Robots vs Androids as Fast As Possible

Robots vs Androids as Fast As Possible

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Robots vs Androids as Fast As Possible”.
When you think of a robot, a lot of things might come to mind: Rosie the maid from the Jetsons r2d2 from Star Wars or the entire Gundam series for the anime fans out there. But even though these might all seem like far flung pipe dreams, there are robots out there right now. That can, at least to some degree serve many of the same functions. But how exactly do real robots stack up to their sci-fi counterparts and what different kinds are there well to answer that it helps to understand how the heck real robots do, what they do. Most modern robots are self operating physical machines that use either computer programs or hardwired circuitry to perform tasks, but this hasn’t always been the case. In fact, older robots often called automata have actually been around for centuries. The ancient Greeks developed the world’s oldest-known analog computer.

That used a complex system of gears to determine the positions of the stars later on. People started developing automata purely for amusement things like fountains mechanical animals and even robotic musical ensembles that could automatically play instruments and thanks to power from steam, water or even just wait. This kind of stuff could operate well before electrical power became widespread, but once everyone started plugging things in during the first half of the 20th century, modern robotics developed more or less alongside digital electronics. This meant that suddenly you had robots that could be programmed in much the same way that computers can, instead of being hardwired, to do only one thing: this allowed robots to become deployed to do all sorts of stuff.

That was once only the realm of science fiction. We now have everything from massive mechanical arms that can build cars with more precision than a human could ever hope to the humble Roomba to make vacuuming a thing of the past and even battle droids. That can keep soldiers out of hazardous situations and hopefully, at some point, just fight the wars entirely amongst themselves and leave the humans out of it. Speaking of fighting, though, that stuff I said about Gundam in the intro, might actually be a heck of a lot closer to reality than I let on a Gundam is specifically designed in a somewhat realist.

Manor is a core idea and it was a big part of the inspiration for an upcoming real-world battle between robot designers from the USA in Japan. In 2016, rival robotics companies from the two countries are deploying to piloted robots that make everything you saw on battle bots. Although that was a super cool show, look like toys, not only will the competition feature gigantic cannons and guns, but we’ll also see some melee combat which make there’s something like a cross between mech warrior and MMA, but other than futuristic gladiatorial sports. What’S down the road in the field of Robotics? Well, a lot of progress has been made lately on androids or droids.

Robots vs Androids as Fast As Possible

For short, these are robots that are designed to look and, to some degree act like humans, so c-3po with his gold plating doesn’t quite count, but one korean company has actually developed a female android already, who not only looks like a human but can sing simulate emotions And act annoyed if you try to bother her and beyond just showing a handful of emotions. Google has recently patented certain methods for robot personality development, possibly allowing people to do things like hang out with their favorite celebrities or long past, friends and relatives. So, even though, all of this might plant fears in the back of some people’s minds of a robot apocalypse, you may also be heading towards a reality. That’S even stranger and cooler than fiction. That is to say if the human race survives, the point where dating robots becomes cheaper than dating other humans and on the subject of dating you ever work on like a a project as a freelance worker or contractor and not remember which days you worked and how Much you were billing and what expenses there were well, you should probably try out fresh books. We’Ve got a link in the video description.

Robots vs Androids as Fast As Possible

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