Samsung Galaxy SIII Impressions!

Samsung Galaxy SIII Impressions!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Samsung Galaxy SIII Impressions!”.
The samsung galaxy s3 has been in-house for a little bit now and my experience has been very positive so far. Actually this is a device that samsung has made a big deal out of, and it’s just about the most highly anticipated android handset of the entire year. 2012, so without any further ado, here are my brief. First impressions now i say brief first impressions because i’m actually going to new york today june 19th to attend the launch event for the us version of this phone. So let me know what you guys want to see about the phone. You know battery life, long term durability. You know all kinds of stuff. Let me know in the comment section below the like button on this video and i will go ahead and do my best to show you all these things, but we can start on the outside of this phone and right off the bat. It kind of reminds me of the curves of the magic mouse. I might be the only one who thinks that, but it definitely has that reminder in my head every time i look at it, it’s just in the same footprint as the galaxy nexus. Actually, even though it has a larger 4.8 inch display and it’s a little bit thinner and a little bit lighter as well at the bottom. This is one of the unique things about this: there’s a capacitive menu button and a back button that are invisible unless you’re using the phone and there’s a physical home button in the middle. I actually really like this layout, especially with the menu button there. It just looks really clean, i like it and you can control how long these buttons stay lit and when they turn are visible in the settings and when they’re off they’re actually invisible, like you can’t tell that they’re there. If you didn’t know it just looks so clean, very, very classy, i like it and of course the main star of the show here is performance. The galaxy s3 is literally one of the best spec lineups of any smartphone to date, and it shows now there is touchwiz on top and there is plenty of samsung in your face and you can tell right from the unlock screen.

But i can show you some ways to get out of that in the full review. But overall, i’ve been very happy with the general performance of the galaxy s3 touch response, especially, is excellent. It’S probably the best of any android device next to the galaxy nexus, and this is something samsung does really well your finger glides across the glass, and it absolutely keeps up with everything which is awesome.

Samsung Galaxy SIII Impressions!

Now there will be some very heavy. You know heavy gaming and some really crazy stuff done in the full review. Just so you guys know, but just just know that this is absolutely a monster on paper and this absolutely takes over benchmarks.

Samsung Galaxy SIII Impressions!

Like no other phone i have ever seen. It just destroys some benchmarks and also this isn’t a nexus device. So there’s going to be some pre-installed samsung stuff here and there, for example, samsung replaces the google calendar app with something called s, planner stuff like that, and it bothered me at first as an android sort of purist, but i’ll accept the added features i kind of Like them from samsung, they’re, actually kind of nice, so overall, this is clearly an exciting device and i’m looking forward to testing every single aspect of its hardware and software.

Samsung Galaxy SIII Impressions!

So, hopefully your help and your comments. We can cover everything either way. Thank you for watching subscribe. If you haven’t already to watch the full review when that comes out soon, and i will talk to you guys later peace, you .