Quizlet Live – Formative Assessment Game

Quizlet Live - Formative Assessment Game

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Quizlet Live – Formative Assessment Game”.
In this tutorial, we’re going to take a look at a wonderful service called Quizlet, and specifically, I want to focus on Quizlet live so here I am on the website quizlet.com. Basically, you can search for just about anything that you’re interested in learning. So I just did a search for coding and it came up with 37 coding terms. These are basically words and definitions. Here’S another 129 terms, also about coding 20 terms about coding and each of these terms and their definitions are placed on digital flashcards.

So here’s an example algorithm a list of steps to finish a task now, in addition to searching for what you would like to learn, it is also possible to search for a textbook. So, for example, this is a Spanish textbook called buen viaje and every chapter of the textbook and every level of the textbook is here in Quizlet. So if you teach a class or you attend a class where there’s a textbook chances are that much of the content is available right now at quizlet.com. Let’S just jump back quickly to the coding example, you can see that you can go from one flashcard to the next to the next and then click it to see the other side of the flashcard. In addition to flashcards, you can click learn and at this point you would have to log in to do the learn activity.

There’S also a writing activity. There’S a spelling activity there’s a practice test and you can also print out the test if you’d like a paper copy – and there are two games that also work with the flashcards. So here is a matching game: you can click.

There start the game you’re trying to make everything disappear. Let’S see, I know that that’s correct you just try to match things up until you’ve cleared the screen. I am failing here at this point, but hopefully you get the idea.

So that’s one of the games. The other game is a gravity game protect the planets from incoming asteroids. There are some options you can pick and then just click. Let’S go start game, and here comes the first Astro. If I know the answer, the asteroid will be destroyed. Well, honestly, I don’t know how to answer that, and I probably should have looked more carefully at the options for that game.

Quizlet Live - Formative Assessment Game

Why not? Instead of having to answer with the definition, which in many cases is like 1015 words I’ll just answer with the term, so that makes it a lot more playable of a game. So here comes the first asteroid to put an idea into language or gesture. I’Ve forgotten.

What it is so that asteroid is going to hit the planet next question, hopefully I’ll, do better on this one. The order in which something! Oh look. It gives me the correct answer for the question that I missed. So I type in the correct answer and then the game resumes so kind of a fun, interesting way to practice vocabulary. This is great for foreign language, it’s great for language, arts, learning words and definitions, but it also works in a variety of other subjects, and these flashcards and spelling activities and games can also be experienced by students through this button here share. This is a link to the activity and anyone with that link will be able to play this activity.

You can also go down here underneath the flashcard set. There are three dots and if I browse down a little bit, you can see this better. There is an option to embed this activity, and so I could copy this embed code paste it into my blog or website or learning management system, and my students would be able to see the flashcard set they’d be able to play the games and the activities right From my learning management system or my own website now, if you sign up for a free account, you can create your own flash card sets. There are some limitations. If you don’t pay for an account, but the free account still does.

Let you create flashcard sets, so that is just the basic Quizlet quizlet.com and it’s been around for many years. But for the rest of this video, I want to focus not just on those basics, many of which you can use without signing up for an account. But rather I want to focus on this powerful feature that is found inside of Quizlet. It’S called Quizlet live and, as it says here, it’s a collaborative classroom, game kind of like Kahoot or quizzes, or many other formative assessment games. I’M gon na go back just so. You can see how this works right from the flashcard set and I’m gon na click. Here in the upper right corner login now, if you want to instead of just logging in let’s say with a Google account or a Facebook account, you could set up a custom, username and password, and that way your account won’t be tied to Facebook or Google.

So if you want to do that, just click signup put in all the information and then click sign up, I’m just going to go ahead and click log in and log. In with my Google account now that I’ve logged in to Quizlet using my Google account notice that it does say upgrade to teacher when I click that it takes me to some information about upgrading, I could try it free for 30 days, but eventually it would cost Three dollars a month – and it gives you these additional features, for example, you’ll, be able to track student progress. What I’m gon na show you in just a minute with Quizlet, live it’s just a game and activity that you can play with your students that will help them, learn your content and that’s awesome and I think, in a lot of cases, that’s good enough. But if you also want to use this game as a formative assessment opportunity for you to see how your students are progressing, to see what content they’re struggling with, then that’s a reason to consider paying three dollars a month for the paid account.

Quizlet Live - Formative Assessment Game

Because you will be able to track student progress for now, I’m just gon na back out of it. I just want to use the completely free Quizlet account now you’ll notice, that, even though this is a flashcard deck, just like what I pulled up a few minutes ago, because I am now signed in to my free account – there’s an additional option here in my list And it’s live Quizlet live, so I’m gon na go ahead and click that button and it pulls up. This page welcome to Quizlet live a collaborative classroom game. There is a guided tour.

Quizlet Live - Formative Assessment Game

You can watch this video to get more help if you’d like, but I’m just gon na click create game, and it asks me how would you like to play and it’s similar to what I showed earlier with the asteroid game I need to decide. Do I want my students to be clicking on terms or do I want them to be clicking on definitions? In many cases, clicking on terms is easier, but that’s not always the case. I guess so. You can decide which option you would like for the game notice down here.

