Revealing the New Setup for Subscriber! – Setup Makeover

Revealing the New Setup for Subscriber! - Setup Makeover

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Revealing the New Setup for Subscriber! – Setup Makeover”.
Hey guys before I begin the finale, I want to give a huge thanks to wargaming for sponsoring this episode and giving me the opportunity to try out their awesome game world of warships. It’S an online game that combines action and strategic gameplay in a world of warships. Hence the name of the game: you get to command a massive naval fleet featuring some of the history’s most iconic war vessels and you get to team up with six other players for an insane seven-on-seven battle in the ocean. Everything from the sound effects to the graphics are done very well and a require strategy to beat the opposing team since launch. They have over 200 ships across 8 different nations and you can choose from up to 4 different classes of ships and upgrade them as you.

Progress through the game or gaming currently has over 7 million players worldwide and their game. World of warships is free-to-play, but just for my subscribers watching I’m gon na hook, you guys up with some awesome rewards that includes a million credits, a premium ship and more a fee download the game. Using my link below you, [ Applause ]. So we made it to Phillips house around 1:00 p.m. and we didn’t waste any time we started to remove his old crappy desk so that I can build him a new setup. This was obviously the first time I’ve built a setup from scratch in someone else’s house.

Revealing the New Setup for Subscriber! - Setup Makeover

So I was kind of worried about a few things. You know I was worried about not finishing on time. I was worried about damaging his wall. I was also worried about the setup. Looking like crap in the end. You know it’s one thing to design it and see it on paper and it’s another thing to actually build it and see it in person all right.

Revealing the New Setup for Subscriber! - Setup Makeover

So basically, this is the wall we’re gon na be working with. This is where we put in the setup together and already we’re coming across our first issue and we haven’t even begun, so the table top we’re gon na be using is actually 74 inches wide, but upon further investigating, I don’t think, there’s gon na be plenty of Or enough space to put that on there, because the tabletop comes all the way up here and it’s gon na cover up the third drawer, there’s gon na be one Alex you’re specifically used to hold the PC and then two other Alex yours. That I give me the support for an entire desk, so unfortunately, we’re gon na have to cut off one Alex your and just use two and put the tabletop on there and the PC is gon na. Go on the far right and little that I know that was the beginning of the many bumps along the road.

Revealing the New Setup for Subscriber! - Setup Makeover

I think I miss calculated or miss measure or something and I’m gon na have to go with the flow, unfortunately wait. What the hell is. That is this Lube interesting stuff down here. Once we move the desk, so then I have to vacuum it up a little quick, so yeah guys make it a habit to clean behind your desk once in a while.

You might have some stuff that drops back here. You don’t even know pencil. Obviously, the only person in the room is me and my cousin Bob who was filming a video and also helping me put together just set up Phillip, is kind of just chilling in the living room so that we can call him in here and film as a Reaction once everything is done all right, so I want to mount the ultra-right against the wall and I’m gon na be using the mounted to do so.

So the only issue with this type of mount is that it really depends on where the stud is against the wall, because if it’s kind of all too far to the left or too far to the right, then the monitor is not gon na be centered. Exactly in the middle, so that’s gon na be the tricky part. So I guess I’m gon na figure out where the stud goes where the stud is, because you guys know me, I want to make it as symmetrical and as centered as possible.

So I will need my stud finder, which is this little thing I see if I can find it all right, so we got one right here. The next stud is over here because this is too far to the left, and then this is too far to the right. So I’m hoping I’m really hoping that this is Center or at least as close as possible to the middle, because otherwise it’s not gon na.

Look good, how does it look yeah I mean we could always adjust the arm in just a little bit, maybe pop it out to compensate, but only one way to find out honestly, because there’s really no other option. I just realized what we forgot. I forgot to pick up the cable raceway to hide the cables running down the monitor. I thought I see I told you guys. I knew doesn’t forget something, and not only one of the things I just realized: [ Applause, ], [ Applause, ], [, Applause, ]. So, after six very long hours, we finally managed to complete the set up, but with some minor complications, which I will go over near the ends.

But for now here is his reaction. Okay, mother holy smokes. What dude? That’S insane! I’Ve never even seen anything like this crazy.

It’S dead silent. You can’t even hear that that’s ridiculous waiting about the color scheme. You said you love why the blue, so we trying to do that’s so nice man. Thank you! So much wise, dude yeah, no worries man.

