Samsung Galaxy S III Design: Explained!

Samsung Galaxy S III Design: Explained!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Samsung Galaxy S III Design: Explained!”.
Hey, what’s up guys mkbhd here and today we’re going to be taking a look at the samsung galaxy s3’s design. If you didn’t already know the samsung galaxy s3 was recently released the other day it has a quad-core processor, it’s running android 4.0 with touchwiz. On top. It’S got a huge 4.8 inch display it’s a beautiful device in a lot of ways, but the thing that people are talking about the most is the way it looks. Actually, a lot of people think it looks really bad.

Now i’m going to reserve my own personal judgments about how it looks and how it feels in the hand for the day that i’m actually holding it, and hopefully i can give you guys a full review so thumbs up. If you want to see that, but until then, let’s go ahead and give you what i found to be a pretty interesting analysis of why it looks the way it does, you can thank apple for this one. Let’S take a closer look. This is probably an image. You’Ve seen on the internet before, on april 18th, 2011 apple sued samsung for the galaxy s1 looking too much like their iphone, and this is what they sued samsung for copying word for word: a rectangular product shape with all four corners uniformly rounded the front surface of The product being dominated by a screen with black borders as to the iphone and ipod touch products, substantial black borders above and below the screen, having roughly equal width and narrower black borders on either side of the screen. Having roughly equal width.

Samsung Galaxy S III Design: Explained!

A display of a grid of colorful icons with uniformly rounded corners and a bottom row of square icons set from the other icons that do not change, as the pages of the interface are viewed. So let’s break these down one by one. So now it’s 2012 and the samsung galaxy s3 has been revealed and you can see the work of samsung lawyers just crawling all over this device, starting with the rectangular product shape. You can see that samsung has clearly made it more of an oval.

Samsung Galaxy S III Design: Explained!

Definitely not the rectangle that the iphone is and the corners aren’t even uniformly rounded anymore. The bottom corners are tighter than the top corners of this device, and apple also mentioned the front being dominated by a screen with the black borders ha not so here, no black borders here, just pebble blue and marble white. Nothing to see here and what’s that apple also said that their top and bottom borders have equal width. Samsung lawyers said we got this and they gave it a chin what’s good and they also mentioned that apple had colorful square icons. So you may have noticed the newest version of touchwiz has done away with those icon backgrounds that made them all square and colorful and that row of square icons that stays persistent at the bottom. That apple calls a dock that is gone too in touchwiz so boom.

Samsung Galaxy S III Design: Explained!

There you have it the samsung galaxy s3 designed by lawyers in california, so there you go guys. That’S the explanation now you know go ahead and give it a thumbs up. If you learned something so yeah, what do you guys think of the new galaxy f3 design? Personally, like i said at the beginning, i kind of want to wait till i get my hands on the device before i judge it. So hopefully, when we have that full review i’ll be able to tell you guys exactly how it looks and feels in the hand uh but yeah that other company you know make sure you share this video, so people actually know what to be complaining about.

Maybe you don’t want to complain to samsung as much as you want to complain to that other company. I mean rectangular devices really either way like. I said thanks for watching this video. I appreciate it if you like the rest of my videos or other videos in this series.

Let me know and go ahead and subscribe. If you haven’t already and i’ll talk to you guys in the next article peace, you .