Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 3 Review: One Month Later!

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 3 Review: One Month Later!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 3 Review: One Month Later!”.
What’S going on guys, it’s your average consumer and today we’re going to be taking a look at one of samsung’s latest phones, the new samsung galaxy z, flip three. Now, of course, we already covered the galaxy fold. Three, if you guys haven’t seen that video. We put that phone through a real day in the life i’ll, have it linked down below, but we’re not here to talk about that phone that phone’s bigger it’s more expensive, this guy, it’s more compact, less expensive! So let’s talk about what you get when you pick! One of these up before we get started, we got to give a huge shout out to yuffie for sponsoring today’s video. So what we’ve got right here, you guys is yuffie’s robovac x8 with twin turbine technology. Now, what’s special about this, is that, instead of using a single turbine, this thing uses two to increase the airflow up to 80 percent over the previous models, and each turbine has a suction power of 2 000 pascals, making it perfect for homes with furry friends like Dogs or cats, but what i like about the x8 is that it can identify the layout and store multiple floors in your home.

So if you’ve got different places that you want this thing to go, it’ll be able to track everything that it’s got around it map it so that you can use it wherever you want. You can even use the yuffie app to access features like tap and go, which sends the x8 to specific rooms or locations in your home to clean, and it even has cool features like voice controls. And if you guys are interested in checking it out.

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 3 Review: One Month Later!

I’Ll have pre-order links down below in the description definitely check the links in the description if you want to get a pre-order discount, but again huge thanks to yuffie for sponsoring this portion of the video. So obviously, this thing is a yo, i’m kind of matching it today i didn’t do it on purpose jay. This is magic. This is meant to be baby anywho.

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 3 Review: One Month Later!

The z flip 3 is a flip phone flip smartphone. How do you categorize this? But if you remember back in the day, when flip phones used to be a thing, they were amazing to use very fun, especially hanging up on somebody like you. You know you hang up on it.

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 3 Review: One Month Later!

Oh it’s so satisfying banging on something. It was really good, but unfortunately you won’t quite be able to do that on this device. We’Ve got much stronger hinges here.

If you try to do that, one-handed move where you that could have been bad but like that just goes to show you like it. It takes some precision. It takes some strength to do that. There’S no satisfying hang-ups with this phone, but that’s a you know. It’S a good thing to have strong hinges. You don’t want it to be flimsy and shaky when you’re using your phone.

So, if you’re looking to relive some of the old school days, when you could do that, it’s not what you’re going to get here. This has a stronger hinge so that you can go ahead and use this screen in a form factor that we’re already used to. Without the compromise of it being shaky or something like that, but it sure was fun: just um shut up harry, i’m just joking, don’t put that in jay. So what we’re working with here guys is a 6.7 inch display uh it’s a bit of a narrower device.

I think the aspect ratio is like 22 by 9 aspect ratio. So it’s a bit on the longer side. It’S a very tall device. Now it doesn’t feel as narrow as like something like the fold.

Three, where that front screen feels very narrow. This one still feels very comfortable in the hand. It’S still a standard feel now.

My only issue with this being a longer device is the button placement. So we’ve got the power button over here on the right side, as well as the volume controls, but like look how far up these buttons are like. I have to get this phone in a really awkward position in order to kind of use them not a fan of those at all. I feel like if they put it down here at the bottom, that could have been a bit easier for some. You know thumb action, you can hold it like this.

Do the volume controls that would have been a lot nicer, but you do have to like kind of stretch your thumb out or just do some two-handed action now compared to the last z-flip. This is an improved screen. We are getting 120 hertz refresh rate, so that means when you’re going through the phone and you’re navigating it. Everything looks a lot smoother. Of course it’s a samsung phone, so the screen’s going to look good.

The only thing is because it is a flip phone. That means the screen will bend and because of that, you will have a crease. Now is the crease a big deal? It’S one of those things that you get used to.

It seems like a big deal at first when you first get the device you can’t help but notice it, especially when the light hits it a certain way, you’re going to notice that big line going through the screen, but i can promise you it’s kind of like The notch, where, as you use it with more time or even like the little cutout for the camera at the top, you get used to all of that kind of stuff. So over time. If you’re willing to pick this up so that you can get that flip functionality just know that that is the compromise. Only that kind of sucks is when you’re swiping down you do feel it now. One thing to note is: if you pick one of these up, you might notice what looks like a screen protector here now. That is something that samsung has put on here to, of course, protect the screen.

This is a pretty soft screen for it to be able to do the folding thing. Of course they added some hardness to it, so they improved the quality here. But in case you don’t read the manuals, i would definitely suggest not taking it off now. The phone being able to flip brings a whole slew of new features, biggest one being just being able to make it a compact phone. You can throw this thing in your pocket and it’s not a big deal now being able to do. This is great in terms of portability it.

It even makes it a bit safer to throw it in like your back pocket, because you don’t have like this big screen that you could potentially snap. You know you just throw it in here. You can sit on it.

I wouldn’t recommend sitting on it but like i would throw it in my back pocket with a little less fear of doing some serious damage to it. So that is a big big perk portability sit on it ability, i think, is pretty legit now. My only thing is when you sometimes have it in your pocket and you’re, not looking because it’s in like this smaller form factor, there have been plenty of times where i just grab it open it up and it’s like upside down and that that just gets annoying After a while, so you kind of have to start like checking the phone or like checking for buttons, not a big deal, but it happened more times than i expected.

