Samsung S20 Ultra vs iPhone Pro Camera

Samsung S20 Ultra vs iPhone Pro Camera

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Samsung S20 Ultra vs iPhone Pro Camera”.
Yes, 20. Ultra really only has one thing going for it over the rest of the s20 line that hundred times zoom, but is it all it’s cracked up to be so? This video started with a conversation we had in the studio if we took the digital zoom photos from the iPhone took them into a computer and zoomed in to the same level that we’re getting on the s20 ultra is yes, 20 of which are going to look Any better so a hundred times, digital zoom straight out of the s20 ultra, then a hundred times digital zoom have to have a computer from a shot on an iPhone 11 Pro. Are you gon na see a huge difference, or is it mostly just marketing speak? So if you’re looking at these cameras and thinking that maybe you might want one for yourself – all you got ta do – is subscribe into your notifications on when hit 1.7 million subscribers we’re gon na be doing a dream phone giveaway. There’S obviously a lot to be excited about with the s20 we’re gon na cover all of it in our full review, but for this video I want to talk about cameras so for all types of purposes. On the back of the s20, there are four cameras: you’ve got a pretty beastly 48 megapixel telephoto got a 12 megapixel ultra wide.

A hundred and eight megapixel main shooter and you’ve got a time-of-flight sensor on there as well, but we’re gon na focus on the hundred times zoom capability of the s20 all time. So in theory, I think a hundred times. Zoom is awesome right, just giving you more options. It’S kind of what Android has been all about more flexibility.

Samsung S20 Ultra vs iPhone Pro Camera

You don’t have to zoom up to a hundred times. You can go 50. 60. 70. Whatever you want sort of suit your needs and yes, 20 Ultra – gives you a lot of options, but anything above 10 is digital zoom, taking those pixels and kind of increasing the size on them, and that’s nothing new. That’S something that we’ve seen on a ton of other phones like this one, the iPhone and probably you’re familiar with the set up on the iPhone 11 pro and pro max. So it’s got a ultra wide, a wide in the telephoto, and the telephoto here only goes to two times now. You can zoom in more digital zoom, all the way up to 10 and we’ve seen that for years on, a ton of other variety of devices, I’d say we are outside the beautiful Southern California day to take pictures of different subjects of various distances away. The tests, the cameras on the s20 ultra and the iPhone 11 Pro / chrome accents they’re the same. I will take shots at the different zoom levels, so from the ultra wide to the wide to the telephoto of two times on, the iPhone 10 will go.

Samsung S20 Ultra vs iPhone Pro Camera

All the way into Mac’s digital zoom on the iPhone a 10 X on the s20 ultra side will take pictures at each level. It goes 1 to 5:30 and I’ve been up to 100 and various levels in between and compare how all those pictures look at the end. So I just sent Robert all the way down. We got this nice long strip of pavement, I’m gon na start as far down as I can on zoom, so the ultra wide and I’m gon na go through each one. So you get the 30 you get that little crosser, I think Spiteri of shooting at and then from 30 we’ll go to 100. Where you Berta there is.

I got them. No! It’S pixelated, brittle goodness all right! So now I’m gon na try the iPhone. I’M gon na start with the ultra wide so essentially 0.5 and then the zoom is just a poultry. You can go farther with digital all right Berto come on back.

Samsung S20 Ultra vs iPhone Pro Camera

Look at him. He looks very comfortable like that. So in samsung’s announcement for the s20 ultra, they showed zooming in on a hot air balloon. So we wanted to see how real that was when rented a hot now are you kidding? I have one kind of locally, so we’re gon na see you at the whole hot air balloon test. It’S going to look like, therefore, the final test we check out one of my favorite things. We got sucking Matt’s model 3 down there, so we’re to try the same zoom test.

I’Ve got Matt walking his car he’s pretty far away like with your eyes. You can see that it’s a blue model 3, but that’s about it and for my I can see. There’S somebody in the car, but that’s about it and taking up like barely any of the frame, but you can see it’s a blue car there. It is that’s the first time in almost like eight years since Ralph and I almost got arrested me.

I stood on a hood of cop cars for about three hours because we were filming the review of a Kia doing donuts in that parking lot right there. They took picture of my license and told me to never come back, hey Ralph. Are you nervous about coming back to film here, so he somehow got these pictures done about security. Kicking us out, not push our luck, see if you look like alright, so now we get to the fun part. I took all the images straight from the phones and put them into Lightroom and what I did was I took that ten-time digital zoom and I matched the frame on the hundred x digital zoom, so I can sort of put them together and compare how they look. Alright, so I’m not really gon na analyze a wide and yalter white here, but you can see Robert way off in that distance and the Y in the ultra wide on the Samsung, the iPhone they both look good.

So I’m gon na start with the Samsung here. 30 x, digital, you talk to see things get definitely more blurred. I can’t read that sign. In the background.

