Project Jacquard: Levi’s smart jacket first look

Project Jacquard: Levi’s smart jacket first look

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Project Jacquard: Levi’s smart jacket first look”.
So I haven’t actually been waiting to buy a Levi’s trucker jacket for over a year. That’S how long it’s been since Levi’s and Google announced this jacket. It’S the trucker commuter jacket with project jacquard built in and it has a pretty expensive price. You might call it a designer price, it costs three hundred and fifty dollars. So why the long wait and why that very expensive price? Well, this jacket has intelligent, capacitive, fibers woven into the literal fabric, so that you can just do that and music starts playing. It connects to your smartphone via bluetooth, app, so let’s check that out so once you’ve paired and set it up.

This is what the app looks like. You’Ve really only got three four core gestures and you can customize them to do whatever you want so the brush in, which is what I did to play my music. This one’s really neat the DoubleTap when you double tap, and then it just gives you whatever your next direction, is to go home which is pretty clever, and then you can also just cover your sleeve to stop whatever the you know, action is that it’s doing when Jacquard is hooked up and you’re on your bike.

It automatically defaults to reading all of your notifications out loud, which is potentially annoying, but you can go in and set it to this thing called ping, which means it will only allow calls and texts in from people that you actually care about. So you’re less distracted on the road, but really one of the more fun things you can do, and you should actually just see how this works is. You can see how these capacitive threads work. So if I open this thing up, these frets represent the threads on my sleeve.

Project Jacquard: Levi’s smart jacket first look

So I can like it’s kind of fun. You can kind of see where your fingers, it’s also pressure-sensitive and yeah, it’s just kind of fun to play around with. But the point is: you’ve got these very simple, easier member gestures that you set up yourself and once you do that, while you’re riding your bike, you are able to just get.

Project Jacquard: Levi’s smart jacket first look

You know the quick information, the quick song change that you need without having to hassle with it. The cuff will also vibrate when you have an incoming notification, so it acts a little bit like a SmartWatch in that way, and you can do other weird stuff, like you can, you know, count the stuff if you’re a bouncer, I guess you can get to check The current time see how long it’ll take you to get to where you’re going and so on. So that’s it. It’S a very simple app, but that’s on purpose, because this isn’t meant to be gadgety. It’S meant to be just a thing that helps you do a couple quick things, while you’re riding your bike, so that’s how the app works, but the app kind of isn’t the point.

The point is that this is just a nice jacket and in fact you can treat it like. You would pretty much any other jean jacket once you take off this little cuff dongle thing, which is how it connects to your phone set. It aside, you can throw the whole jacket in the wash, so you can just treat it like anything else and it works really well for its purpose, which is people who commute by a bicycle. It’S got a little extender on the back reflectors pop the collar there’s another reflector and pockets for all of your gadgets. So 350, admittedly, is a bit more than you normally pay for a jacket like this, especially from Levi’s. But it’s not crazy for a very nice piece of clothing. And if you want your very nice piece of clothing to maybe make you less likely to look at your phone while you’re riding your bike, because don’t do that then it’s gon na be worth a look.

So that’s the Duquette! So that’s the jacket! .