Pixel 6: Google Needs Apple?

Pixel 6: Google Needs Apple?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Pixel 6: Google Needs Apple?”.
Thanks to pubg mobile for sponsoring a portion of this video when it comes to apple and google, the perception that they are enemies is for fanboys, commenters and keynote fodder. The reality is these: two companies need each other and they work much more closely behind the scenes than anybody realizes. Nothing represents this weird relationship more than the upcoming pixel six. Let me explain so before you jump down my throw in the comments calling me a ton of names or whatever for suggesting that apple is at all responsible for the upcoming pixel. Six hear me out. I think if you do, this will make a lot of sense and it all comes back down to the age-old saying of follow the money. So it’s not like a huge secret, but the google line of phones has changed over the years. The og pixel phones, the nexus line – was still some of my favorite phones of all time and i think it’s really hard to argue with the greatness. That was the pixel 2. But since then, google has been struggling to find an identity for the pixel line and it looks like the pixel 6 is shaping up to be a triumphant return for google. So i think that kind of got us down the rabbit hole of asking a question like why now so, like i said before, follow that money, so the biggest one here is google search? It’S you know it’s the biggest search engine on every iphone and apple. Didn’T put it there out of kindness of their own hearts apple makes a boatload of money from google off that deal and for a long time we didn’t know how much that was until a recent wall street journal, article uncovered from a u.s justice department lawsuit that Just take a guess before i tell you how much google pays apple every year, if you guessed between 8 and 12, uh billion be correct, and that boku box actually amounts to between 15 to 20 of apple’s yearly revenue, and that translates to about a third of Google alphabet’s profits per year, so a ton of money for both companies and really high stakes when it just comes to search. So clearly, this is an investment on google’s part right.

Pixel 6: Google Needs Apple?

You don’t pay that amount of money without getting something back and they clearly make way more back than that from collecting on google ads services, probably some personal information that are on over the billion iphones that are in circulation. But what? If apple decided to pull out of that deal so before i finish getting into why google needs apple, i do want to take a minute to thank this video sponsor pubg mobile and their latest 1.5 update. You probably already know pubg mobile channels. I’Ve got on your phone, but the new update adds a ton of awesomeness that you may not know about.

So the first big one for me was uh. There’S a tesla angle here, there’s actually integrated tesla inside of the game. So first there are four gigafactories now in aarongail you can activate the switches on the assembly line and the factory to start the whole assembly process. There’S also the other tesla stuff.

You’D expect it’s actually autopilot in there, and i guess i can actually now call it. Self-Driving, since it’s inside of a game uh, the tesla angle, i think, is really cool collaboration that got me back inside of it. It was something new. I drive a tesla, so it was fun to sort of see that world inside of my phone aside from the tesla stuff, like aaron gayle itself, has gotten a pretty big update.

There’S six new areas in it: there’s military defense, energy utilization, transportation, logistics, uh and a pretty cutting edge scientific research, section uh, new gameplay mechanics are here as well: you’ve got dynamic infrastructure. They took these urban areas. They’Re gon na feature dynamic, moving mechanisms, so it’ll be like elevators and automatic doors. Those are things that are totally new.

Pixel 6: Google Needs Apple?

So if you’ve played the game, you know aaron gail is a giant map. So, like the tesla angle, while it’s like a cool collaboration with two different entities, uh is handy because autopilot will actually take you from like one area to the next. Essentially, the 1.5 update is the game. You love just more of it and more things you can do.

Pixel 6: Google Needs Apple?

It took a really great game and made even better added new angles. New areas and improved on things like you’d expect, with pretty giant updates. So if it sounds awesome to you update your app store, if you already have pubg mobile installed, if you don’t we’ll put a link down below to get the app rolling on your phone tablet, it’ll work perfectly on ios and android. What, if apple decided to make their own search engine or limit the amount of ad revenue that google can make from the iphones? Well, both of these things are kind of actually already happening, so apple’s larger focus is clearly on security.

