Ready Maker One: Introducing Make VR, a VR-based CAD System

Ready Maker One: Introducing Make VR, a VR-based CAD System

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Ready Maker One: Introducing Make VR, a VR-based CAD System”.
Hey everyone welcome back and we’re on a little bit of a field trip today we are here at the offices of HTC vive in San Francisco, and I’m here with Steve from make VR and how you doing I’m doing really well cool what is make VR okay In a nutshell, make VR we categorize it as an immersive content creation experience really what it is this core level, it’s a professional integer standard, CAD engine that we have running with a very unique and intuitive to an interface on the HTC vive. So it’s a it’s! A VR wrapped professional cat engine, that’s on so what sets this apart from if people are familiar with other 3d modeling tools and Vee are things like oculus medium? What really sets this apart from tools like that medium is a great tool. You know what what make VR is and what differentiates it is that it is a hard surfaced cat engine, so you’re not you’re, not doing freeform sculpting, although you can do surface deformations, you’re you’re doing you have access to boolean tools that have you know highly developed Balloon to it’s like 150 man, years of development, behind the tools, so you can grab objects and I recommend you can cut them, join them slice them sweep shapes through space, etc. So it’s more targeted for generating solid models with you know, precision that you can send off to a 3d printer or export to other applications. That sounds great.

Do you mind giving me a quick tour of it? I do not mind at all be happy to great. Okay, so what are we seeing here so, where you are, is in one of our default world sort of a little 3d printing world it gives you some sizing, cubes, etc. So you use the trigger on your vibe controllers and you can pick up objects. You grab it with two hands.

You can stretch and scale it just like you’re doing right now. This pre is pretty intuitive and the grip buttons that are on the side of the controllers by your fingertips. If you push those squeeze those you can move space in and out, so you can pull yourself around the environment, it’s also room-scale, so you can walk around and if you pinch the grip buttons on both hands and pull your hands in and out away from each Other you can scale the environment up or down, and your right controller has a little size indicator that tells you how big you are in your environment. Just to give you an idea – and the nice thing is with that environment scaling is, you can go from working at a macro level at planting buildings on the street to the micro level, while you’re pulling yourselves in and start working on, the hinges of the doors For instance, I can’t say I can’t set my hi to my actual height of five and a half feet and you know we do not have exact measurements yet, but we will because you asked for it. So so that’s all you need to know about object, manipulation and DUPLO manipulation. Now, if you, on your left hand controller if you push the menu button, which is above the trackpad, that brings up your tool. Pallet, a kind of tool palette is where you have access to all the CAD based functionality of make vr and also access to libraries of objects to bring in so yeah start with the the subtract tool so go ahead and just click that pull the trigger and You’Ll see the blue button. On your right hand, controller now is represented with that that cut icon. So now, if you grab anything in the world, you pick something up it flashes red if you touch it to something else that something else flashes green. Now, if you push the blue, Go button on your right hand, just push down on the trackpad that will perform the cut.

My thinking sort of that’s a really thin object that you’re slicing in take a look at some of the primitives behind you, even the fire. Hydrant might might work spinning the motor you’re right. Let’S take a lean basics, taking phone case slices out of this robot here there you go now that just don’t matter now, that’s that’s showing exactly now.

Ready Maker One: Introducing Make VR, a VR-based CAD System

You can see that and and the the cut assumes the the material properties color and texture and he ran right into it. I can look at all those tiny slices. I took out a yellow robot there.

That’S all the phone slices you get all right. So a little over here, so if you select any of the tools in the tool, pallet, okay, you can click. The show me button down at the down at the bottom easy and that will bring up a little video. It basically shows you and you have audio telling you exactly how that tool function in this case. Added to that, it’s the add button, so whatever you’re holding when you touch to something else and push the Go button, it’s going to make a copy of that yeah and more than just make a copy of it, you’re working with solid models. So everything here is going to be stitched completely watertight, so you can send it off to a 3d printer without need to do any modifications.

Ready Maker One: Introducing Make VR, a VR-based CAD System

So what’s this slice tool, do ok slice tool functions exactly like cut, except it leaves the intersected piece there. So you won’t see it disappear when you slice, but if you reach in and grab it, you can pull it out alright. So I’m going to try using this on this sort of rainbow primitive here, right, yeah, so slice and now just reach out and grab that piece bingo. Now it cuts the shape on to the other shape, but leads the intersected piece there and what sort of what sort of precision tools we have? I mean. Obviously, we have a lot of free form modeling here, and we have this nice ruler here that we can see is we can measure the size of this robot here, and this is exactly how big is that robot again, you can scale the robot up or down. So you can make it as large or small as you wish. He is 24 inches. Well, it might be kind of large to print, but in tough discipline, if you scale them down, you can print them and we actually have printed out that robot. It’S a it’s! A pretty cool thing: we call it the black dick Mac yeah. I don’t know if I want to print this one I’ve sort of ruined it. It’Ll work, though yeah right out to a printer, okay, so precision so sense. Make VR.

Excuse me is a professional cat engine. You have access again to you, know a lot of the tools that are in there we’re going to be. You know, exposing more tools as we move forward, but make VR Pro the version you’re in right.

