Robots Aren’t Crazy Enough to be Race Car Drivers

Robots Aren’t Crazy Enough to be Race Car Drivers

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Robots Aren’t Crazy Enough to be Race Car Drivers”.
The Abu Dhabi autonomous Racing League, the world’s first Racing League, featuring self-driving formula race cars, held two races. This weekend, the first featured only self-driving race cars, while the second had self-driving cars compete against human drivers. Okay, that’s interesting. The qualifying time trials prior to the race wound up being chaotic, with the automatic race car struggling to finish a lap and occasionally randomly jerking as if dodging an invisible obstruction. That’S actually weird multiple cars spun out and at least one hit a wall did they not test this? At all. I hear from the article here’s from the article on the verge uh watch this car, W, hey, hey, hey how you doing um huh. This is great hold on you’re about to watch a car turn into a wall. I think yeah Li, that car is still a car. It didn’t turn into a wall – oh my goodness, misleading misleading The Verge, misleading, bad content, the qualifying or sorry during the race.

The leading car spun out the second car passed, but an official threw a yellow flag. The other cars got confused and stopped behind the stalled car as during a caution lap. Cars are not allowed to pass each other. The autonomous cars were slow, especially around corners and seem to get confused by the smoke from other vehicles. Oh one, car misjudged, another car’s break and rear ended it. This sounds like a very expensive hobby. Yeah yeah jfke keeper over on uh in the Virgin comment, says people only watch F1 for when things go wrong.

Robots Aren’t Crazy Enough to be Race Car Drivers

So I don’t see anything bad about this. Stons dude they’re going to make so much money, so many things wrong with so many layers. That’S amazing! All of the sponsors are just insurance companies there’s a lot of AI driven cars on the road. This could be you what you’re watching right now, inj by Tesla, all the traditional automakers, all the traditional automakers, who have who have paused their Investments and autonomous driving just putting it all into this. To make like Tesla, look bad make people scared! Oh that’s so funny! This is amazing, uh, I think that’s mostly it there’s some discussion questions.

Robots Aren’t Crazy Enough to be Race Car Drivers

What’S the likely difference between programming, a car to navigate a City versus programming it to complete a race honestly, I don’t know enough about this to really comment on that. But for me it’s not necessarily the because the predictability of the track, theoretically is a huge, should be very high, huge Advantage. Even if you are using Machine Vision, which you would have to be doing in order to avoid obstacles or other vehicles, um knowing the the basic parameters is an enormous Advantage. However, the speed at which things are happening and the relatively speaking lack of clear rules like on a on a public Street, this sign means everyone should behave in in this predictable manner, whereas on this track, oh I see.

Robots Aren’t Crazy Enough to be Race Car Drivers

Okay, it’s well get there. First yeah right and obviously they’re going to program in some rules because they don’t want their expensive machines to just get exploded, randomly tur and drive into walls. But I mean we’ve absolutely speaking of randomly turning to the left, um and driving into walls uh, let’s uh yeah.

This thing, like racing all comes down to you know your your risk to reward tolerance right. So this is. This is one of the most I’m not into racing, but this is one of the most amazing moments in race history.

What is this um? You game, move yeah hold on. Let me see if I can find the so Buddy’s way behind uh hold on where’s. My oh man where’s my retention, this sick thing, carbon someone did this in real life. Yeah someone did it so he goes around the outside of the track at ripping, speed and ends up yeah ends up advancing, just like that’s so sick, scraping along the edge.

That is so sick, yeah, I’m trying to man there did he do this because of some form of malfunction, or did he just do this with a fully working car and no man he was just behind? He just went for and he’s like yeah I’m I’m just going to send it um man there’s a way better view of it, though okay hold on hold on here. It is here it is here. It is so you can see him on the outside. There surprised there’s a there’s, a way better view of this, but it worked shockingly well man. Why is why? Is this video trash? Well anyway? Yeah, I can’t find it but uh yeah, unbelievable. Apparently, it’s now banned yeah makes sense hate for anything interesting to happen.

In all seriousness, though, that is crazy, dangerous and nobody should be doing that. Okay, here we go here, we go here, we’ve got. This is a dash cam! Here’S a dash cam! Yes, on that, one Dan look at him go see you later buddy wow, so even with all the friction, yeah passes passes like six cars in the corner: wow yeah, absolutely wild. But, like I don’t know, man like a machine can’t run that risk how’s it going to make that decision. How’S it going to Crea that very few people do that.

I think that’s true. He apparently pulled eight [ Laughter, ] G’s, wow wow. I wonder what kind of chances there were for him to just like break his car.

Doing that loer says I a fan and watched it live. He literally just tried a video game move like he used on PlayStation, not helping not helping .