Playstation Now PS Vita Gameplay and Review | 4K

Playstation Now PS Vita Gameplay and Review | 4K

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Playstation Now PS Vita Gameplay and Review | 4K”.
Playstation now has finally hit the PlayStation Vita, so without further ado, let’s just dive straight into it, so upon actually booting up the app straight away. I wasn’t really too impressed. It starts to feel almost at the beginning, like a stream, so, unlike perhaps the PlayStation Store, for example, which feels very fluid fast and integrated the PlayStation. Now on the PS Vita, it just feels a little bit clunky and not very optimized for the Vita and it doesn’t even support touchscreen controls, and then I saw the prices and I was even more taken aback from the games that are currently on offer. There are two different sets of prices: some of the games start at $ 2.99 for two days and then $ 5.99 for 30 days, and the others are $ 4.99 for two days and $ 7.99 for 30. That’S very very expensive, but then, when we dive into the gameplay, you can sort of see where that’s coming from it’s very very polished, and I was impressed to see games like these like body count, as you can see here, playing on the PlayStation Vita.

It feels native and it’s absolutely gorgeous to look at. I mean this is probably far from the best-looking ps3 game and almost definitely not the best one in terms of gameplay, but it’s actually very, very enjoyable to play on the PS Vita. Is this kind of weird magical feeling of being able to pick up and play this game in your hands, something that would normally require to be tied down to a console with this giant box and huge TV screen? I think it’s really quite special.

On top of that, the latency was amazing. This feels like a native game, in fact, kind of embarrassingly it’s actually more responsive than a lot of them. Before I actually tried this. One of my major concerns was framerate jittering.

You know the fact that you’re streaming these heavy load games and you know intense gun sequences and that kind of thing I would have expected some slowdown. But here there’s absolutely nothing so clearly enjoying the beta Sony have really polished up their job and it plays extremely smoothly. This stream is sub HD.

In fact, to be honest, it’s a step further than that. It’S sub PlayStation Vita native resolution, which in itself is only half of HD. I think so that, though it doesn’t actually look particularly fuzzy, I mean, if you compare it to a game like with instance, burning skies, a native PlayStation, Vita title. This is almost definitely sharp and lives up extremely well to its PlayStation 3 counterpart. Unfortunately, though, there are a couple of issues.

First of all, like I mentioned before the price, this is an extremely expensive streaming service. However, for some really hardcore users, it could actually be worth it considering that is actually done based on time. So, for example, two days is the minimum amount of time you can rent a game and, if you’re really really committed to it and you’ve got to three days, you can almost complete a game in that time. So if you consider that perhaps a triple-a title might cost you 60 pounds to buy in a store, whereas if you actually rented it here, you could pay five and then consider that maybe over the time you use it, the game will probably lose 20 pounds of Its value, so its resale is about 40. So if you consider that then actually this becomes quite an attractive service.

If you’re the kind of person you might buy a game, just destroy it and absolutely you know paste the game in the two days that they play. It then return it then. Actually, this could be quite good value for you, but I think for the general user and me especially, I really do like the idea of earning my game, the idea of sort of returning to after time and being able to play it whenever and wherever I want And I think that’s why I’m so attracted to the PlayStation Vita as a console and then the other issue, which is definitely an issue this time. No two ways about it is that the play seat meter has no l2 and r2 buttons, and these things are crucial, especially for games like this. You may have noticed that I’ve just been touching the top corners of the screen, and that’s how you actually shoot here to say it’s uncomfortable would be an understatement.

Playstation Now PS Vita Gameplay and Review | 4K

It just doesn’t feel right and, as far as I can see, I couldn’t find a way to remap the controls. There might be, I’m not saying there isn’t, but I just could not find one. I searched online, I searched on the app and there was nothing, but even if they do make a way to remap there’s going to be a problem. There is just less physical controls on this system than there is on a traditional controller and so you’re going to be compromising somewhere. Nonetheless, though, even though it is quite expensive, I have to say, I’m really really impressed with the way at the actual screen works. The quality is fantastic and it does like it originally claimed to allow you to relive the classics in their original glory.

Playstation Now PS Vita Gameplay and Review | 4K

Thanks watching guys – and I hope you enjoyed this video – you .