Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Plex Emails Your Mom”.
Plex emails, Joe M, I was going to do that. Yeah on November 1st media hosting service Plex launched, discover together in an attempt to Pivot, to become more like a social network. Plex also altered its weekend review feature so that it also sends users a summary of their friends weekly activity, including media, that they uploaded to their server. What the I says, pardon the feature is opt out. Oh yeah and many users were unaware of the change until it emailed them their friends. Viewing history holy crap are youing kidding me. Meanwhile, their mobile app still doesn’t Auto playay the next article for me on Android the way the the the the extent to which Plex has managed to deviate from their original North Star is truly shocking.
At this point, so a this is a public admission of their user data collection practices that, from my understanding they had previously said were no big deal. Don’T worry about it. I mean you upload all your pirated content here, because we would never, you know, share any of this with anybody or log it or anything like that. Don’T worry about it and number two is like holy sh. If I want to tell someone that I’m watching some cringe, you know movie from the 90s. That’S like you know only redeeming features that it has about half a second of Angelina J yeah, the second he said cringe movie for the 90s.
I was like 100 % know where this is going uh to be to be clear. I actually don’t consider that to be a redeeming feature in a movie um yeah I was, I was just trying to make fun of his favorite movie. I I it’s not my favorite M I’ve watched half of it now we can talk about it after but uh. The point is: how do you, how do you watch half of anything? I have kids when you have kids we’ll talk about how you can be interrupted in the middle of a movie Emma.
Does this we’ll be watching a show, yeah and she’ll just get up in the middle of an episode and be like I’m going to bed, I’m like how do you you not going to f it’s like 10 minutes until the end she’s like no I’m tired, I’m Going to bed, it’s like, I want control like that over my life yeah, I didn’t know it does. Work have to watch the end of it. It drives me insane you’re eating a meal and you’re, just like I’m full. Now, okay, like w, I am done with this project.
It is time for Sleep um, it’s wild, yeah anywh, who uh? This is not cool. I I am seriously considering you know, going jumping through the Hoops to figure out Jelly fin or something like that. At this point I just no, I can’t I don’t Plex already Works mostly. I don’t I’m I’m at a point in my life, where I don’t want to learn a new content management, Library, organization software, I I don’t feel like it. I already know how to use filebot. I already know how to use Plex. I already know how to use these. I already know how you just make MKV like I just. I know how to use these tools, and this is not the kind of thing that, if I’m not making content about it, matters to me to spend a bunch of time on and I’m not making content on it. Because there are literally dozens of us.
And it’s just not a mainstream enough topic for us to tackle on our Channel these days. So no, I don’t want to do this. I just want Plex to not be that’s all. I want I’m I’m looking at I’m looking at the CEO’s LinkedIn, which is not something I’ve like ever done before for, like I, I’ve never had a company. Do something and be like.
I genuinely don’t at all understand the motivation, so i’ i’ I’ve checked out their LinkedIn and I I don’t know, comes from you know, bracket Computing. Well, it’s something that was sold to VMware. So I don’t know. Okay, I don’t know. Why has this logo? Because or maybe it was sold to Cisco, oh no acquired by V right there uh, okay strategy and Business Development, security, well, uh, oops, and then president CEO of Plex, for for almost 11 years, so the motivation is clearly not coming from him.
Cuz he was there when Plex was cool yeah. The motivation is coming from from whoever is giving them VC money and wants to see their user base grow and thinks that alienating their users is a good way to grow the user B. I guess I can’t think of a single person that I know if they made it opt in sure, but the fact that it’s opt out is insane yeah. Like honestly, look I’m not going to lie. I actually insane. I have Ambitions for the Badminton Center that are similarly creepy right right here right here, I I am, I am admitting it right now in my perfect world, we would you you would be able to basically like social network, the crap out of it and if you’re, Like the guy, who beat you three times in the last, whatever booked a session, it’d be like hey your friend, of course, you would have to actually authorize people to see this stuff yeah, so it have to be opt in which completely solves the problem. The point is your: your buddy is: has booked a session? Do you want to do you want to suit up and and go at it again? You want to try to sound cool capture that Pokemon or whatever yeah like I want to gamify stuff um, and for that we’re going to need to to get creepy. I wouldn’t even I don’t want any of this data to leave.
Prem compet Jes. Are you? Okay, Dan’s Mouse on my desk, there’s a mouse on your desk. He uh this is hilarious. We’Re going to the producer cam uh Dan Dan saw a mouse hold on yeah.
I need the mouse yeah. I need the mouse for cat TV, okay hold on a second. We might we have a thing here, just a second just a second people uh, I uh one moment please you’re, holding the okay uh sure I I think lonus should call it something like competitive Q or something like that just to like make it sound kind of Cool, maybe a better name than that. I’M used to names for engineers uh, but I think he should make whatever that feature is uh sound cool so that people want to subscribe to it.
I have not personally seen the mouse, so it darted towards me going to crawl up my leg. I I would do a topic, but I honestly think this is probably more interesting than Tech news. Sorry, no! No! No! That’S fine! This is forus. I I I love that there was like a very short portion of time of fear and almost immediately into, I must catch this for your cats.
Yes, that transition was very fast. I caught one last night. It was in the garbage.
Can I managed to grab it? We show it off on CAU it in a bucket. We had the uh. There was like a t-shirt on top of this off here, you see bouncing in wow t-shir you caught one here last night.
Oh, we like got mice yeah, it was the bread. Is this working? It was the bread it is. It was the bread, the bread that had been sitting here. That’S what attracted them cuz. Normally we don’t have any food just kicking around in the office yeah anyway. So I I had three mice that I caught in my garage when they got into my grass seed and they were great Cat TV, the cats freaking loved it um. So much that I bought like that, I think we talked about it on W show. I bought that crazy topper for it, unfortunately, before the topper arrived after, I ordered it, but before it arrived, the mice chewed through the old lid on the cage and the cats have now eaten their TV. So I need new TV for the cats and then Dan found new TV, but then didn’t um and then just released it outside.
You know. I bet it’s the same, damn one that just got in the same Hole: uh cuz! Unless you take it like 15 km away or something it’ll like find its way back anyway, hold on I’m still there, I’m I’m just going to get in here and start lifting things up here. Yeah. I have a poke stick. Oh okay, cool! I feel like we need to like action cam with one of these cameras.
Maybe behind the this is not doing it justice. Can I action cam with the webcam, maybe uh, probably not – probably not try uh Pok at the back hold on stream. Give me a second. This is more important, it is amazing.
I think we have some live traps over on the other side anyway, if we just put one of them out here with like peanut butter in it or put like a granola bar in it or something it’ll probably get caught and they’ll stay alive in there. For a couple days, so maybe we could just pick it up on Monday. Okay, where are they what an adventure, I’m not sure where they are? I saw some I I know we had some mice over in the lab, so I know there’s definitely something there. In the mean it’s it’s, okay, you can just uh. I I would just do merch messages for now. Um anyway, he’s leaving.
I not he’s not there. Anyway, what were we talking about? You know how they call it. The dll show yeah yeah yeah. Now it’s the dllm show oh okay, cuz llms, yeah, but also mice yeah. I get it it’s very funny.
Wow wow! It’S got layers to it. It’S like a it’s. An ogre it’s one ogre of a reference joke anyway, Plex emailing, your mom is dumb and they shouldn’t have done that they, if it was opt in, maybe you could make a little like Movie Club. That’S automated and you see like opt in would be cool. This feature, if opt in, would be cool yeah like I would never opt in to get Luke’s movies recommended to me, because uh they’re, so .