President-elect Sally A. Kornbluth addresses the MIT community

President-elect Sally A. Kornbluth addresses the MIT community

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “President-elect Sally A. Kornbluth addresses the MIT community”.
[ APPLAUSE ] SALLY A. KORNBLUTH Thank you., [ APPLAUSE, ] Thank you., [ APPLAUSE, ]. Thank you, Madam Chair Diane, for the warm introduction., And thank you also for the careful and thorough way you led the search process and for the outstanding questions you and your colleagues. Posed., It’s always a good sign when you leave an interview actually wanting the job., So that was good..

I was so impressed by John Jarve and all of the presidential search committee who inspired me to see the world of opportunities ahead for the institute.. And, of course I could not be more grateful to the executive committee and all of the members of the MIT Corporation. For trusting me with the profound responsibility of leading MIT.

To President and Mrs. Reif Raphael and Chris, thank you so much for welcoming my family and me with such warmth and graciousness., And a big hello to the entire MIT community. To all of you here in this room and online students, staff postdocs faculty alumni, as well as our Cambridge neighbors., As anyone knows who has ever held a major leadership role, it would be impossible to do the job without great support from your family..

In that case, it’s my husband, Danny, a superb scientist and always my greatest constructive critic and sounding board and our two children — our daughter, Joey, a medical student in California, who I dearly hope I can lure to Boston and our son Alex. Who is right here at MIT because he’s a fifth-year PhD student in EECS.? That’S of course six.. Am I right? [ LAUGHS, ], [, LAUGHTER, ], [ APPLAUSE ].

President-elect Sally A. Kornbluth addresses the MIT community

But the truth is I’m here because of one other person who will never know it. The most transformative teacher of my life –, the late Bill Dewitt.. He was a biology professor at my undergraduate institution Williams., And he taught a class that I only took because I had to take some science to graduate..

President-elect Sally A. Kornbluth addresses the MIT community

I was majoring in political science. And I desperately needed to fulfill my science distribution requirement.. I wound up in his class on human biology and social issues., And for me it changed everything. As a Poli Sci major. I should have been drawn to really the social issues side of the class., But suddenly because of Bill’s brilliant gifts.

President-elect Sally A. Kornbluth addresses the MIT community

As a teacher, I found myself fascinated by how cells function. I signed up for every biology class. I could possibly cram in before I graduated, including an amazing course during winter study, which is very similar to IAP here at MIT., And I wound up getting a fellowship to study genetics at Cambridge. And this time, when I say Cambridge, I mean the one in England., But from now on I’ll be talking about this one., Those two years in England introduced me to the subjects and the intellectual obsessions that would define my career.

And not, incidentally, they also introduced me to Danny., And they set me on the path that has brought me To the doorstep of MIT., So for all of you, who are teachers from graduate students to senior faculty, never underestimate your impact.. It is amazing what can blossom when you sow the seeds of curiosity and inspiration., Though I grew up in the Northeast living in North Carolina for nearly 30 years, has given me a real appreciation for southern hospitality., But I have to tell you the warmth and welcome I’Ve received from all of you here at MIT has been incredible.. Of course, this is not my first time on the MIT campus., But each time I’ve gotten a glimpse of what makes MIT so remarkable.

I’ve been here several times as an MIT parent.. So I got to have a look at one slice of the intense world of MIT research, as well as a sense of the amazing creative energy of your graduate students and post-docs.. Before that, I actually came once as part of a visiting herd of provosts.

And I’ll. Never forget looking out the grand space — out the window at the grand space of Killian Court, seeing a huge crowd of students making something that looked like go karts or maybe catapults., I’m not really sure.. But I’m told I will come to know this delightful phenomenon. As 2009. MIT education at its hands-on best., So here as your president-elect, I see the most important thing of all –, this remarkable creative community.. I have really really loved my life and my many roles at Duke.. I have lots of reasons to stay. There really no reasons pushing me to leave, which tells you the strength of the pull I felt drawing me to MIT..

It was overwhelming to see how much people love the place and how proud they were to be a part of it.. I’Ve always felt that my greatest professional strength and pleasure is enabling the success of other people., So who would want –? Who would not want to do that for the best of the best here at MIT? I wanted to be part of a place that celebrates new advances in science and technology. The same way, other schools celebrate a basketball, game., [, LAUGHTER, ], So 02139. World capital of intellectual fun., A place that faces hard problems with honesty and facts and comes up with outstanding solutions from MIT’s legendary women in science.

Reports to the work you’re doing now to develop shared principles on the vital importance of free expression.. I wanted to join a community that is leading the way on educational outreach and access that has a long, proud tradition of selecting for potential, not pedigree. A community.

That brings together people from an incredible diversity of cultures and backgrounds.. All of you, brimming with curiosity and ingenuity and united in your drive, to make a difference., And maybe above all I was drawn here, because I believe that MIT is uniquely poised to harness the power of science and technology all along the continuum from fundamental science to Engineering innovations for society and deeply enriched by the wisdom and inventive power of the humanities, the arts, the social sciences, management and design. From climate change to pandemic disease to the ethical use of AI.

This is a moment when humanity faces huge global problems. Problems that urgently demand the attention of the world’s most skillful minds and hands.. In short, I believe this is your moment. And I could not imagine a greater privilege than helping all of you seize its full potential..

My mother was an opera singer. And I am definitely not an opera singer., But back in college. I did sing with an a cappella group., And it’s still one of my greatest pleasures. Now one thing that experience has taught me: is it’s exciting to sing solo? To take responsibility for leading the performance., But the most exhilarating feeling in the world is close harmony.

Those moments when all of your voices come together to make something wonderful that none of you could have made alone –. That is the spirit I want to bring to my leadership at MIT. And I can’t wait to get started.. So thank you so so much.