That’S sort of the hill that they are marching up. It seems like a hill they’re going to stay on for a while, especially when it came to ios 14.5 release which drastically reduced the amount of information. A company or app can sort of track on your at least give you a choice, figure out whether or not you want to opt in and, of course, companies, solid information for a huge amount of money, google being the biggest player, or at least one of them, And on top of that, there’s been a lot of talk for years, but apple, developing their own search engine, and that would become obviously the default search engine on the same billion iphones. The problem with that is that google search is crazy, good and completely ubiquitous, meaning it’s everywhere, and it would be really hard for apple to compete with that right out of the gate, building a search engine from the ground up, look at like how long it took Siri to become usable versus google’s assistant, clearly the information that google is gathering while they’re making money from it, it’s also being used to better the product apple, would more than likely have to buy out an existing search engine like duckduckgo and then build it up from There so one of these two things kind of already happening, and the second probably seems inevitable to me.

It seems that google is aware of the writing on the wall. That apple is going to go the route of making their own search engine and they are looking to sort of hedge, their bet as they move into the future. So i think the logical thing for them to do would be to take your pixel line more seriously. Why rely on apple to sell a billion phones when, if you do it right, perhaps you can get there as well and the huge amount of revenue that google is making off ads from the iphone? That’S what they can make from a phone that they’re making themselves? Where they have full control so take what previously seemed like an afterthought, the the pixel line and make it a priority, hence the pixel 6 and pixel 6 pro so make no mistake.

Google spent a lot of money making this phone, whether or not apple, was the catalyst for google to want to make the drastic change with this pixel. We don’t know the reason, but one thing is for sure apple played a big part in paying for it. So give a quick rundown on future pixel 6 and pixel 6 pro specs. So now on paper, these phones look to be awesome, not something you could say about a pixel phone for a while – and i am insanely excited for these two come out, but the thing that gets me most excited is this little part right right.

There google is making their own custom silicon for all of their new phones, and you might not realize how giant a deal it is that google is going this route, so optimization in smartphones is clearly the name of the game for battery and just for a smoother Experience and apple’s been enjoying the benefits of hardware and software optimization for years on their phones more recently, macs and ipads 2, with the a series and now the m1 light of chips. It’S one of the big reasons: iphones don’t need to have as much ram as most android devices. It’S not that apple can’t put 8 12 16 or whatever oneplus is going to be doing what time this video comes out on their phones. They just don’t have to because of optimization, but the thought of combining google’s custom silicon with 8 or 12 gigabytes of ram, google’s nutso camera and their amazing software. The thought of that seems like the ultimate phone, so i’m crossing my fingers cause i’m ready for it, but either way. Other companies are starting to follow apple’s footsteps with making their own custom silicon and i’m sure that google won’t be the last to do it. So i haven’t talked about design a radical new design for the pixel 6 line. Now, you’re probably wondering how i’m going to bring this back to the beginning and suggest that apple had anything to do with the design of these phones buckle up we’re about to do it. So apple does not change designs very often, especially when it comes to the iphone. So the iphone 12 started a new squared off design and iphone 13 and likely 14 or 15, or whatever comes next for the few years. We’Ll have an iteration of that same design and there have been quite a few android devices that have started to say, borrow design, ideas for my phone and on the android side, more and more devices starting to look like variations of samsung phones. So with most smartphones.

Looking more and less like an iphone or a samsung phone, both of those companies have inadvertently given google permission to not follow any design cues from either they went with something completely different, different from any phone that i’ve ever seen, and i think this was the smartest Thing, google could have done the pixel, 6 and 6 pro will be instantly recognizable. When you see it, and i love it, it’s different it’s, unlike anything else, we’ve seen it’s hard to make a rectangle look unique. Google did it and if the phone feels as good as it looks, just get my pocket already, so i think it’d be one thing if it was a smaller, more kind of vulnerable phone company that took design risks like this, but this is googs.

If anyone had the funds in reach to go against the grain, it’s them so bringing all of this back the money. That’S changing. Hands between google and apple is a surprising percentage of both companies bottom lines. And while it seemed like a bad financial decision for apple to sort of forego those billions of dollars coming from google and go out on their own, they have the war chest and they have the capital to absorb a loss for a few years on google side Them losing out on that information from a billion iphones is a huge hit, but if they focus on the pixel and make the pixel the the iphone of android, which, by all accounts it should be not only can they recoup the amount of information they can gather. On you for better or worse, but the ad revenue they have full control over, they can control what they’re going gon na show and they will know how much they’re gon na make from it. So perhaps this breakup of frenemies could eventually be the best for both companies and ultimately the consumer. .