The trees kind of look mushy you’re losing a lot of the detail, but Robert himself, I can still very clearly see if that’s a person holding a camera wearing a watch kind of reddish hair. Then I jumped 200 times and again you could see that he’s holding a camera, but all that detail that we had with the optical is is gone, but you can still see very clearly see a person. Remember we got this when you see how far away he was here, so it’s impressive to have that option. You are not going to take these hundred x images and blow them up into posters, but if you need to see something far away, you want to get a cool shot of your friend on top of a building, doing doing something whatever you have the option here Now you’ve got the choice to use that hundred times, zoom, alright, so going over to the iPhone on the side. Here we go in now. This is the two times. This is where the optical ends.

On the Apple side, it looks pretty good as expected, and then we go to the ten times digital and you lose all the detail on the ten times digital. It looks very similar just a little farther away so the 30 times digital on the Samsung, the people in the background, not really in focus blurry, all the details lost. But again you can see that there’s a person there holding a camera and then we go to the last one where we took that same crop from the hundred times digital and put it here on the hundred times. It doesn’t look as good, I think, as the Samsung put it is really close, so I guess the benefit that you would get based on this image. Is you getting it straight out of the phone you’d have to take it into the computer? Do a bunch of crops and zoom in to get the hundred times zoom I wouldn’t want to use either these pictures for really anything.

If I could wanted to have a cool hundred time shot at my camera roll to go back and look and say: look, I could do it’s nice to have the option, but the hundred times on either is not really a usable photo. So I got this big gigantic orange balloon in my clean Diaz, perfect. Take a shot of when I found interesting was the ultra wide shots on both so Samsung and on the iPhone they both look almost identical the HDR as far as how the image is being captured. Photos both to my eye look really good.

It’S more poppy color. Some people, like it some people, don’t I sort of enjoy the way both those photos. Look here’s our 10 times optical, which this photo looks perfect at least a detail on the balloon. The sky is certainly a little bit blown out, but you can see it’s actually a tribute to Kobe Bryant they had here, but you can see the EM.

You can see the letters. It looks perfectly crystal clear. We go to 30 times zoom and you didn’t lose that much detail here on the digital zoom. You can still very clearly see on thing this giant.

You can see the number of 24 and the letter M there. You go a hundred times. This is where I think you can see a difference between the two cameras. I can still very easily make out the number 24 here with the iPhone here, go in to that same sort of cropped, one hundred times, zoom that we did here at Lightroom, and I can tell you those pictures like the bottom of the ocean.

You would be able to tell the difference, but if you could see it, the number 24 can be made out of 10. What you’re looking at, but this picture compared to. We have right here so, where you see a huge difference between what you get with a hundred times on yes, 20 ultra versus the iPhone 11 Pro or Pro Max, and this would be a use case where I think it would make sense to have that hundred Times zoom this a usable photo go out to the show, a landmark or something very far away. You could use it show it to somebody on your phone showed somebody on your computer.

They could definitely see that that’s a number 24 over details and take a picture of that’s a larger than say a person all right, but maybe those are extreme examples. We got. You know normal sized person and a Jackie and a balloon. What about something in between? So we got a car, I had them, try to put fingers out to see how many we could see can’t really make out what he’s doing here, but you go to the next one.

It does look like he is giving me a one finger wave on here and you can see he’s holding a camera and it’s a person, but you can’t see like who that person is. You can see the door handles in the color and you can definitely make out if you know cars that that’s a model three, but any detail on his hand, is totally lost. I think he was holding up two fingers and then you can kind of see he’s holding the camera Blackmagic pocket.

6K. If you can see that level of detail, then if you go over to the iPhone the side of things, you can’t see anything here. You can’t see, there’s a person can’t see fingers, I could still see the shape of the door handle and the chrome trim. I keep telling him to Chrome delete on his car to make out that it is a model three, but any other detail that was on Matt himself. You can’t make out so looking at this again.

I could definitely see a person holding a camera with this hand out and I go over, and I can still see some detail on the car. Anything that is inside of that car is completely lost all right. So this was a fun test to compare these two flags, your phones and the reason to get the ultra for that hundred times. Digital zoom in at ten times optical actually looks to be a legitimate reason to get the s20 ultra. I was really impressed with how good it performed 100 times digital zoom. It’S like a little bit gimmicky a little bit magic and a little bit awesome. I like having the option to be there. It’S crazy you’ve got this on your phone.

We replicated this on a pretty powerful laptop with software to sort of make it work on the iPhone. The fact that this is happening in real time on a device that goes in your pocket is awesome, and it’s probably a first glimpse of where the future of mobile photography is going to go so yeah, the first one that gives you that crazy zoom is expensive And big, but the next version look at less expensive a little bit smaller and two and three generations down the road. You might have you know 20 times optical and 200 times digital, and we took that first step now at the s20 ultra I’m here, for it .