Preparing for a New World of Weather and Climate Extremes

Preparing for a New World of Weather and Climate Extremes

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Preparing for a New World of Weather and Climate Extremes”.
The climate is warming and that’s affecting the weather. We experience from day to day.. We have been taking resources from the planet and returning a lot of pollution.. The way that we have been mismanaging. Those effects has really created a number of effects in the atmosphere that are changing extreme weather patterns..

We have to adapt our cities to these changing events., And so we need more accessible tools for everybody to adapt.. At the same time, we need to transition to renewable energy resources., There’s really no shortage of solar energy. If you think about the solar energy resource and the wind energy resource., You know they can supply many times. The energy demand that we have as human societies here on this planet.. We need to have really good risk assessments.. The models we have of the atmosphere in particular have really improved a lot recently.. We use computational models to assess the risk today and we can use the same models to assess the risks going forward as the climate changes.. All climate change is local., Where things really start to get bad is not the mean temperature.

It’S the extremes. .