Phone Chips Powering Desktops?

Phone Chips Powering Desktops?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Phone Chips Powering Desktops?”.
{, Oh NO }, [, Ah ] *high, pitched* *make, it 3 notes* Wanted tech news, but not like this. Like this Optane memory, an important part of every PC, or at least Intel hopes to get there someday and the company has unveiled Optane DC Persistence Memory. [. Oh ]: it’s a tongue twister in the form of standard DDR4 modules, with capacities of a 128 ( GB ) 256 ( GB ) and 512 ( GB ), gigs [, oh ], that’s pretty cool, Unlike normal RAM, Optane DDR4 isn’t as fast, but it’s persistent., Meaning That these, like memory modules, will retain data even when the system is powered down.

That means that it could be used to has both RAM and storage. Intel says that this will eliminate the need to wait for data to be moved between the two and Increase the amount of memory available for processors to work with these first modules will only be available on Intel’s Next-gen XEON Platform, but if it spreads to the mainstream, This could fundamentally change PCs. As we know them.

We should eliminate all sorts of redundant things like right now. Socks and sandals are not redundant. The sandals keep your feet protected from staples on the floor and the socks protect other people from the smell of your feet. [. Oh CRAP, ] Ed.. Can you grab me the TechLinked shirt? We only have one *Romantic music going on* *HOT* [, Oh ]! There.

Phone Chips Powering Desktops?

That’S better the names and clock speeds of four new Ryzen processors have leaked online Thanks to a motherboard compatibility list posted by ASRock. The document lists the RYZEN 3 2300X RYZEN 5, 2500X and some other ones that we will just put on here. While these E-series chips are likely to be low-power versions of the 2600 and 2700 as they’re sporting, a 45 watt TDP, the 2300 and 2500 X’s look like they’re aimed at budget Overclockers and Enthusiasts., We likely won’t need to wait much longer to hear about these as They’Ll probably show up at Computex next week, But will they be enough to take on AMD’s fiercest rival, Q? U A L C, O M M { wait.. what }? Yes, that’s right! Qualcomm — Nice segue, — maker of primarily mobile chips, is poised to come up in a big way in the PC space.

Phone Chips Powering Desktops?

Microsoft has been working to create full desktop-grade Windows, 10 devices based on ARM chips, And it looks like ASUS is working on just such a device, CoDeNaMeD [, _P_R_I_M_U_S_ ]. It will reportedly be based on Qualcomm, Snapdragon, 1000 c h, i p, which will be powerful enough to drive D E S, K, T O P E X, P E R. I E N C E S just like ARM’s A76 CPU, which they announced yesterday. We’re even seeing native 64-bit ARM-based apps popped up, VLC just released a compatible version of their video player.

Is there anything VLC can’t do so get ready to compute on your phone or call people on your PC, [? Ah yeah ], I mean you can do both of those things already, But but this time it’ll be different.. {, YES., } Trust, me., {, NO }. It’S time for bit-quits Haha didn’t sit bit. Quits bit-quits Brought to you by Our Merch, Except our merch, really needs some feedback..

Phone Chips Powering Desktops?

I mean a lot of you actually bought this thing and we do want to make more stuff that you guys will actually want to buy. But but we can’t rely on Pure MeMe Lord-grade MeMeness, all the time., So click the link below to fill out our merch program feedback survey. Let us know what you want to see on the store page. I can imagine some of you suggesting things that are a little bit too outside the box Like we can’t do a flamethrower for anything but { y, not }.

You know the sky’s, the limit sort of {. We got mustard }. All right. Much has been made of NVIDIA allegedly planned to release its next-gen GPUs in July, But a talk from the company has been spotted on the schedule for the hot chip symposium in August titled NVIDIA’s, NeXt-GeN, MaInStReAm G, (, raphic, ), P, (, rocessing, ). U ( nit ), so even if we don’t get the 1180 in July, keep your pants warm for August. They probably will be already [ Yey ] summer except us..

Do We have a global audience? Ok, the Australians are not appreciating this right now. { Sorry, } Xiaomi has unveiled the Mi 8, a pretty accurate, iPhone 10 knockoff right down to the rear camera design. But then they also have A transparent back version which may just reveal an internal sticker. That looks like the actual phone’s internals, But [, ah ]. They were so close to jerry-rig everything’s dream phone.. They were so close.

Visa’S payment network went down across vast swaths of Europe today, leaving customers unable to pay with things via credit card. Like that $ 4 word I just used. I guess VISA isn’t everywhere. You want to be because that’s their slogan, I actually didn’t even know. You wrote in the script that I didn’t know that, but I didn’t know that, While other companies are working on AI assistants, Walmart is perfectly happy just using people.

Their new Jet-Black service allows you to order products by texting, not to an AI but to a personal shopper, a real flesh-and-blood person, with thoughts and feelings, and maybe acne, But ain’t that amazing. After some leaks, Ubisoft has revealed the next game in the Assassin’s Creed series. Odyssey with a GIF of some guy getting enthusiastically kicked off a mountain in reference to the movie’300′.

Hopefully this game doesn’t have Greek people with Scottish accents though.. I don’t think that that would be historically accurate, { fun/pun }. Well, all things must end eventually and that’s what happened to this episode.

It ended. Eventually.. I can’t believe it dragged on this long. You poor people So Subscribe to TechLinked for your tech news and also for your jimmies. Don’T forget those jimmies are important.

— you mean pen*ses {, NOoo, …, } cuz, I {. No, it’s jimmies } {! Do it for the jimmies }, Do it for the jim- I haven’t {. Where do you get your jimmies } *some, random, confused music, here* {? Let me know } *some random. Confused music here* {, *laughing, matters*, } And …: that’s where it ends.
