Raspberry Pi MAKE: Off – Update 1

Raspberry Pi MAKE: Off - Update 1

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Raspberry Pi MAKE: Off – Update 1”.
All right we’re here at engadget, expand we’re going to do an update for the raspberry pi makeoff, i’m going to walk up to team astronaut mike dexter, where we have danny here danny. What’S the project you guys are going gon na go with we’re building a steampunk themed photo booth, no kidding now how? What? How are you gon na make a steampunk themed photo booth? How are you gon na make it steampunk themed with what you’re finding here yeah? Well, i got ta be honest: it’s quite a limited resources to work with, but we are going to instead of the general touchscreen interface that you get on a normal photo booth, we’re going to replace that with some buttons and some levers and some mechanical aspects that Are that steampunk kind of idea? Now? What do you think is going to be the biggest challenge about making a steampunk themed photo booth in just a small amount of time? The time is easily the biggest challenge. I think, in terms of parts we have almost everything we need to make something along those lines, or at least you’ll see the vision that we were going for, but it’s a race against the clock and that it is a race against the clock, we’ll check in Again, very soon, making is well underway here at engadget expand. We checked in with team astronaut mike dexter before now we’re going to check in with the sea slugs. I got eric over here, hey eric, what’s going on here.

What are you guys making right now? Um we’re working on a dog collar that when you activate a button on your smartphone it uh it lights up and or and or makes a noise. So what kind of wireless are you using to do that right? I think we’re running from man we’re running through the the receiver of uh, an rc car and uh. We’Ll have to find some way to get to get it through to the internet, but we’ll get there and the uh the the raspberry pi. Where is it? Is it on the dog? Is it a base? Station it’ll be a base station yeah.

All right, what’s been the biggest challenge here, uh so far coming up with an idea actually uh. You know we didn’t know what to expect coming in what what you guys would have so um, but this is a blast thanks for coming all right, we’ll have more updates here at the raspberry pi makeoff at engadget. Expand we’ll see you soon. .