Samsung Needs to Fix This

Samsung Needs to Fix This

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Samsung Needs to Fix This”.
Let’S talk about Odyssey, Neo g9s cracking there’s been an emerging pattern of Odyssey. Neo G9 owners reporting their 49 inch 5K Ultra wide monitors spontaneously cracking down the middle between a day and 11 months after purchase, while user error is a possibility. The descriptions of the failures were remarkably similar. Several independent sources claimed they were playing a game, not touching the screen only to hear a loud pop and for a large crack to appear in the center of the screen, accompanied by a large black vertical band.

Other users claimed to have turned off the Monitor and left only to return after hearing a loud pop in the other room and returning to find their monitor, broken some users with fully functional monitors, also claim to have heard odd, popping noises in the moments or hours After turning off their monitor, which they suggest might be a sign of heat stress, while a few users reported that Samsung promptly honored their warranty, many others reported that Samsung has refused to address the damage, while still under warranty, one user claimed they spent over 20 hours. On the phone and opened six different tickets, only for customer support to cancel each one for specious reasons – that’s not a word I normally use, so I’m not super familiar with it, but hopefully it was used correctly spurious. Is that what we were looking for? I don’t know another said that Samsung claimed that it was physical damage and not under warranty based on the photos without actually examining these guys superficially plausible, but actually wrong.

Oh cool. I, like it good word, wonderful, uh, okay. It is possible that a user’s region is affecting their support status, but this is really hard to verify.

As we don’t know, most of the affected users locations. However, the only users who both disclose their location and received support were located in the U.S. The only users who both disclose their location and did not receive support were located outside of the U.S. A Canadian user who contacted us managed to get a response from Samsung support, but he is at the time of writing waiting for the support team to review and get back to him. We’Ve contacted Samsung asking for an explanation, but we haven’t had a clear answer. So far, Samsung opened pre-orders for the 8K 57-inch version of The Odyssey Neo G9 last week at twenty five hundred dollars. I feel like we might have dodged a bullet here, because we actually were going to do a sponsored video with Samsung for the Neo G9.

The new one um, and maybe it’s uh better – we didn’t you know, I’m surprised. We haven’t seen this more often with these crazy ultrawides. That’S a good point actually because, like this is pretty much the only one I know of. I don’t really follow Ultra wise much.

Samsung Needs to Fix This

So there might be more but, like literally the whole time I’ve been like you know the the physics of this yeah I mean well part of it is that the panel technology is not okay, it’s not just I haven’t reached for my phone. I don’t know the fold: it’s not just folding phones that have flexible panel technology in them. A lot of the time. There’S there’s flexible panel techno like an OLED, is relatively flexible compared to older, display types um, and just because it’s on a fixed, you know stretched across like fixed canvas or whatever doesn’t mean that it isn’t a little flexible.

But it’s just anytime. You have something. That’S like really why I can’t fit both my arms yeah frame, but anything that’s really wide. Well, just the level assume this hand is way further out and then it’s only held in the single point.

The forces on the furthest, outsides, it’s gon na – be really high. Yeah so, like I don’t know, yeah I’m a little surprised for me, the bigger issue is: is one that I’ve encountered a lot the difference in support from region to region. I have never been able to wrap my head around a company foreign justifying to itself and to its users that if you buy an item in one region and try to get warranty, support on it in another region or whatever, I’ve never been able to wrap. My head around um any rationale for that being anything other than simple, and I I get the accounting of it is – is complicated. If you get back a broken product and send out a new product, you have to reconcile that somehow that shows up on your p. L or whatever else but headquarters, needs to just suck it up and reconcile it for you, like I don’t otherwise that that reflects really poorly on your brand and you suck.

Samsung Needs to Fix This

I just I I don’t get it and it’s something that we’ve seen time and time and time again I don’t care it’s. It’S not my problem that you guys don’t have a service center here. I will happily ship it to wherever your service center is, but you do need to honor the warranty does it have? Does it have your name on it or not? Okay, then you need to fix it um and I mean obviously I’m not talking about counterfeit products here, I’m talking about ones that are not counterfeitable like I. I I’ve talked about this before and I want to give kudos to valve for the way that they’ve handled the couple of issues that I’ve had with my index um. But my initial conversations with them were very frustrating because I wasn’t in a region that was yet authorized to buy the index, and so I had a hard time explaining how I got one and I had a hard time getting warranty service for it.

Samsung Needs to Fix This

I remember, and you know from my point of view – you don’t need proof of purchase, because this product hasn’t even been out long enough for it to have run out of warranty. So none of this is relevant. Just take the shipment and send me a new one. Like it’s, not it’s not complicated at that point, but in their system it is, and so it’s a systemic problem. It’S not because the customer service agent hates you and doesn’t want to help you it’s because they just haven’t put the work into eliminating these roadblocks for customers. It’S frustrating yeah! It’S frustrating! .