Perfect Tech! the UWANT X100

Perfect Tech! the UWANT X100

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Perfect Tech! the UWANT X100”.
This video is sponsored by the you want X100. I have kids, maybe a big spoiler right there uh. That means a lot of things generally speaking great things if you’re watching earmuffs uh, it also means some things – are super gross dirt. Hair spill drinks, it’s effective. I disgusting life in my house finding something to help clean those very messes. It’S super important to me, but before I tell you what that is, I want to do my favorite part of these videos doing it now, for I think about a year giveaway time. Thank you for your support.

500 giveaways anywhere, you are in the world, leave a comment. Let me know what you would do with the Yuan vacuum that I’m about to talk about, be sure to leave your social handle. So I know that I can contact you when you win. All the information, though, will be in the description so because of said dirty, messes uh, that’s where you want. You might not have heard of them uh before, but this is their. You want X100 wet dry vacuum and it’s the wet part that has been really interesting and helpful.

Perfect Tech! the UWANT X100

So it’s a portable vacuum that can handle any mess you throw at it and um. My daughter, who is too has tried to throw every mess at it. It seems like every dinner she’s flinging rice on the floor, flinging salad, knocking her water off the table uh.

Perfect Tech! the UWANT X100

It was just a little bit of a tyrant, sometimes um, probably a tangent, but I think that can clean up said. Tyrant’S behavior is super helpful, so the most important thing with a vacuum: suction power. How much does it suck in this case the more it sucks? The better um and this thing sucks a lot and it cleans well because it’s a wet dry combo.

Perfect Tech! the UWANT X100

So you can clean more things, any other vacuum that you’re probably used to. So it comes down to this double roller brush design. This packet system helps ensure that whatever you clean doesn’t get missed or leave behind that gross like snail Trail residue, so the front brush will clean the mess, whether that be spill, drink pet hair dirt.

Whatever else you gross human have in your house that all get sucked up into a reservoir, but then the back brush steps in to clean and dry any residue that might have been left behind so clean into the front. And then it’s like a party in the back. This is a mullet style vacuum. It actually does a really good job about keeping the party rolling on both sides, so the Yuan has this thing called traction assist, makes it really easy to push and pull with a few fingers. So if it’s got thick carpet, you’re not gon na get an arm.

Workout trying to keep it clean and after cleaning, you can also remove the roller brushes and place them on the base to dry plus both of those brushes are powered to make pushing it pretty easy, with your goings for backwards or forwards. It’S also it’s a weird thing to talk about, but intelligent dirt sensing which uses infrared sensors to detect how much contamination is on the brush and if it will adjust how much water is being used in real time. So, first of all, it’s crazy to talk about. Like infrared being used in vacuums, we’ve seen technology evolve quickly in cell phones and TVs, but this is a vacuum uh, it’s crazy, just something that is legitimately useful, uh in my house to clean up those wet messes.

You don’t need to go out and get paper. Towels and do a bunch of this action and maybe get some Clorox wipes and do more of that and then have to come in with a regular vacuum to get those last pieces up. This does everything for you. It is think of it as like.

A whole roll of paper towels and some spray, and like a vacuum like all in one, so to make all this cleaning happen, you need powerful bits and bobbles inside and that part of it is really impressive here. So there are eight four thousand million power battery is inside that can last up to 44 minutes of continuous cleaning done if you’re vacuum for 44 minutes. I have not, but that is a lot, especially for a portable device like this. If you want to use it longer, it does have fast charging built in. I would fully charges batteries in three hours. At this point, it’s pretty much just missing like wireless charging uh, and that was the goal of this product. A lot of portable vacuums have awesome. Suction or capacity, but their battery life can last for like six minutes. This gives the best of both worlds and lets you clean your entire house. Even if it’s in multiple stories, you’re, probably saying yourself, John, my vacuum can do that. What are you talking about? Why do I need this to answer that question two rollers is what you’ve got here, uh with you once you’re, getting double the suction and double the cleaning? Then your old Jinky vacuum, that’s sitting in the house, so you know you’re not using anyway.

So without you want get stuck with like a wet vac and you’re, stuck with the dry vac for them dry things with you want. You are getting one device that does both things really well, so you got the wet vac for those wet gross things. You need to clean up the dry vac for, like that cereal, that your kid just keeps put on the floor.

You keep stepping on whatever your scenario and whatever your mess you want, you want to clean it up. So I think one of the best parts about all of this, too, is when you’re done cleaning your house clean. The actual vacuum comes next, that’s never been fun of the X100 has self-cleaning built into it.

So it takes all that gross work out of again cleaning up the mess from the thing that cleaned up your mess when you’re cleaning with the X100 there’s a 600 milliliter capacity, cling tank and then a 600 milliliter dirty tank and because they are separate, you can’t Beat a dirty tank without having to refill a clean one when you’re done cleaning the mess the X100, like, I said, can clean itself. All you have to do is place it back in the charging stand tap the self-cleaning button and I’ll go through the whole process. That cleans all the rollers of any debris you might have picked up while you’re using it. It’S also going to use high pressure water to scrape the brushes for three and a half minutes, and that is all you need to do. That’S all awesome the feature I have never seen before in any vacuum, and this is kind of I think it’s in the vacuum World game changing uh is a patented hair.

Cutting device hear me out, so we’ve been there. Roller in the vacuum gets Tangled and becomes a mess. The X100 actually cuts the hair that is wrapped around the brushes or fibers whatever it is and gets rid of it. So the cleaning cycle works every time, even if you are sweeping or cleaning up hair fibers dog hair person, hair whatever is going on now listen.

I know. We’Ve talked about vacuums, it’s not nearly as as fun as cell phones in teepees, but something that we all need and use whether you’re my extreme example of kids or you have dogs, I’m sure, there’s an instance where you need to clean something up. If you are vacuuming dry things wet things whatever you have on your floor, the X100 makes it easier to do it does a better job at it. It also takes the gross part of cleaning it totally out of the equation. So if you want to learn more pick, one up for yourself I’ll, put a link down below and I’ll put these dates up on screen uh. You once got a crazy seal going on right now you can save 30 uh, that’s 50 bucks off! It’S an awesome deal if I want to pick one up for yourself again, links will be down below .