RTX 3080Ti – Underpowered. Overpriced. Out of Stock.

RTX 3080Ti - Underpowered. Overpriced. Out of Stock.

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “RTX 3080Ti – Underpowered. Overpriced. Out of Stock.”.
Okay, so check it out. The RTX 3080Ti.. I’Ve got it here in my hand, but I think that many users out there, including myself, are going to be pretty disappointed with this release. And I’m here to tell you why..

So, let’s just jump right in and talk tech. ( upbeat, music ). Did you just build yourself, a brand new PC, Or did you just upgrade your old PC but find you’re in need of a Windows? 10 key? If that’s the case, URcdkey has you covered. And buying it’s never been easier.. All you do is go to the URcdkey website find the Windows software that you want to buy. Put it into your cart, enter the code. Tot20 apply the code, save yourself some extra money.

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But I do have a lot of key points that I want to talk to you guys about this particular card., Because there are just some things about it: that I’m not the kind of side who has enough clout to really go, and you know kick Nvidia squarely In the balls and expect them to keep sampling me., But I can also neither like say really great things from what I’ve been reading about this particular card.. Now all my testing and stuff I’m going to do this weekend, but I don’t really see how it’s gon na be much different than anybody else’s testing.. So, first of all, let’s just talk some things about the card.. So when the 3080 came out, it was about $ 700 coming to the market.. This particular card is $ 1,200. $ 1,200.. Now I’ve watched a bunch of reviews from a lot of different people around the web., And one thing that is definitely being shown is that this particular card is only at the absolute maximum fastest about 13 % faster than a 3080. Okay., 13 %. Mostly, it seems like it’s between two and 5 % faster than a 3080.. Now that in itself wouldn’t be such a bad thing..

But the problem is, however, is that this card is costing 70 % more than a 3080., So a 3080Ti that you’re only getting about 13 % at the max 5 %. You know is the general for almost double the cost.. I just can’t really honestly, as a reviewer recommend this card to people to go buy at that particular price point. I mean if you’re going to pay almost double for a card, then that card should have a lot more performance value than what we’re seeing in the Benchmarks around the web.

Seriously at least 50 % more, if you’re gon na pay, almost double. You’re, basically paying like hundreds and hundreds of dollars for just a few frames per second more on the card.. Now, with the 3090, with the 20 gigabytes of RAM that were on it versus the 12 gigabytes of RAM that are on this particular card, I mean you could do a lot of different things.. You could either be rendering stuff or you could be. You know using it to work with 3D imaging type of software and stuff like that., But with a 12 gigabyte card, you’re gon na be sacrificing quite a bit., So you’ve got this card now, that’s not quite a 3090, which honestly I mean most reviewers out there, Including myself really never recommended this as a pure gaming card., It played games sure., But at the cost and everything that it was geared for it really wasn’t per se a gaming card..

It fell into the gaming series, but it was a card more made for workstation and that type of stuff. And that card is honestly going for phenomenal prices as we see across the board. Plus.

RTX 3080Ti - Underpowered. Overpriced. Out of Stock.

Here’S the other issue right now.. If we were in any other type of environment than the one that we’re in right now, I don’t really see how Nvidia would really even have the balls to charge $ 1,200 for a card. That’S just not that faster than the 3080..

I mean that to me is, what’s really the most mind, boggling thing and what kind of got me to just kind of like hang back hold on to my card and go “? Well, you know. Maybe I should just wait a few days and see what happens.”, Because what I’m seeing so far is once again there’s no stock.. So you’ve got a card. That’S very expensive.! There’S no stock.! Oh, I mean the box is smaller, however, than the previous generation box. I will say: that.

The box got smaller. The card. However, from other reviews that you guys have seen it looks exactly the same pretty much as the previous generation cards.. All of the same features, DLSS Ansel..

All the things that have to do with any Nvidia card are all still there.. The thing is how many people are going to want to shell out $ 1,200 for a card. That’S barely faster than their $ 700 variant. Now that’s a very important factor because when you take in you know the cost ratio versus performance, I’m just not seeing the 3080Ti fall within that category whatsoever., And I think that a lot of reviewers out there around the world actually feel the same way about this.

Particular product., I mean it’s just crazy., Let’s just face it. I mean if the card would have come to market at maybe a couple of hundred dollars, more even like say $ 999. I don’t think they’d be getting so much flack as a card coming to market. At $ 1,200. Now the other thing is, we all know how this market has gotten lately..

