PlayStation 5 Controller: Major Key!

PlayStation 5 Controller: Major Key!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “PlayStation 5 Controller: Major Key!”.
Hey, what’s up, I’m Kim BHD here so hear me out. Ps5’S controller. This guy right here might be might be the best part of the PS5, but maybe an even hotter. Take as this might be the most next-gen thing about any of the upcoming next-gen consoles. It’S important like, of course, the graphics are gon na get better and the games will look better, but the controller evolving, maybe that’s a hot take.

But I think this is pretty important, so both major consoles Xbox series and PlayStation 5 right around the corner. As you know, and I’m testing them both it’s a lot of hard work playing a lot of games between the two of them, of course, but I wanted to take a minute before the reviews of them to talk about controllers. So a lot of you have seen the PS5 unboxing so you’ve seen that new controller and this is it and I didn’t unbox the Xbox series X and S on camera, but I’ve shown it several times already, and these are the Xbox controllers. The series X comes with a black controller, matte, black everything actually and the series s comes with a matte white controller, but it’s the same thing roughly. It’S not super new and we’ve seen the shape before there’s some subtle improvements. I, like, though, USB type c and there’s a DOT pattern on the back of the shoulders. That’S really nice now, but the ps5’s new controller is different. It’S built different! It’S it’s uh! I don’t know how many people are actually shopping between PlayStation 5 and Xbox series X like to be honest, I think most people already know which one they want and they’re just seeing how they can get their hands on them.

PlayStation 5 Controller: Major Key!

Pre-Orders that whole dance. But if you are still undecided, maybe the controller is that differentiating factor so, okay? Why am I making this whole video? Why is the controller so different? Well, I already showed you the fundamental new thing: the new beefier design, the new lights, the new USB type c and the pins at the bottom for the dock, and even that crazy, detailed texture. That’S all fine, but also this controller when it turns on, has a feel that makes you feel more connected to the game and the console. I mean it’s a controller, so it’s the one thing that you can actually say, maybe more than the screen actually connects you to the game.

PlayStation 5 Controller: Major Key!

So two things about it. First, the new haptics are very strong. There’S a new haptic motor inside this think, like the difference between a new phone, the newest iPhone’s haptic motor and like an old, sloppy traditional vibration, motor that Precision to it and then the other thing is the Adaptive triggers. So I mentioned in the unboxing, when you just kind of squeeze the triggers when the controller is off, they feel normal.

PlayStation 5 Controller: Major Key!

But when the controller is on, they have an Adaptive level of resistance of when you actually pull them down and the level of resistance can get pretty high. And you really have to squeeze the triggers and they respond based on what’s happening on the screen and in the game. So those two things are a feel. That is a major step up. So together they make up the Dual sense controller and then to demo it Sony actually made a game. It’S called Astros playroom to show it off and it has exaggerated levels of haptics and adaptive triggers all throughout the game and they combine with the speaker and the controller to really feel super engaging all the time I was going to say immersive, I don’t know if That’S the right word, but it’s just engaging the whole time. So in this game you basically control Astro and go through this world. This is one stage called cooling Springs and literally Everything You Touch feels different through the controller, the character walking around on glass. You feel the footsteps, it feels and sounds one way, but even without the sound it just feels noticeably different than walking on metal or walking through water or on Sand, and that feel is all translated by the haptic motor that moves the controller with every footstep. Really precisely it’s pretty great with hitting things the impact is different for different materials.

So, of course, there’s going to be a lot of different things to hit all over this game constantly. To feel all that happen. Coins hitting you feels different from hitting a leaf feels different from hitting an enemy and then for the Adaptive triggers. They tie it to this feeling of a spring in the game, so you’re using the Triggers on the back of the controller to squeeze down a spring and the added resistance, plus the haptic vibration, all kind of feel exactly how it would feel if you were trying To squeeze and compress a real life spring, it is a very convincing combination of haptics. I’M gon na use this feeling for other things too, like the stretching of rope when you pull on ropes in the game, which again happens a lot but yeah, it’s clearly a it’s a tailor-made experience around all the strengths of the new controller.

So, of course, there’s entire levels and and places that are just around the feel of your environment and the haptics through the controller on your hands. But it is a really good demo, and so when I, when I demo this, I’m using this new controller, I’m reminded of how, whenever I use a new phone with a really good, haptic motor, I appreciate it way more and it feels newer and more next-gen than Phones from a couple years ago, or even this year with bad vibration Motors, they feel worse and you never really unnoticed that. It also reminds me of the MacBook Pro’s trackpad, the new trackpad, where the force touch you would swear, the glass is moving, but it’s not. It just – has a really good high quality haptic motor right behind it. That feels like a very convincing real click and that’s in a much smaller space than this controller, where they can fit much bigger, haptic Motors. So there’s a lot going on in here, so Sony published a teardown of the PlayStation 5 and it was pretty cool and a lot of people watched it. It was very detailed, but what I want to see now is what the inside of the controller looks like, and some people are already doing that. I think Austin did a video on the internet of looking at how big these haptic Motors are. So, of course, I can’t tear this one apart because it’s a review unit, but I feel like we’re going to see a lot more of that very soon.

It’S just when you have more space, you can do more with haptics and that to me feels much more next-gen and noticeable, and I also want to point you to this dave2d video. He made a really good video, just with a really good animation, slash illustration of what the triggers and the motor behind them may look like how they add resistance to the squeezing the triggers Dave. I hope you don’t mind me using this, but it’s really good and I think here you can visualize now better how they use the motors to make the triggers harder to squeeze but definitely check out just watch Dave’s entire video I’ll link it below. We share a lot of the same thoughts on this controller, but uh watch the rest of his entire video as well, so better haptics, better feel in the thing you’re actually holding that connects you more physically to the game than the actual graphics.

When you think about it as kind of a no-brainer, but I think now the question now that we have this pretty good controller is what other games are going to actually take advantage of it. So Sony built Astros World cool demo, but what other games are actually going to use these impressive? You know physical achievements inside the controller. The first thing that comes to mind for me is shooting games right, having the squeezing the trigger and having the resistance of actually squeezing the trigger might feel different for different guns that I could definitely see happening. But then you know the gears started to turn a little bit. What about driving games? There’S a lot of those and something to notice anytime, you play a good driving game with a Good Wheel. The wheel has really high quality, haptics and vibration motor. So when you drive over different surfaces, it feels different in the wheel, the vibration of the car. You feel it on the wheel that can be done better with better quality haptics through this controller.

So I can see that happening, but then there’s all kinds of adventure games like the Spider-Man game, there’s sports games. Of course, I I play a lot of 2K, so I imagine feeling the basketball dribbling through the controller and there’s actually moments where you you’re, shooting a free throwing. You feel the heartbeat of your player through the controller that stuff will be Amplified, feel more convincing on this new controller. So there’s a lot of possibilities and I’m hoping that PS5 game developers are as amped about this as I am.

That would be really exciting. So that’s it for now short video just to get the gears turning and think about this a little bit. But let me know what you think: is this haptic engine in this controller, whatever they want to call it enough to convince you of PS5 over Xbox or what do you? How are you feeling about this? Because I think this is exciting.

I wanted to lift it. Sort of separate it as a thought from the full reviews, but those are coming soon and, of course much more is in the pipeline as well. Thanks for watching catch, you guys later peace, .