Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “RTX IS HERE”.
What’S the intro again, hey, there’s no intro today, but on to the tech news. Well, it’s been a long October for Microsoft, but the Windows 10 October update is finally coming out again, but it’s halfway through November. You might say and you’d be right. You always were the smart one and if you didn’t know, Microsoft did release the update in October initially, but pulled it after a deleted users, files which we talked about in this tech length episode. Now. Those issues have apparently been resolved and fixed and users who have their systems set to automatically update immediately, should be getting the update. The new update first with a wider rollout following some time later, the update brings with it a dark theme for the file explorer.

The your phone app that lets you interact with your phone from your desktop clipboard history, so you’ll have an entire timeline of things saved to your clipboard and more so it looks like Windows. 10 is actually getting some pretty cool stuff, hopefully it’ll. Let us keep our data this time. It’S not too much to ask either. Could I just have it? Can I get it in the Vidya made a pretty big deal about ray-tracing when they launched their r-tx graphics cards, but the actual feature was nowhere to be found until now. The windows October update, which we just talked a bunch about aka Windows, 10 1809, also brings with it support for DirectX ray-tracing aka DXR, which is now enabled in battlefield 5.

The game so are the brand new sparkly graphics, life-changing after all, well they’re, certainly frame rate. Changing as early performance tests by techpowerup and guru, 3d show ray tracing, cutting the games, fps and half-god. Now there are, there are levels of DXR.

You can enable low medium high and ultra, but with DX our ultra, the top-end RT x 28 ET. I barely manages to hit 60fps at 1080p. That’S the world’s most powerful gaming card. Here’S hoping that performance improves with a bit of good old fashioned optimization, but I think it’s fair to say that if this is what ray-tracing looks like, I think I’m fine living a bit more of my life without it we’ll see how my life goes, though. I need it, you never know all this r-tx nonsense has really put some pressure on AMD.

However, to come up with a similar graphic solution involving ray-tracing well AMD’s senior. Vice president of engineering, David Wang has given an interview stating that the company is in fact focused on other priorities. For the time being, however, Wang also said that AMD will definitely respond to NVIDIA and Microsoft’s ray-tracing technology eventually, but it won’t be a mainstream phenomenon until some form of the tech is offered on the entire range of GPUs from the low end to the high end And you know what I think he’s got a point, it’s hard for me to get excited about our TX when a it’s, arguably a subtle difference in graphical quality there I said it out loud and B: it only runs at 1080p 60 on the high as dad Graphics card, I’m still mad time for their quick beats, brought to you by honey, honey. It’S the free shopping tool that finds the best promo codes whenever you shop online at specific sites, but how much money can you save turns out? Those of you who have already downloaded honey from the LMG link have already saved over a hundred grand in the past few months.

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That’S kind of cool, though how’d they do it magic trick. That’S technically pretty impressive and an iPhone 10 owner has updated their device to iOS 12.1 only to get a bit of a rude surprise in return. After plugging the phone in during the update, the owner said his iPhone started smoking and exploded.


That’S what you get for smoking Apple has responded, saying that this is definitely not expected behavior. I should hope not that we didn’t plan for that. You know what I’m actually surprised: they even admitted that they didn’t just own it. Well, we’re courageous, our phones are lit, phones are fired, so you say you love the 3.5 millimeter headphone jack.


You say you’re sad about it disappearing from phones yeah. Will you prove your love for it by purchasing a $ 150 headphone jack adapter? Well, that’s what essential is offering for the essential phone. It’S got an audio DAC and an amp inside, but still a 150 bucks to show the world you’re serious about using that dang Jack God buy it. You hypocrites, ah, who owns project Phi, has continued to prove itself as probably the best mobile network provider, by adding an always-on VPN to the service that will operate on both Wi-Fi and LTE project Phi.

If you can get it, you probably should that should be their slogan, if, if you can get it yeah, you probably should, and by now Nintendo Sony and Sega are all releasing classic meanie versions of their old consoles. So why should pc be left out? A company called unity is asking the same questions as has developed a tiny unit, they’re calling that pc classic it will run floppy disks, aka SD cards and will have HDMI and composite video ports, and today November 14th is now officially the day or in the classic. Console trend jump the shark, we did it and now it’s time for this episode to end Before we jump the shark subscribe for more tech news, because we’ll be back on Friday and trust me, I got a good feeling about it. Guys shark jumped see ya shark.


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