Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Samsung Galaxy Note 2 Gaming Test HD”.
Okay, hi youtube: this is going to be a quick gaming review on the samsung galaxy note 2.. So i’ve been using this phone for a few days now, and i’ve been thoroughly impressed every single game. I’Ve tried runs at a constant 60 frames per second and looks really nice. Let’S turn the volume down a little bit. This game here is beach, buggy blitz, it’s optimized for nvidia tegra, but runs more than well on this phone.
It’S a kind of arcade racer where you just go around collecting coins, you go through checkpoints and um, just try and last as long as you can and collect the coins to buy upgrades simple. But you know good formula. It looks gorgeous on the um. You know the hd display the super amoled.
You know really nice bright, vivid colors as you can see, and it’s also very sharp it’s running at full, the full native resolution. It looks very nice yep and you get the idea so the next game i’ll show you is great, big walking. This is a fairly new game on the android market. It’S a strategy, game and um, it’s actually more demanding than you might think. So again. This runs very smoothly for the most part when you sort of you’re commanding a um, a troop of soldiers, and you just basically got ta capture the enemy base and missions get progressively more difficult. This is the very first one, so not too much challenge here but um. If you’re into strategy games.
I can’t recommend it more really. It’S very thorough investment. To be honest, so it’s about a pound and you get a you know, tens of hours of gameplay. For that, and as you can see, you know it runs very smoothly and it’s a joy to play on the large display.
It really does enhance almost any every basic functionality of the phone, and you know if you’ve got fairly big hands that it’s more than you know workable. It’S not it’s not so big that it won’t fit into your pocket or you can’t hold it properly. Um. Compared to the note the original galaxy note, it’s been um uh. Well, the design’s been uh, you know edited, and so it’s a lot more streamlined. As you can see, it’s very thin and they’ve made it, so it’s got the right curve, so it does fit in your hand.
Well, it can be tricky to type with one hand, and you know it’s very difficult to reach from one corner to corner, but when you’re holding with two hands, you know it’s more than fine typing and stuff like that. You know it’s. Fine, okay, so we’ll have a quick go at modern combat 3.. This is a game from gameloft.
I know nobody likes them, but um. I think it’s a fairly good benchmark now. Gameloft are notorious for not optimizing their games for certain devices, but uh i’d say it’s fairly well optimized for this device, because it runs well hostels hurry. So it runs at a full 60 frames per second yet again and it’s a joy to play on the large screen means your fingers don’t get too much in the way of um when you’re touching the on-screen buttons. So you can still very clearly see what you’re, what you’re trying to shoot.
It’S very call of duty. Like experience, captain turner. This is kelly. We have the intel copy that procedure extraction. They had no idea get out of the building uh.
Let me just get a checkpoint, let’s exit that um. Just to conclude, we’ll have a quick look at the um, the video playback on this device, sony’s uh loaded, a um sort of a demo, video which you know shows the abilities of the devices display and you get the idea really fantastic device for video playback. It looks absolutely stunning it’s better than any phone i’ve ever seen before and better probably than watching on most computers. You know it’s got a a very high resolution. Super amoled hd display.
So it really is a pleasure to to watch videos and play games on and yeah it’s a great multimedia device. The speakers are also very, very nice, so that’s it from me thanks for watching rate, subscribe comment and like and check out my other videos. .