Pink Xplosion — Pink Keyboard / Mouse / Headset — Unboxing Jackpot!

Pink Xplosion — Pink Keyboard / Mouse / Headset — Unboxing Jackpot!

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Hello and welcome to tech deals, i’m your host, rogue and today, we’ve got something different for you. We have an unboxing, we are going to unbox a headset, a keyboard and a mouse pad, and yes, they are pink, so don’t run away yet because you do know a girl who likes pink or a boy whatever it doesn’t matter if they like pink. But let’s go open these up and take a look. Today’S video is brought to you by us in support of youtube premium. Premium removes ads from youtube, allows background play on mobile devices, allows for easy downloads for offline watching and provides youtube music premium more details. After the video, let’s start with the mouse pad, shall we let’s open this up? You probably didn’t even see it sitting there, but basically all of these did come off of amazon.

So all right here we go open sesame. Okay, this shouldn’t be this hard. All right here we go here. We go all right. Let’S, let’s put that over there, all right. Oh, this is pretty we’re unwinding it. It’S wow! That’S it’s actually pretty thick! That’S cool uh! Oh there’s a little card in there to get 10 off.

Pink Xplosion — Pink Keyboard / Mouse / Headset — Unboxing Jackpot!

So all right, that’s nice! Let’S just move these a little bit there we go. What do you think i like that? I like the pattern on that that’s different and then it’s just got the black on the background. So all right there we go um. Let’S talk about the dimensions of this all right. Let’S do that. What do you think that looks pretty good? Doesn’T it so? This is a large mouse pad it’s by inno, plus never heard of him.

Pink Xplosion — Pink Keyboard / Mouse / Headset — Unboxing Jackpot!

It comes in at about 18 on amazon and i’ll. Tell you the dimensions 31.5 by 15.75. So if you want something, that’s a little bigger than a normal mousepad, but not huge, like the extra extra large ones, then this quite frankly, would be a good pick. It actually feels very smooth, so if you’ve got a mouse or anything that you’re wanting to use you’re not going to have any problems whatsoever, it’s going to glide, nice and smooth what should we take a look at next keyboard headset? Let’S take a look at the headset because i actually have a laptop here that i’m going to plug it in and we’re going to take a look and see what we think whoa, that’s so cute. This is bag and they’ve kind of just oh wow. That’S actually really cute. Look at that. That is uh, that is uh, that’s pink, okay, it’s got its microphone here and it’s actually flexible too.

Pink Xplosion — Pink Keyboard / Mouse / Headset — Unboxing Jackpot!

That’S actually pretty cool uh. All right. We’Re going to plug this in that actually has oh a lot of padding. Oh look at that look at all the padding on that.

They usually don’t have that much padding and there’s some mesh in here. There’S some mish in here all right! Well, let’s, oh you have got depending on your setup. You have got uh some more adapters here and if you need to hook it onto something you can use this thing, there’s a manual too. If you need it. Okay, that’s cool, let’s stuff, all that back in there, so it’s actually the novava k6 and it’s actually the colorful marquee pro gaming headset.

So we’re going to plug this in here and see what it looks like it has quite a long cord so depending on where you’re plugging it into you’ll, you won’t even be able to get to the fridge with this thing, all right, i’m going to pop them On and let’s see how it feels and then i’m going to plug it in wish me luck. Oh that actually is pretty comfy. It doesn’t feel too heavy. Some of them feel very heavy.

I mean i do feel it here, but it’s not okay. This is good. I’M pretty happy with this. I’M gon na plug it in and let’s see what it looks like. Okay, that’s cool, i just plugged it in and look we got rgb, it’s not too in your face all right. Let’S pop these back on all right, i got my mic here. How does that look? Does that look pretty cool all right? Let’S listen to it and see what it sounds like. Oh wow, okay, wow, okay, i give these two thumbs up. I really like the sound of these for forty dollars – total.

Yes, oh my goodness wow okay! I was not expecting that now. Actually, at the time of filming this, these headsets are coming in at about 49 dollars, so if you can find it under 50, this is a good. This is a good deal. The other interesting thing about this is it actually has noise cancelling as well.