There is a Quizlet app and so teachers, and also students may want to download that app if you’re going to be using this a lot. I just want to select this option here. So I’ll click that and the music begins, you can go ahead and play or you can click turn off all right. So now, Quizlet shows us a way for the students or for whoever else is in the audience or is going to participate.

It gives us this page helping them get connected to this activity. To this Quizlet live game that we’re going to play and, as you can see, there’s really two options. You can have the participants go to Quizlet dot and enter that numerical code or students could use the Quizlet app. We could go to search and then tap play. Quizlet live and scan this code. That’S on the right side of the screen. So there’s a couple of different ways to get logged in to demonstrate this process. I’M gon na sign in using my cell phone so on my cell phone, I’m just tapping here where it says, search or enter website name, I’m just in a web browser on my phone and I’ll just go to Quizlet dot and I’ll tap go and you can See what my screen looks like, I just need to tap above that yellow line put in the code that the teacher has on the screen for me tap continue and now it asks for my first name. I type it in tap. Let’S go and now I’m ready to begin now notice in order to really play Quizlet live successfully.

You really do need at least four students and right now we just have one modest student named awesome. Give me a minute to get three more students signed into this activity and then I’ll resume the video okay fantastic right. Now we have four students signed into the game. Using this exact code.

We can see their names here on the screen. So now the teacher or whoever is running, the game can go ahead and click create game with four students. Now, from time to time, you may have a rogue student who puts in and in a appropriate word as their name or put something that might be considered. Bullying as their name and so you could click to remove their name out of the game, but I’m happy with these names.

These are good folks, so I’ll go ahead and click create game with four players or students, and so at this point, Quizlet live has put us into two teams: the Kangaroos and the zebras and you’ll notice. What it says here at the left encourage students to sit with their teams if possible. Again, the join code is here and the QR codes, just in case some students come in late here in the lower left. There are some options you can turn the music on or off. I’M gon na leave it off and notice here, if you’re unhappy with the teams, maybe you know certain people just can’t work together, you could click shuffle teams and the teams get mixed up.

So you’ll notice, here with this cellphone, this is awesome phone and he’s been assigned to the tigers along with handsome. They should make a good team. It says: go find your teammates and work together, so I’ll go ahead and click start game and the game begins.

Now at this point, take a look at awesomes cell phone screen. It says: do you have the match? Something contains the information the web browser needs to display the page. Now, in some cases a particular student will see the answer on their device. You notice that I tapped the wrong answer, and so it shows me the correct answer now it brings up. Another question creates a table. I don’t see the correct answer here.

The reason why is because my teammate has the correct answer there? It is. This. Is the teammates phone now table so as a team, we have to look at both devices and identify who has the correct answer and tap it next question: something sets the size value of an HTML elements text. That’S probably this one.

Let’S try it. It is a collection of pre-written JavaScript code. I don’t think the answer is here. So let’s check out the other Tigers, team member and see if it’s on his device, so hopefully you can see how this game works. Now, in my experience, it works better. If you have more than two people per team, imagine having three or four students team and they all have to collaborate, put their heads together and look at each other’s devices to try to find which one has the correct answer and then selected and so Quizlet live.

Really does become a little bit of a collaborative activity and exciting activity. It helps students get out of their seats a little bit and work with each other to find the correct answers. Now, if you don’t want your students using cellphones for such an activity, of course, they could use laptops, Chromebooks tablets, any device that has access either to a web browser like this or the Quizlet app. So let’s say you want to create a Quizlet live activity. That is your own that doesn’t rely on somebody else’s flashcards somebody else’s work. You want it to match your curriculum exactly well, all you have to do is be signed in to your free account and then go here at the top of the screen and click create.

Now I’m gon na click on Quizlet. This is the main sign-in screen and what it looks like. I just wanted you to see that that same, create button is there at the top of that screen too so I’ll just click create. It takes me to a screen where I can create a new study set I’ll call. This Spanish irregular verbs now browsing down the page a bit. You can see here’s the first term I’ll put in any irregular Spanish verb and notice that Quizlet is pretty smart.

It knew that that’s a foreign language word and it suggested the definition to go with it, which is to go. It won’t always do that and it won’t always be accurate. So you do need to watch out for that, but that’s really all there is to it and just click to add terms, click to add definitions and proceed to complete your list, keeping in mind that in many cases the game or activity that is played with this Study set or flashcard set won’t be much fun unless you have a good number of cards or terms and definitions, so you may want to add at least 10 or more, when you’re done, click create, but you’ll notice that I tried that and it says, choose language. So I would need to click to select a language, so I’ll, say Spanish and then click create. So there is my flash card set. I can email it to people. I can copy this link and provide that link to people, and there are also other ways to share the link. So that’s how you create your own flash card set that can then be played in live, or also in these other two games and these other activities that I show it at the beginning of the video thanks for watching.

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