Samsung Galaxy Fold – NEW Hands On Footage

Samsung Galaxy Fold - NEW Hands On Footage

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Samsung Galaxy Fold – NEW Hands On Footage”.
Another day and another development in the almost unbelievable folding smartphone saga, there are two big players right now, of course, Huawei with the mate X device. I said I was excited about it. I said I was even maybe marginally more excited for it than the Samsung Galaxy fold, but then, of course, Samsung had to go and release a brand new video brand new footage of the Galaxy fold, and I was like. Maybe should i reconsider my position on excitement on how much excitement I have for each of the two products go ahead.

Willie do roll the clip. This thing looks fresh. This thing looks slick. So, of course, we’ve talked about it in the past. Samsung has taken an unusual, maybe an unexpected approach to the folding phone situation and they showed this off in the keynote in a limited fashion.

Samsung Galaxy Fold - NEW Hands On Footage

But now there’s this new footage out. There showcasing the design spinning around showing the hinge and, more importantly, showing the difference between the external screen when the device is folded and the larger one when it’s unfolded, and this video right here may have just changed my mind on which of the two folding smartphones Is going to be the one to get after all, the fold is the cheaper of the two devices. This one is said to retail, for what was it will 1980 1980, not cheap by any means, but quite a bit cheaper than what Huawei suggested for their mate X, folding phone? So here you can see some different colors of the device, and it also includes this. A wireless shared charging similar to what’s been showcased on the s10 s10 plus you can see the galaxy fold charging up the earbuds, the new Galaxy buds, as well as the watch and here’s the device folding and unfolding now.

Samsung Galaxy Fold - NEW Hands On Footage

One thing I noticed in this extended footage that’s available to us now for the Galaxy fold is that you can’t see in any of the images any kind of crease where the device folds over now. This might have to do with the fact that the phone bow in words instead of around back, like is happening with the may X. So I watched a few more video clips on the mate X and noticed that you can see a bit of a wrinkle where the hinge portion is.

Samsung Galaxy Fold - NEW Hands On Footage

I don’t know how big of an issue that’s gon na be, but it doesn’t look to be present when you’re, watching these more detailed video clips of the Samsung Galaxy fold now something to keep in mind the Huawei clips that are out there, some of them user Generated in weirdly lit environments on a show floor at MWC. This clip right here comes from samsung themselves, so maybe they were very careful about how to showcase their particular device, and maybe they were able to avoid the look of a crease in the center comparative to the huawei mate X. So what you’re? Taking a look at here in this portion of the clip they’re showcasing how an app can transition from the clamshell form factor back up to the full screen, tablet, ish mode and it’s. It seems pretty seamless, at least in this clip again coming from Samsung. But the experience it looks pretty seamless and the overwhelming feeling looking at this device in this context in this article is that this one just feels a lot more like a finished product now granted there are compromises that I talked about: Indy mate X, video, the biggest Being that in the clamshell mode, you have a relatively small display with bezels a chin and a forehead, but somehow the narrowness of the device.

The the overall package, when you see it being held it just feels like it kind of makes sense. Yes, it’s a version. One, but I have to say after looking at the more extended footage it has amped up my excitement even further for the Galaxy fold. I do believe it will be the more polished of the two products once they do become commercially available and I’m starting to think that this device might even be more popular than originally expected.

You can see here they’re showcasing a quick demo of a video conference where the extra screen real estate can be utilized. Of course, gaming is another area that I think people will be interested in. Instagram is an interesting example of how you can have a totally different experience than what you’re used to on a phone with an app that you’re already familiar with. I’M sure we’re gon na see more of this before the device actually launches.

We still have questions. I still have questions it’s a folding phone, it’s expensive! Is it gon na be for everyone? How many units can they possibly move, and is the implementation going to be compelling enough when I finally get my hands on it? Of course, you’re gon na find out here on the channel, but I have to say I have to see in this clip right here – can even more hyped up, I’m getting even more excited. This is the kind of tech that I signed up for. This is the future, I’m feeling it it’s looking good.
