REAL tech you can use! Laifen Tech Swift Special

REAL tech you can use! Laifen Tech Swift Special

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “REAL tech you can use! Laifen Tech Swift Special”.
Thank you to life in for sponsoring this video. This is a $ 400 hairdyer. This is a $ 200 haird dryer save yourself the money. I’Ve been doing this for a long time. There’S one question that I get more than anything: it’s not John. What phone should I get or John? Can you help me pick a computer or John? Why is my coffee maker not working? It’S always every time, John. What do you do with your long flowing locks? Well to you, I have an answer.

Meet the life in swift special and is a hair dryer, but it’s not just any hair dryer and before I tell you about it, let me thank you for being good awesome kind people watching these videos for over the years. I want to give you a chance to win 500 bucks. Just for being, you leave a comment down below.

Tell me a fact about yourself. Tell me the first place you go after you. Do your hair with your brand new hair dryer, make sure you leave either your uh social handle in the comments or when I click that link there’s a way to contact me and YouTube channel? So I can let you know if you win, let it run for 10 days. All information you need, though, will be in the description down below, and obviously also the video thumbs up all right. So when I am thinking about a perfect haird dryer – and I spend a lot of time thinking about the perfect hair dryer, there are three things I want first, and this is a big one. I want it to dry my hair quickly. I’D also prefer it to not sound like a jet engine taking off and be quiet, and I also want it to be small, so I’m done, I can put it away easily. Unfortunately, the life in text with special has done. All of that and more I know I made a joke about my long flowy locks um, but when I do grow my hair out, this is actually what I look like as a kid I have curly hair. My wife has curly hair, so you can imagine that my children also have curly hair. I never spent much time thinking about how to do hair.

Usually my morning, routine I’ll, I wet my hair I’ll put a little Pomade in I’ll. Do something like this uh and I’m out the door having a daughter with long curly hair every we said everything ever thought about: hair here’s. What her hair looks like most mornings. It is a wild mess and that’s with like Silk pillow cases and like a bonnet on her head, uh and all kinds of stuff. So we’ve actually been using this hair dryer uh on her hair for the better part of 4 months, and we get it to go from this to this.

I don’t think, there’s a single, better use case than that. So I think the most important thing when it comes to a haird dryer is drying your hair. That’S obviously that’s going to come down to the motor inside and this where lifean clearly spent a lot of time and research uh into the technology. Behind this, the swift special using an independently developed brushless motor that spins at 110,000 RPMs, which is insane 110,000, is five times fast. Most traditional haird dryers you’re, getting a ton of air flow out of this, and, if you’re looking at it like it, doesn’t look like a hairdryer.

It’S got like a circle and a handle. It’S very strange design, but the airflow that comes out of this is really strong and, most importantly, it is really consistent. So the best way that I could demonstrate to you how consistent the airflow was was to do a very scientific test.

If the airf flow wasn’t consistent, the ball would be going up and down and flying all over the place, and if it wasn’t powerful, it wouldn’t be able to sort of levitate this sort of bigger squishy ball. I try this with your hair dryer at home, and I guarantee you will not be able to get it to work. Having that motor inside that’s pushing all those RPMs does not mean you got to care huge Appliance around. That’S something that my wife said. She especially loves about the swift special, it’s only 407 G, it’s not even a pound.

It makes it really easy for everyday use and for travel, and even though this is faster than most hair dryers at drying hair, if you’re going to use it for an extended period of time that matters and we are working on my daughter’s hair for almost 30 Minutes every morning, so the weight at something that actually really matters making sure it’s lightweight and easy to hold is essential. Uh if you’ve traveled with somebody trally carries a haird dryer with them. You know the struggle of often needing a second bag just for hair products. Uh this has eliminated that so also helps me not have to pay another check bag fee.

So thanks Lifey and all that is great, but liyen kind of kept the party going with temperature control. That is obviously really important as well. You don’t want to burn your hair uh, you don’t want to freeze your head either heat is great and it’s needed, but sometimes too much heat can damage your hair. Even your scalp, so I want be able to S, vary the heat and cold modes. Luckily, life’s got that and they call it very appropriately named Hot and Cold Circle mode. Uh, you just long press the button for 2 seconds, that’s going to activate either function and lyen.

REAL tech you can use! Laifen Tech Swift Special

I don’t know how they did this. They actually patented. This led ring light. Let you know the air temperature at a glance, so it’s really easy to use, but still gives you the temperature that you need and when you want hot, it gets real hot and when you want warm, get gets nice and warm any you want cold. Also will do that too, and all this is is great, but probably one of the least pleasant sounds that I know of uh is a super noisy haird dryer going off in the morning um. I know it’s necessary, but the quieter, the better.

It’S somebody who’s got sleep issues. My wife is doing her hair in the morning uh. It sounds like a jet engine typically. Fortunately, that is no longer the case. Um thanks to life in Tech and with the swift special you get. The quietest, hair, dryer uh that I’ve ever heard and if you me it it’s going to come in at 59 DB, so for reference, a vacuum cleaner is about 80 DB.

A blender uh, like the delicious Margarita, is around 90 typical hair dryer is also around 90. So this thing is whisper quiet for the hair dryer world and I couldn’t be happier about it and listen. It’S a weird thing to make a video. You know about a haird dryer, but it’s something that everybody uses and something that uses really cool technology.

The design is different, the functionality is there, it’s got incredible Tech built in and is not going to break your bank uh at around $ 200 you’re getting a really good product. This might not be for everybody, but if you are someone who’s interested in this – and you know who you are, I would 100 % check this out and if you want to learn more and a link down below .