So it’s a thing cases yeah, if you throw. If you get a case on this, you slap one piece here. You slap the other piece there and then you can fold it like that. So if you’re picking up this phone and you’re like i don’t know, if there’s cases out there, their cases exist i’ll have some samsung’s link down below in the description now.

One cool thing that i like about this phone is that samsung has added some extra functionality to it. Even if you do have it closed, so you can see. You’Ve got the cameras here and you’ve also got a screen right next to it. So you’ve got like a nice little oled screen and it can tell you all kinds of information like the time the date battery life. It’S got like six different widgets, so you’ve got music. You’Ve got your alarms, timer, you can add more.

You got the weather schedule and samsung health. I i personally really like that. So, if you’re maybe keeping your phone closed and you’re working on something, you can kind of just see your notifications or if you want, you can see widgets. So we’ve got some nice functionality.

There without having to go in and like open the phone all the way up, you can kind of just peek through with this little screen now. What’S also cool is, if you’ve got it in this mode, you can even double tap the power button. Get access to your cameras, uh the screen acts as a viewfinder, and then you just boom. You know, take a couple shots of the crew.

You know no big deal, but i think this is cool just being able to use the screen and it’s actually not a bad looking screen, it’s actually pretty good uh. These photos come out, i think, in a square shape, but completely usable stuff. Now the cameras they’re pretty decent, i think they’re the same cameras as the previous version, but of course, samsung goes in optimizes. The software tweaks so it’ll get better quality than what you get with the previous version.

But overall it’s the same hardware and just like the fold, these aren’t going to be comparable to something like the galaxy s21 ultra or the s21 line in general, but they definitely get the job done now, of course, since we’re talking about a flippable phone here when You’Re in the camera app, you can actually just take it. Do this and you get access to like a built-in tripod, so you can go ahead prop this down. Take a picture. So that’s cool, but what’s ideal is when you throw a timer on here and then you just so you don’t have to worry about being the camera guy that doesn’t get into the shot.

You can place this down on like a table or something run into the shot and get it look at your boy. It’S a little bit soft, but it’s okay. Now, unfortunately, with this kind of design, you can’t throw like a gigantic battery.

Inside of here, you got 3 300 milliamp hours, which on paper is definitely not a lot so in that four hour range when it comes to actual screen on time. So it’s not ideal, but it’s a small compromise. If you’re trying to get like this kind of form factor and with fast charging, it’s not really that big of a deal i’m only giving it the pass here because come on, look at it! You guys it’s it’s tiny! You know! So i get it! You can’t jam pack gigantic batteries inside of here, and this thing’s still packing the snapdragon 888 processor. So being able to do whatever you expect to do on a smartphone is absolutely possible here, honestly the experience of using a high-end smartphone. You get it all here, minus some things like the camera and the battery life, but for the most part anything that you’d want to do on here, you’re completely capable of uh.

One thing also is when you’re watching content because you’ve got like you know this longer screen. So if you pull up some content, let’s check it out so right here. What the austin season controversy all right check that out later all right, but look you see so you’ve got these wider black bezels, something to keep in mind um. So when you’re watching content, it’s still fine, but you will have some of that.

You can zoom in. If you’d like, but it crops in quite a bit so we’ll see the top of austin’s head, how much space he has zoom in we lose some hair. But when it comes to the actual speakers on these, they sound pretty solid. So you don’t have to worry about the form factor having an impact on that.

It still sounds really good. Now, something else that this form factor introduces is dust and lint that kind of stuff when you’ve got this guy chilling in your pocket. For you know a couple hours whatever, however long it is that you’re sitting in your pocket, you will end up seeing, like you know some specks, some dirt, some stuff that you’re going to want to wipe off it’s kind of the same with the fold.

You know you keep that stuff in your pocket, lint and dust they’re going to accumulate inside of here. You might find yourself kind of wiping it down every now and then going like this. It comes with the shape of these phones um, but it is something to keep in mind if that’s gon na annoy you always having to like just be mindful. Overall, though, i think this is a pretty solid phone, if you really want this form factor, if you want to relive the glory days of picking up a phone call by just going like that, that’s not as easy as you think you can’t just one like flick. It open, you know, i kind of i know we talked about this already. You can’t just do that to answer a call, though you got ta, throw it back and when you throw it back like that, you might mess up your hinge, so i don’t recommend it.

But you know if you want to relive those glory days of having like a foldable device, something that can get small and compact and put away. You can go ahead and pick this up. It’S not a bad buy and it comes in at a reasonable price.

I mean we’re calling a thousand bucks reasonable at this point uh, but that is what we’re seeing with a lot of you know flagship smartphones these days, but that about wraps up for this video guys. Hopefully you enjoyed it. Hopefully this was helpful, gave you some insight into what it’s like to have, like. You know, a foldable phone and what compromises and strengths that you get from it uh.

But if you enjoyed it, please be the cool guy or girl that gives this video a thumbs up and we’ll catch you guys in the next one till. Then it’s your average consumer peace. You guys ever own a flip phone, really both of you surprising that you have in the car .