Qualcomm’s Snapdragon AI Event: Everything Revealed in 14 Minutes

Qualcomm’s Snapdragon AI Event: Everything Revealed in 14 Minutes

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Qualcomm’s Snapdragon AI Event: Everything Revealed in 14 Minutes”.
Welcome to Snapdragon Summit 2023. If you remember, we came to Summit uh last year, and we said we are embarking on this journey to develop our new custom, Orion CPU and our goal when we set ourselves to develop the CTU, is to set the bar for the industry and establish the performance Leadership for Windows, PC, we have delivered and I have to tell you. We exceeded our own expectations so based on the announcement today, I’m very pleased to tell you that there is a new sheriff in town. The Orion CPU is the new leader on mobile Computing period. Has been designed has been designed by qualcon from the ground up with one thing in mind: can we have unprecedented level of performance at extremely low power? That’S what we do and create a technology that could actually bring to reality all those this devices that we that we envision is going to be part of how our future, I think, experience, including of of mobile Computing. Our Ryan CPU exceeds the M2 Max and it’s faster than any leading armed compatible competitor in a single traed CPU performance take a photo, take a photo, I’m sure you want to take the next photo too. You know if you want a match. If you want to match that performance, he can do with 30 % less power. Isn’T that [ Applause ] incredible? Okay? But if we say that is the new CPU leader for mobile Computing period uh, I have to show you more.

Qualcomm’s Snapdragon AI Event: Everything Revealed in 14 Minutes

So it’s faster than leading x86 CPU single traded CPU performance of the core exceeds the I9 13980 HX, which is designed for high performance gaming device. Okay, get ready for the next photo, that’s going to be good, and if you want to match the performance, he does a 70 % less power introducing Snapdragon X, [ Applause, ] Elite, our most powerful, most advanced and most intelligent platform for the modern, AI PC Snapdragon X Elite is the result of a Relentless pursuit to create the ultimate intelligent Computing experience. The performance and efficiency of Snapdragon X Elite is, unlike anything, the industry has ever seen and with its on device, AI capabilities, it kicks off a completely new era for the PC. We’Ve R redesigned Snapdragon exite, with improvements extending across the CPU GPU and npu, let’s get into the different components and see how heterogeneous Computing allows them to work together to deliver the best performance and power, starting with the CPU, as you saw at its Peak Orion outperforms.

Qualcomm’s Snapdragon AI Event: Everything Revealed in 14 Minutes

Every other laptop CPU in its class, of course, when it comes to real world everyday usage, you need more than just Peak Performance. You also need efficiency. Earlier.

Qualcomm’s Snapdragon AI Event: Everything Revealed in 14 Minutes

You saw the Snapdragon X Elite single-threaded Performance, but I also want to show you its multi-threaded capabilities. The Orion CPU subsystem delivers up to double the performance compared to our competitors’s, most popular 10 and 12. Core laptop CPUs take another picture here and it can match their Peak Performance with 68 % less power.

But that’s not the only way. This new CPU is jumping ahead of the competition. Orion also beats the competitors’s highend 14 core laptop chip in Peak Performance by 60 %, and once again it can match the performance using 65 % less power. That is a massive performance peratt Advantage. I’M sure you’re also wondering how it compares to laptop chips outside of the windows ecosystem. So let me show you: Orion delivers over 50 % Peak multi-threaded Performance than our competitors’s laptop chip and for times when maximum performance is necessary.

The Orion dual core boost can ramp up two of his 12 high performance cores, so you can get Ultra fast responsiveness compared to the most popular x86 integrated GPU running, one of the leading 3D Graphics benchmarks for PCs. Snapdragon exit Le delivers up to 2x to Performance and that at their Peak Performance, Snapdragon X, Elite matches that at less 74 % less power. Additionally, when compared to the leading performing x86 integrated GPU, the Snapdragon X Elite delivers up to 80 % faster performance, and when you look at Power requirements, Snapdragon xite can match their highest performance with 80 % less power, and this graphics performance isn’t limited to a built-in Display it also supports multiple, Ultra HD external monitors, providing you with the ultimate workstation during the day and an immersive entertainment setup at night, because we’re now at an inflection point when it comes to the true measure of PC, performance, CPU and GPU are still as important As ever, but now we’re adding a third dimension on device AI through R .