Ready Maker One: Introducing Make VR, a VR-based CAD System

Now it gives you ability to model with precision, so you have grids you have jigs, you have objects snapping for positional alignment. You have porcupines for rotational alignment. So if you click on the on the snap tool, for instance, would be the one they under your top row, the second from the right all the way over boom yeah, which one one with the magnet icon on it there. We go click on that one and now yeah bring up a grid. You click on that and now you can grab that grid with both hands and scale it to make it large or small, and you can turn off your tool pallet. If it’s in your way again by clicking the menu button with your right thumb above the trackpad okay, so have this grid. Okay, so grab grab an object grab your cube! Cubes are always nice.

Now you see that when you put your q1 or YouTube does the grid it ghosts to it and the ghosting shows you exactly where the cube is going to attach when you click the Go button, so go ahead and click the Go button. But now you can no it just. It goes to a wireframes now grab the cube now, grab it yeah, and now you can slide it around relax itself along along the along the grid yeah, and you can set the grid increments to us standard or metric. You can you know you can adjust the the tracking increments to go from 1/32 of an inch up to a up to an inch or more and now grab this rotational widget exactly now, and then I can.

That brings up the porcupine, and that gives you explicit, 45-degree angle, rotations. If you keep your hand and the trackball within this within the oh, and if I moving outside without side, then you have an enemy unconstrained rotation. Can I preset to different snapping comments like 15 or maybe not very, but what we’re going to you will be able to do that. That will be a user-defined measurement as well, so now you’re, seeing what you’re seeing there is basically 2d tracking, where you’re able to move that grid.

Move that cube. I’M sorry anywhere around the grid, I’ll bring up your tool palette and grab one of the rulers right down on the bottom next to the next of the grid icon down below you see ruler, bring in one of those. Ok.

Now that you can snap that to the grid, you can snap it to an object, and you see it’ll ghost just the same, and when you click the Go button it’ll attach itself to whatever object. It’S touching it’ll snap to that orientation. That’S right! Get it hit! That go buggy yeah the blue go button.

There you go so now. You can drag that around the surface of that cube and it’s sort of it. Oh Bay’s, the the volume of the cube. So, as you spin, if you, if you go off, you know, turn the corner go around to another face of the cube it’ll rotate around where you were expected to be, you have the you, have the rotational jig for that as well.

Now what you can do is you can start building what refer to as jigs you could you could snap rulers to grids and then stop objects to ruler, so you can sort of simulate a drill press so grab grab something else. Anything else grab yeah that guy yeah I grab now attach that to the ruler and then click the Go button. Now you can see you can drag that along the ruler and it will intersect the cube. You can push it to the cube, so you can exactly line things up Center to Center yeah if you can lengthen up edge to edge you’re going to put them exactly where you want them to be and then perform the boolean functions. So this way you can get precision alignment position on a rotational of any object in the scene in relationship to any other object and and then perform whatever functions.

You wish to do. Let’S do one of these I’m going to flip this around well, that is a tricky shape to observe and wireframe. Okay.

Now, how can I change the scale because a if I move it along the ruler, neither wants to snap at the top of the roller bottom. So, look at your tool: pallet, okay and you’ll – see down at the bottom you’ll see increments. There we go so right now, you’re working in millimeters, I believe in the metric system. So there you can change that. So you know you can define how much you want. It to move at any time and to do my boolean operation. I just go back here.

Just drive back here: yeah, grab your subtract tool and and then grab the pyramid again it should. It should go solid when you grab it, so you can see where it is. For some reason there you go. Okay, it’s I think it’s all the way inside the boom. Okay, not have.

This is very precise when you can send that right up to a 3d printer, if you wish for my pyramidal subtracted cube, but, yes, you can use it as a small capacity, shot glass or something yeah. Okay, very bulky, shot glass. It would be. Maybe it’s sort of like a speaker, enclosure or something like yeah. I like that yeah. How do you want to try Mary must mirror something so go to the mirror tool down at the last one on the bottom row, click that and now what you’ll do is you’ll select.

Whatever agree, you can bring in a new word or use a grid. You already have okay, your dis grid yeah, so grab the grid just so it knows which plane it wants to wants Tamara cross and then touch whatever item. You want a mirror and then, but that’s already in the center of the grid. So it might not show much grab another object, grab a legend, yellow thing yeah and then you know from right there you can click mirror in click, Google button and that’s see it narrowed it across to the other side of the plane.

Oh, but it doesn’t remain constrained to the grid. No, and is there an undo there yeah not dealer than undo? Okay, you can undo to your heart’s content and of course I could just move the world around it. Yes, you can do yeah, you or you know, walk around it because you have the the room scale tracking. Here we provided okay, anything else we should be checking out, like you know, for the for the precision tools, you know that pretty much cuts that mean you’ve brought in a grid, you’ve snapped objects to a grid. You’Ve used a ruler and slid things on the rule.

You would test objects to other objects and you’ve married, so that you know that you know is a is a really good intro to what you can do with the precision tools. That’S great! Well, thank you so much for taking the time to show off make VR to me and where can people learn more about it all right? Well, they can go to make VR calm and make VR is currently available on vibe port to the the initial release of make VR we’re going to be launching make VR Pro the version we were playing with today in the next week, or so that’s great. So if you have a vibe make sure to be on the lookout for that and check out more about make VR in a coming weeks, you .