REALTIME translator earbuds! Timekettle WT2 Edge

REALTIME translator earbuds! Timekettle WT2 Edge

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “REALTIME translator earbuds! Timekettle WT2 Edge”.
Communication is one of the most like fundamental human qualities that we have, I think, as technology grows also seems like our borders do as well. That also means we might run into roadblocks when it comes to language, and there are thousands of language and dialects around the world and if you don’t know them that can be communication almost impossible even right now. I bet in the comments section A lot of you. Maybe English isn’t your first language, but what? If there’s a technology that removed those barriers, a way to talk with anyone anywhere regardless of language? And that’s exactly what time Kettle wt2 Edge is trying to do and they do a really good job. So before I tell you everything that time Kettle is doing my favorite part of all the videos, you know what it is, give away time or get a chance to say thank you, you and you for generally being awesome, good, human being and supporting the channels uh Over the past few years, 500 bucks giveaway open to anyone in the world leave a comment down below.

Let me know what you would do with your time, Kettle W2 Edge But be sure to leave your social handle. So I have a way to contact you. If you win open to anyone in the world, all information, though, will be in the description all right. So what makes these like, seemingly normal, looking earbuds uh so unique? Well, they aren’t actually earbuds first of all uh.

Instead, they are real-time translators that work bi-directionally and simultaneously, let’s say I’m traveling to Mexico, and I don’t speak Spanish and you live there. I could go with one of these in my ear and I could hand you another one and we could talk to each other. Have a natural conversation in real time in your ear, you would hear me translated to Spanish and in my ear I would hear what you were saying in Spanish, translated to English and again all happening in real time. Seeing this happen and hearing this happen just sounds, and it’s like you’re experiencing, like future Tech, like a science fiction movie come to life, but it’s real. It’S fabulous, and I have them here so we’re gon na put it into listen mode and I’ve got Ralph here. Who’S, a native Spanish speaker, he’s going to say things in Spanish. I don’t know what he’s going to say no, but I speak Spanish, all that well and then I will say the translation, as I hear it out loud and we’ll test the accuracy.

REALTIME translator earbuds! Timekettle WT2 Edge

El queso cheese is the question which one is your favorite telephone. It’S a good one, all right. So what if you just want to have a conversation like with somebody, so one assembly directions. You have questions. You just share a headphone, so I gave Ralph the right ear, we’re going to go ahead and push play here.

REALTIME translator earbuds! Timekettle WT2 Edge

My foot fell off in a terrible motorcycle accident. Where is the closest hospital foreign? Is there a doctor anywhere? Who can sew my foot back on Amazon? You sew my foot back on um La Cintas, okay, where is the bathroom then I will do it myself. So we’re not just limited to English and Spanish here, uh these things work between 40 languages and 93 different accents and with those you are getting 95 accurate in your translations and it’s again Crazy, Fast it’ll translate anywhere from half a second to three seconds so that You can have a more real-time conversation. It also supports offline translation for up to eight languages.

You can take these things anywhere. You are and get that translation that you need. I can’t really see in the comments digital translation devices have been around for a while uh and your smartphone probably has a translation app built into it and they’re also Standalone handheld translators that you can buy. But there are a few big differences between handheld translators. What you’ve got on your phone and the wt2 edge? The handheld options certainly have their place, but it’s a longer process. It makes communication less natural, plus there’s a lot more steps involved.

So, for example, I could say: hey Alec. How are you doing today, but also where is the bathroom so now I’d have to hand it to Alec Alec would reply and hand it back. There’S a delay. You don’t get that instant communication, instant translation, you get from a natural conversation and that definitely works and it’s better than not communicating at all, but with a wt2 edge. You can just talk like you would in a normal conversation plus because you wear it in your ear. You have a hands-free experience.

Lets you focus on your conversation like me, who gesticulates like crazy uh, then whether or not the translation or translation app is working, but also no buttons. You have to hold for any activation that you have to do you just talk, and a translation happens really, naturally and really easily. I want to know how this is possible like how it was happening, so there are a few core technologies that time Kettle is implementing. Here so W2 Edge is using what time Kettle is calling hybrid com technology and with that you’re getting a few things uh.

First, it’s called boost clean speech. This is Vector noise reduction technology. It detects the sound coming from your mouth and and here’s it really clearly, while eliminating other noises around it so plus it’s using rinvad voice, recognition, algorithm, that’s automatically detects voices and automatically segments sentences, so you’re translated correctly. Essentially, it’s taking a big long stream of Consciousness and breaking it up, so each section is getting translated and translated really accurately.

REALTIME translator earbuds! Timekettle WT2 Edge

It also uses what time Kettle is calling Turbo FAST s-i, which makes sending the sales over Bluetooth possible. And lastly, in order to support 40 languages time Kettle is using unismart AI translation Cloud platform. Potentially what that does integrates the world’s top translation engines, which makes this one of the most accurate and also stable Solutions in the world, at least to me. There was no doubt that this technology was awesome and I would imagine at least one or two scenarios that you can imagine where this technology would be incredibly useful, but there are other features WT to Edge also has so first is when you’re in a large group. It’S called touch mode, that’s to record what you are saying by touching just the earbuds, then it’ll be delivered to everyone listening, which is nice. So, for example, if you’re say your international business meeting, you can deliver your message up to six people. Uh, there’s also a speaker mode that only uses one earbud in the app so instead of a second person wearing an earbud, they can just listen and talk through the phone.

It’S also listen mode, which translates what you hear, but not what you say. This is awesome if you’re, watching, like international movie or listening to somebody, give a speech in different language or anything like that. Finally, there’s a group chat that can translate for 40 people in 40 languages simultaneously and if there’s one bit of tech that seems crazy futuristic.

It’S this, and I know, as the world starts open back up again, some of the barriers to maybe traveling and experience everything around the world is is language. Maybe you want to take a vacation to Mexico? You don’t speak Spanish uh. Maybe you want to go to Japan, you don’t speak Japanese or you want to visit India and don’t speak Hindi or any other dialects there um. That makes it hard to go. If you have food allergies, you can’t communicate if you have to find where a restroom is uh or you just want to get directions to your hotel. All those things become very difficult, so these obviously have a lot of uses uh, but one use, I think, is pretty unique – is visiting family or friends internationally, so you can talk and communicate with them.

While you are there, and if that’s friends or family want to come and visit you as well, you can give them these headphones. They could walk around, be able to communicate with the world, and so their new location can be completely opened up to them. There’S obviously, a lot of use cases. I think one of the coolest use cases for this technology is actually in schools for students who’s coming into the school system, whose English is not their first language oftentimes.

Those kids are at an immediate disadvantage for learning these headphones. Can open that world up to them? They could hear the teacher talking in their native language. They could communicate with friends all while learning a new language. It’S just an awesome way to give kids an advantage as it sort of adapts to their new surroundings, with the wt2 edge. All those barriers are literally and figuratively, taken down and the borders they come open. You can now talk communicate with anyone around the world and they can talk and communicate with you. You can learn about different cultures, experience different cultures in a way you never could before it does an awesome use of technology. That is not only practical.

It also can make you safer and make your travel experience. I think, generally more enjoyable. If you want to learn more, I think you should I’ll put a link to them down below .