So if there is noise around you, it will actually keep that out. So, to be honest, that’s actually a good find now we’re going to take a look at the keyboard and mouse combo. This comes in at 40 dollars and this is the sadie’s brand. So, let’s open it up and see what it looks like: okay, okay, lots of paper: oh we’re upside down! Well, let’s start with the mouth: first: okay, here’s the mouse! That’S really pretty! That looks cool; okay, there’s the mouse; and here oh yeah. Of course the keyboard is upside down. Oh, it’s got these on it. That’S that’s cool! Oh okay, oh check that out look at this it’s metal and it’s metallic. Okay, that’s cool! I don’t think i’ve ever had a keyboard.

That’S had the metal like that on it. Oh, that’s really interesting. Look at that! Wow, okay, we’re gon na plug this in and see what she looks like all right. So we’ve got a keyboard and we’ve got a mouse.

So let’s plug these in and see what they look like. I think this actually looks pretty cool huh all right. I was not expecting this okay, one nitpicky thing really a black cord, okay, fine, whatever it needs to be a pink cord. Don’T you think all right, let’s plug this in purple? Okay, that’s cool all right! Now! I get to plug the mouse in unwindish, find you when i can find something better than this.

I will be a happy camper, because i do not like these. I’Ve got the acer predator over here and i’m glad i do because this thing has ports out the wazoo for you to plug all this stuff in okay. There you go, everything is plugged in the headset, the keyboard and the mouse. Oh wow, okay, it slides nicely over this, like it, doesn’t feel like there’s too much drag so that’s good because sometimes on the mouse pads, it can like feel like you’re going through sand, but it doesn’t feel like uh the wheel that feels good and there’s like Little buttons here: okay, that’s cool sensitivity; oh yeah, it’s got a sensitivity button right here.

Oh no, that changes the color look. Oh, that turns it. So it does come with the two little buttons on the side. Here you got your wheel and then you’ve got your little button here to change your colors. Okay, let’s put that there, my god look at i mean this is nuts all these wires. Goodness, gracious me! Okay, let’s test, let’s pop that all right, there’s our mouse! Here’S our keyboard, i’m just gon na, feel this and see that’s pretty clicky.

It’S not meant to be like for a kiddo. I mean it’s very light. It’S not heavy! It’S keyboard! I mean it’s, it’s not too clicky. No! This is fine for for forty dollars, a keyboard and a mouse, and it’s pink, my goodness, you would make someone’s absolute day with this so on the mouse. You’Ve actually got four different levels of dpi and it goes up to 3200. So, depending on how sensitive you want it, you’ve actually got some choices, which is quite interesting when for like what a 20 mouse.

I don’t know about you, but this looks like a transformer. I must have watched transformers too much as a kid uh. It looks like it’s supposed to like transform into something so over here on the keyboard. You do have the little feet if you want to lift it up just to tad, it is a full keyboard, so you do have all of your keys 104 of them. So you know if you’re wanting a full keyboard. Oh that’s cool. The wasd keys have like little arrows on them. Oh that’s! Really! Fun! There’S arrows all over this thing. Now in the listing, it does say that the keycaps come off so that you can clean it. So there you go. If you need to clean it, you can okay. This is really cool.

They’Ve got the uh sound wired into your multimedia keys, so you can turn your sound up and down you can mute. You can do it all from your multimedia keys. Okay, this is actually pretty.

This is actually pretty cool. There’S actually a lot to this. It kind of surprises me a little bit because we have used a lot of keyboards and we have used a lot of mice, and so my little brain is catching up to like oh wow, there’s actually a lot to all of this um.

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It’S like, oh, you will now. Will you alright guys? You know what to do like this video, if you like it, share with your friends, if you love it and remember, to subscribe, using the big red button below click that bell notification, so that you’re notified of when these videos drop comments, thoughts, feedback suggestions on who You have in mind on who this would be a great gift for, and also too all the links are in the video description below for you thanks so much for hanging out with us and for watching, and we will see you next time bye for now, you .