You deserve it. I want to show you one cool thing, though, all right, I don’t even notice that over there a little plaque, yeah number one contestant, so you can turn it on no way. That’S also, you can change your colors. Do you make it red white holy smokes? It’S all! It’S all color-coded yeah, but yeah sweetie and I’m they’re really nice to me: uh yeah, let’s yeah, [ Applause, ] beautiful. So you have had this things packing 7600 K. I over clocked it for you. That’S a point: nine max of about 2 grams card as well. I even overclocked do or monitor it’s at 100 Hertz refresh rate what yeah cuz you think as well, so you can pretty much tear it again. Maxed out settings, you got 32 gigs of RAM. So pretty and yes, ooh shrieks 10:17. Oh one of the cool things about your that’s what I know. If you noticed here, it’s the EPA yeah. It’S got order USB ports plugged in so I can actually was hanging you can plug in the cable and let it juice up so next time beyond anything yeah. Thank You, coolermaster.

I’M very appreciative. Yeah mine, I think we’re out of here, enjoying your setup again. Have any questions yeah, I would say I’m pretty damn satisfied with how everything turned out near the end.

I have to keep telling myself that this is my first time doing something this big. So obviously it’s not gon na be perfect for my first time, but believe me, I’ve learned so much from this experience that I’m gon na bring with me for the next contestant. Obviously I wanted to keep everything either white and blue, but Coolermaster just doesn’t have any white options available.

Until recently they announced their new white H, 500 P, but the PC was built like two months before that announcement. Otherwise believe me, I would have used that case for the build. If there’s one thing I can tell Coolermaster to focus on this year, I would say please for the love of God: do us all a favor and please work on more white product? We need to see white keyboard mouse and even case options please. So I had this one-of-a-kind custom plaque made just for the series, with Philips name on it and the setup makeover logo, which kind of sits on this stand with RGB strips, underneath that you can control using a remote, and I thought that was pretty cool now.

Originally, I plan to have the plaque set directly right smack in the center of the setup, but the height of the actual desk and the monitor were different in person. So the plaque ended up blocking a monitor you, so I had to move it over to the side which actually ended up looking a lot better. Unfortunately, now there’s this nasty cutout, that’s visible from the add-on unit and that’s originally where the plaque was supposed to be another issue. I ran into believe it or not. I know it’s coming from me was the cable management there.

Is this nasty cable running down the center of the desk, which annoyed me so much okay? So the wire is actually the cable coming from the left speaker that needs to be plugged into the subwoofer. Otherwise, it’s not gon na work and the reason why it’s running straight down is because the cable is so short that there isn’t enough slack to run it across the back of the desk and behind one of the Alex yours and the funny thing about all. This is it’s an easy fix.

All I had to do was cover up the cable using a wall raceway, which is one of the items that I forgot to bring with me. I also forgot to bring the white cable sleeve, which was supposed to be used to cover up the cables near the bottom. You know as someone who has really high standards, and this obsession with perfection, I was honestly disappointed that this was the reflection of my work. It bothered me so much that I even wanted to go back pick it up and come back another day, but at that point I just want to fill up to enjoy his setup. You already made him wait like four months for it. I’Ve learned so much from this entire project, and honestly, none of this would have been possible if it weren’t for Coolermaster, who supplied most of the PC parts and the peripherals for this setup. Also huge things to Asus for providing me with a graphics card at motherboard and, of course, a huge huge thanks to David for working with me on the design and 3d printing. These awesome items overall, I would say season. One was a huge success. In my part, Philip did enjoy his setup and he said that there is nothing that he would change. It’S perfect. The way it is.

The only thing I recommended to M was the cable raceway to cover up that wire and, of course, a touch of his personality. As he gets used to the setup whether its picture is hanging from the wall or whatever it is, he needs to add some personality to make that setup his and that pretty much wraps up the first season of setup makeover. I want to give you huge things to fill up for being such a cool dude. Again, congratulations on your setup.

You completely deserve it and again a huge thanks to all my subscribers from watching and the amazing feedback that you guys left for episode. 1. I love every single one of your faces. Thank you so much as always, guys don’t forget that the first 300 viewers to use the code play warships 2018, can get 250 double ins, 1 million credits a premium ship and more by downloading the game.

Using my link below I want to start season 2 very soon, because I had so much fun doing the first one. It’S not gon na take as long though, because I’ve learned so much from it. So, if you’re watching this video and you need a set up back over, make sure you’re glued to the channel because I’ll be making announcement within the next one to two months on the channel. Thank you guys so much again for watching everything mentioned in the videos or shown in the video will be linked below. I love your faces. Like I said before, and I’ll see you in the next one, you .