Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 – TOP 5 things to know!

Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 - TOP 5 things to know!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 – TOP 5 things to know!”.
Hey guys so we’re out here in Maui, where Qualcomm just announced the Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 mobile platform – and this is basically their flagship mobile chipset for 2020 you’re. Pretty much gon na see it in like every single flagship, Android phone in the coming year and there’s a lot to unpack here. So I kind of just figured I’d. Do like a top 5 video for the top 5 features that this platform is enabling. Now, first things: first, this is still a 7 nanometer chipset.

So no there’s no dice ranked since the 855, but that doesn’t mean that it’s not quite a bit better. There are a lot of improvements in this chipset, so, let’s get to it and first things: first, we got to start with performance and battery efficiency. Now pokum is rating the stamp three and a 65 to have 25 percent, better performance and battery efficiency over the a 55, and that’s a pretty big jump. That’S mostly due to the fact that they’re now using the a 77 chip from arm for the CPU and that’s just a much better architecture, because it’s around the same clock, speed as it was in the last chip.

The prime core is 2.5 gigahertz, and the big core is 2.4 gigahertz, for the architecture is just so much better that you’re getting 25 % better power efficiency and 25 2 % better performance number 2. We’Re talking, GPU and Qualcomm is rating the new Adreno 650 to have about 25 percent, better performance than the audrina 640 and 35 % better battery efficiency. So you can kind of see a trend going here. You’Ve got quite a bit better performance and quite a bit better battery efficiency across the board.

Now something else, that’s pretty cool. With this GPU, it’s gon na support 144 Hertz, HDR, 10 qhd displays and that’s really nice to see. Cuz we’ve seen 90 Hertz displays.

Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 - TOP 5 things to know!

We’Ve seen 120 Hertz displays just this year alone, and that means that we’re probably going to see high refresh rate displays become a lot more popular in 2020, and the fact that is HDR 10 plus is just icing on that cake. Now something else that’s cool about the audrina 650 is that the GPU drivers are actually separated from the rest of the chipset and that’s pretty much how traditional GPUs have worked in like desktops and laptops. Previously, you would download the GPU drivers, because the manufacturer could issue updates for it, and that means that you’ll now be able to download drivers for the adrene 650 GPU over the Google Playstore.

So your GPU is gon na get better over time. Number three we’ve got overall about two xai performance in this chip and 4x tensor performance in the tensor processor in the DSP, and there’s also about 35 % better battery efficiency as well. So again we’re going a lot more performance and a lot more battery efficiency. In this chip, that’s gon na help with things like semantic segmentation in the camera, where it can separate aspects of your face and cloth and apply filters differently to make the image look overall, better, there’s, obviously, a lot of use cases for ai and smartphones and head Over to the website, because, of course, we’ve got an article on that too number four. This is the first smartphone to support the new X 55 modem from Qualcomm, and this is a 5g modem. There are a lot of benefits to this modem.

Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 - TOP 5 things to know!

If you want to read them, we’ve got an X 50. Verse X is 55 modem over on the website, so make sure you head over there because there’s a lot more information in that article that I could really feasibly put in a top 5 video number 5 and maybe most impressively is the new spectra. Isp. That’S in the snapdragon 865 now the biggest thing is that it can process 2 Giga pixels per second of data, and that’s a huge increase and usually you’re gon na have to just bump the clock, speed to get more data throughput, but Qualcomm actually did the opposite. They’Re lowering the clock speed in their processing 4 pixels per clock instead of one pixel per clock at a higher clock rate. This is a lot of benefits because you’re saving about 16 percent energy efficiency and you can process way more data, which is enabling a lot of different things. One of those is 200 megapixel images. Another is 8k 30fps, video, 4k 120 FPS video 720p 960 fps videos sustained for over 10 minutes, there’s so many benefits to this.

I actually did a deep dive into all the new features that are coming to the camera because of the two gigabit per second processing. So make sure you head over to the website to check that out and that’s gon na about wrap it up for our top five in the snapdragon 865. If you have any questions, make sure you leave them in the comment section below or head over to Android accom, like I’ve said before, we’ve got so many articles. If you like, reading you’re gon na love, what you see over there so until next time, I’ll catch you in the next article answer processor in this DSP and that’s a pretty big, what is it .

Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 - TOP 5 things to know!