Raspberri Pi Make: Off

Raspberri Pi Make: Off

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Raspberri Pi Make: Off”.
Good morning everybody welcome. My name is matt richardson, i’m a contributing editor all right. Good morning, everybody welcome to engadget expand uh. My name is matt richardson, i’m a contributing editor for make magazine. I’M also the co-author of getting started with raspberry pi uh.

Raspberry pi is uh the 35 mini computer. That’S really really popular right now. How many here already know what raspberry pi is already about? Anyone here, not know. That’S, what’s amazing about raspberry pi. Is that so many people already know about it. It’S out there.

It’S really cool at make. We absolutely love raspberry pi, because not only is it a really cheap computer that you can do a lot of really cool stuff with, but also it’s it’s hackable and, and you know you can build and create with it. So it’s not just a computer that you can hook a keyboard, monitor and mouse up to, but you can hook up your hardware to and that’s what we are here doing today and i’m going to explain what we’re going to do. So what we have is the raspberry pi make off. Okay, we have two teams and the teams are going to be creating a raspberry, pi device or project or a thing component, a whatever it can be.

It can be anything they want and they’re going to use. The raspberry pi as a central part of their project, the the winner, is going to get their project featured in make magazine and they’re going to go home with some cool raspberry pi stuff as well now you’re wondering what? How do you judge a raspberry pie contest? There’S a few uh different things, a few different, judging criteria that we’re going to go off of. First of all, there’s the concept: how good is the concept that the team came up with? Is it creative? Is it interesting? Is it something people are if they see it in the table of contents of make magazine, and they see the title of it? Are they going to be interested in it? Does it does it have this idea that does it show what you know raspberry pi does really nicely.

Does it does it use the raspberry pi really well, those are really important things. So the concept is one of the most important things when it comes to what these teams are doing. Execution is also important. These teams have to create a working prototype of their project here today, at gadget expand here today and tomorrow. So uh we’re going to be judging them. Does it work and how well does it work now if they can’t get it totally working, that’s all right, but you know we would love to see it working as close as possible, as we can.

Raspberri Pi Make: Off

The next thing we’re going to be judging on is ambitiousness. How ambitious is the project, because you could make a pretty simple project, and you know that you’d be done in five minutes, but we want something that actually seems a bit interesting and a little bit tough. So we will be taking into account how how much you wanted to bite off when you started your project uh. The next uh criteria, by which we’ll be judging, is creative use of ingredients.

Raspberri Pi Make: Off

So we want to see how you guys use what ingredients that we have put out there uh in your project, and not only do you have access to the ingredients that we’ve provided, but you have access to anything here at engadget expand. So if you encounter someone that has something neat and they’re willing to give it up for your project – you’re you’re, okay, to do that there are a lot of 3d printers around here. Maybe you want to recruit a 3d printer to start printing a part you need. That’S definitely within the realm of possibility. Um we have an entire pantry available to you guys out behind the stage over here inside the pantry.

Raspberri Pi Make: Off

There are, of course, raspberry pies we’ve got stepper motors. We’Ve got some parts from rc cars. We’Ve got uh, you know all kinds of things: there’s a raspberry pi camera back there, prototyping tools, uh soldering iron solder, all the kinds of cool electronic components so that you guys can make whatever you want and, as i said, of course, you can also go out Anywhere on the show floor and take whatever you need for your projects, so i want to introduce you to you guys.

The teams that we have today. First of all, we’ve got the sea slugs come on up guys. We have john carlin and eric great welcome. So uh this is eric john and carlin. Thanks for being here, i’m gon na talk to each of these guys about uh what they plan to do and uh what uh, what your experience of the raspberry pi is so uh eric. Why did you enter this contest? I love computers uh.

I think i have pretty good ideas and i can’t wait to can’t wait to get over there and what kind of raspberry pie experience do you have um, not really any uh so you’re here to learn i’m here to learn great. That’S great! All right, i’m gon na move over here to john john uh. You have some experience with robotics and so on. Can you talk about that? A little bit yeah, i’m competing in the first robotics, i’m a coach for uh, my first robotic team with androids and uh. You got languages too, and we’ve done um. It’S a high school robotics team, they’re, okay for ourselves.

Now i saw you guys before kind of huddling a little bit and talking about uh what you guys were planning on doing. Do you have an idea yet of what you’re gon na do with raspberry pi? Not yet not until we figure out what we have okay, great and carlin? Can you tell us a little bit about what you’ve done with raspberry pi um, mainly i’m just here to learn. I’Ve been watching him when he’s been working on his projects and i’ve been doing robotics. So this should be interesting. Great. All right.

Thanks to the sea slugs for being here at engadget, expand and thanks for being part of our raspberry pi, make off the next team we have is team astronaut mike dexter come on up guys. This is danny and say the third team member andrew is on his way here right now, all right now danny do you have a strategy in mind already for this contest? Well, we have a couple ideas that we’re playing with in our head, but it depends on what we see is in the pantry and what we can find around. You know, and what’s your experience with raspberry pi, have you already been tinkering with it yeah? I have a couple of them at our apartment that i’m trying to use for home automation, type, stuff and security systems. Things of that sort not everything’s completely working at this point, but constant work in progress. That’S great okay and say what about you? What’S your raspberry pi experience like him? No, i don’t really do much programming myself, i’m more on the creative side when it comes to like housing it or just coming up with projects. I usually send him the projects of like hey, look.

What a raspberry pi can do, we can do this and then he actually takes the brains and makes it happen. She inspires me. Okay, so there’s a little bit of inspiration and execution going on here right. What kind of raspberry pi projects are the ones that are inspiring to you? What do you think is creative when it comes to use of the raspberry pi? I saw one today that was like online that i was looking at.

I guess. Last night it was like they hooked up like a circle to him and a little robot that would go around and shoot uh have the camera and they can find people and then shoot little darts at them like nerf darts. So i thought that was pretty creative. Okay, great great absolutely – and you guys have you you’ve talked a little bit about what you think you’re going to do at all. We have some ideas, not sure if we want to give it all away, because we’re not sure what’s going to work okay, they have some ideas but they’re, not quite sure they don’t want to give it away yet.

So i guess what we ought to do is go back to the raspberry pi kitchen and start getting to work. How about that great? Let’S go you .