Razer sent me some Goodies! – Unboxing #35

Razer sent me some Goodies! - Unboxing #35

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Razer sent me some Goodies! – Unboxing #35”.
What’S happening guys that from tech stories welcome back to another, what’s in the box episode a series where I figure out what’s in the box, we only have four boxes this time, so might be a short episode, but this is the box that I’m most excited about Guys this is from Razer and he told me they’re sending me some goodies to review on the channel. So I’m excited – I don’t know what’s inside here, but we’re gon na keep this to the end, because you guys know how we do it. We start with the small boxes and we end up with the big ones so with that said. Ladies gentlemen, let’s start up with this okay, so this one is actually from a coolermaster. Oh, it’s a bag inside of a bag.

Okay, okay! What is this Wow guys? I got a shirt from coolermaster and I’m actually excited because I’m tired of wearing the same shirt over and over again, you guys, probably saw this Game of Thrones shirt so many times in the video so finally got something to change it up. So Thank You coolermaster. I was actually too Bob, there’s one for you. Also in the bag, we’ve got some stuff, some storage from xpg, you have an SSD and an MDOT. This is actually going into the build. Actually I can’t say it’s a secret guys.

Razer sent me some Goodies! - Unboxing #35

I can’t tell you what Bill. That’S going into, but it’s going to a bill, obviously also from a data we’ve got, some RAM sticks ooh. We got two red ones and two black, so these are 3,000 megahertz. Eight gigabyte sticks so a total of 32 gigs, okay, not bad, and it appears that there are GB, judging by the white plastic piece on top, so hi guys. Let’S move on to the next box, which is from eeek, actually no. I lied.

Razer sent me some Goodies! - Unboxing #35

It’S also from Coolermaster. This is a smaller box, so check this one out. Okay, this is just a cooler master power supply. This is the V 750, so yeah, nothing too exciting.

Just the power supply s is the box from ek. I wonder. What’S inside here, I did request a few things from them. I’M curious.

Razer sent me some Goodies! - Unboxing #35

If this is one of the items or all of them in one box we’ll find out, I guess oho they sent in wow. That’S insane. I don’t know that we’re gon na send both of them so guys. This is the new ek, RGB 360 kits it’s an all-in-one liquid cooling kit for your PC and they sent over the 360 version as well as the 240.

I did post a poll on Twitter and asked you guys if you wanted to see a water cooling build guide. So that’s what this is for. I’M gon na be using the 360 kit from ek and do a step-by-step build guide on how to use this kit. On either up getting your PC or starting a fresh water cooled build, so yeah very excited about that guys.

If you want to see that make sure you stick around, I don’t know. I don’t know why I did that so. Okay, there’s a bunch of stuff in here, but essentially this kit comes with a CPU block. You have your pump reservoir combo as well as a 360 millimeter radiator, or if you guys pick up the 240 kit, you will get a 240 millimeter radiator instead and of course, its RGB not only defends, but also the pump and the CPU block itself can be Lit into whatever color you guys want, let’s put these aside and get to the main event of the evening, guys I’m so excited, Oh razor.

What do you have for me? Let’S check this out baby. Okay, you ready Bob, you he’s smiling! You get a smiley! Oh, my god, okay, okay, that goes my knife, so smooth box, there’s nothing on here. So I don’t know what the hell is that whoa? What okay, this a bunch of stuff in here.

This is the first thing I’ve noticed. Actually it goes the knife again got. Then the first one is obviously a GPU.

They sent over a founders edition 1080 tae TI guys. Okay, actually I lied. It’S not a TI. Why? Why did I say yeah it’s a 1080, but okay, they sent it. Why did they send me a GPU? What’S in this one, oh, this is another GPU. This is a sapphire, I’m guessing 570 or 580.

It’S a 570! It’S a 578 gigabyte graphics card which I’m guessing that’s something to do with this box. Let’S open this up all right, oh dude! This is the new razor corex, oh my god, so guys. This is the new razor corex. It’S an external GPU solution which uses Thunderbolt 3, and you can connect that to you anything that supports Thunderbolt 3.

So it’s at your laptop or MacBook, and you can hook up a GPU to it and use a GPU. So if you want do gaming or any GPU accelerated programs, that’s what this is basically for. We did pick up a 2018 macbook recently, so we’re gon na be hooking this up to it and do some testing so yeah, alright guys moving on to this box over here, which I think I would have an idea what this is. Oh, my god, it’s so thin I’ll make the box is thin.

Like you imagine the laptop, oh, my god, I want you guys to hear this you so, ladies and gentlemen, this is the new 2018 razor blade. I believe it’s the 15 inch model. Let’S pop this open look at these bezels guys that was a fast boot. It took like less than five seconds to boot.

Up got an RGB keyboard there as well, very nice. Oh, it’s touchscreen all whole decent. The 4k model dude hold on. I got a check.

It is the 4k model 3840 by 2160 guys. Oh, my n is touchscreen. We’Re gon na we’re gon na have fun. With this day, I’m gon na have I’m gon na, have fun with this baby, say guys, we’re gon na be doing a lot of testing or actually be comparing this to the new 2018 MacBook. So in terms of gaming, of course, in terms of productivity, the whole shebang we’re gon na cover everything between these two laptops. So if there’s anything specific, you guys want to see between these two laptops.

Let me know in the comments section below we’re, also gon na be doing a separate review of the razor blade as well, so make sure you guys subscribe. So you don’t miss out alright guys, I think that’s pretty much it for the video. I can’t wait to start using this right now. Actually, so I’m gon na wrap up the video.

Thank you so much for watching. If you guys want to check out any of these products, of course, I’ll leave a link down below. Thank you so much for watching guys. I love your faces and I’ll see you in the next article .