We all know how it’s gotten., The cards will come out, the scalpers will grabbing them., The miners will grab them., We’ll all be just holding our head going “. Oh my God. Can I even get ahold of a card ?” And then you’re gon na see them on eBay selling for like 25 to $ 3,000., And that’s pretty much how the trend has been.? Now, I’m not really sure if Nvidia is just trying to play the middleman and their own cards figuring, you know, hey, you know, all kinds of other people are gon na collect the money on this..

So why should we not? But I don’t really think that Nvidia should really be doing that. I mean Nvidia has so far said that they’re trying to support the gaming community, but with things like this, it’s hard really to see that. And I’m going to be honest with you.

I have a lot of friends who work in Nvidia.. There are people there who I respect and love who I’ve been friends with for many years., But even for me, when I got the card looked at all the reviews on launch day looked at the pricing and everything after the event, I was just like.’Cause. I just don’t really, I just don’t really see the logic behind it.

This card should have been cheaper for one thing. Availability. I mean I can’t really totally target Nvidia as a target for availability, because you know it’s not their fault. The pandemic came around., There’s. So many people who are at home just you know wanting to game. – That’s not really their fault, but the thought process on this particular card and it’s release to me is not something that I would really think that it’s something they should really be doing at all.

$ 1,200 not much availability, 70 % higher cost than the previous generation card, with only 13 % maximum value. As far as the performance goes., I mean, do you guys really want to see a bunch of more graphs with numbers on them? I mean the fan. Signature is the same according to other sites.. The card is quiet only when you overclock it when the fan speeds up, does it make any noise.? This is the same thing. We’Ve seen in all the other cards that have come out in the RTX series., So nothing’s really changed there. The only thing we’re seeing is 12 gigabytes of RAM GDDR6X memory, a little bit of a faster clock, speed and a price.

That’S nearly double what the previous generation was., I don’t know.. What do you guys think? Do you guys think Nvidia really dropped the ball on this particular launch, especially with the pricing. I feel that they have on this particular card.. Now other launches are coming up..

Hopefully they won’t see such a drastic. I don’t know variance.. I guess it’s the word, I’m looking for a drastic. I don’t know. Drastic I’ll, just use that word. Drastic.

RTX 3080Ti - Underpowered. Overpriced. Out of Stock.

It fits right. It’S drastically overpriced, drastically underpowered and drastically. Not in stock.. I mean really, I mean. Do you guys really want to see more and more reviews on cars that you can’t get that are really overpriced and not what the market’s wanting? I don’t think you do. And that’s why I kind of waited on my video and just wanted to give you guys.

My particular take on this particular launch.. I feel that the 2080Ti launch at this point, even though for Nvidia it probably won’t be a fail because there’s no cards out there, so people are gon na pay, this price anyways and buy the cards., But I don’t think it’s a good thing or a good Face to put onto your public to be like this., And this is the really the very first time I felt so strongly about any Nvidia release in this negative of a fashion.. Usually I can be like “, Oh well, okay.. The card is really really fast or it’s this or it’s that or it’s that.”, But I can’t find anything with this particular launch..

RTX 3080Ti - Underpowered. Overpriced. Out of Stock.

So therefore, I didn’t really feel like going through all the hoops just to bring you guys the same information about this little card right here, that’s out there all over the net, ( Elric whining ). So I don’t know.. What do you guys think? Do you guys want me to full on blown test this thing and show you guys a bunch of graphs just to hear the benchmark song? I mean I’m down. Or after watching all these other reviews out there on the net.

Do you guys agree with my opinion that this card is overpriced, underpowered and out of stock? What more is there really to say about that, Because my job as a reviewer is to bring you guys results so that you can go out and make a buying decision., And I cannot recommend this card as a gamer to any of my fellow gamers, because of The price performance and everything else., So that’s all I’m gon na say about this particular card. Peace out.. If you want to see the full review, you want me to do all that stuff and then see the benchmarks. Hey leave a comment down below I’m willing to go through all the hoops., But as it is right now, I’m kind of waiting for the next release and hoping that it’s a little bit better than this one.. Like usual, I will have the links down: below. Hey! If you like, what you see on the site, then hey, please sub and hit that little notifications, bell.

And you’ll, see me making more videos’cause I’m going to try to make more videos this month than I’ve made in a long time., Even though I’m in a wheelchair, I’M sick. I even had surgery on my foot this morning, so I was throwing up all day, long. Just even getting in front of the camera. This was like a strain I kept going: “ Okay.! Okay, am I gon na stop throwing up long enough to do this ?”, But I was able to..

So let me know your opinions., You guys are the audience.. I appreciate you.. Do you guys agree Just bringing one more review about this card when there’s already so many out there? I don’t find it’s necessary, because I can already pretty much tell you what’s up with it just from everything I’ve seen.. Do you agree? Let me know. Peace, out., (, upbeat, music, ), .