take my power washer to this thing, no matter how dirty it got, but you know I guess you could.

If you really wanted to uh other improvements on this TV, it does have the new gaming Hub and uh the smart TV technology found on Samsung’s other TVs this year. So you get that improved sort of cloud gaming experience, including Microsoft, Xbox cloud gaming, which is really cool if you want to play a little bit outside. So as you can imagine all that slick, outdoor technology will cost you. This 85in TV cost around $ 20,000. But hey you got a really nice patio, it’s just another little line item on your bill, so that’s Samsung’s, 85. In Terrace television new for 2023 outdoor TV.

We also looked at the 98 in 8k. Q LED TV both really expensive, but you know what they’re probably worth it. If you really want to have that really nice luxury look in your house and you can afford it.
