Perfect Captures: CZUR ET Scanner

Perfect Captures: CZUR ET Scanner

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Perfect Captures: CZUR ET Scanner”.
Thanks to caesar for sponsoring this video guess what this is, it’s got a 24 megapixel cmos sensor, hdmi ports, cameras built in what is it so before i tell you what it is uh. We have a giveaway in this article, we’re doing this now for about four or five months awesome chance to say thank you for supporting me over the years, and i want to give you a ps5, since they are still insanely hard to find or if you don’t Want a ps5 or live in area where i can’t send it to you. Cash value, uh of a retail ps5 with the with the disc you’ve, got the option to to play some media. If you want uh leave a comment down below be sure to leave your social handle in the comment, if you do not, you cannot be entered to win, because i cannot contact you if you win open anywhere in the world, so go for two weeks. All information will be down below so back to the question. What is this meet the caesar et 24 pro book scanner – probably not words, you’ve seen together. Very often this is a book scanner, but it does something that i don’t think anybody has ever seen before.

At least i haven’t now, if you’re like me, you probably never thought to scan an entire book and that wouldn’t make sense. Why would you scan in a whole book, but there are a few use cases where i think this would come in crazy, handy, the most obvious one, the lowest hanging of the fruit is someone in school. Textbooks are gigantic, they are heavy, they are quite literally old school and there’s no way to search that book for content. You have to go in the back, look things up and flip to the pages uh and find what you want, and you can’t sort of mark it up without ruining the book, and if you want to sell it, it’s a whole thing.

Uh both the book scanner like this, you can scan that entire book in a few minutes, literally a few minutes and they’ve got a completely digital version. All right so setting this man pajama up, is pretty straightforward. Uh there’s a base where the book goes, then there’s sort of an arm that overhangs that section uh and in that arm. This is a 24 megapixel cmos sensor with a resolution of 5696 by 4272. It gives you a dpi of 320 and 24-bit color, which is more than enough to get an insanely high quality scan. Now.

Hardware aside, you need the software to kind of run it uh, and that is really where they think this value comes in. You obviously take a photo of a page in your book with your phone get the angel copy. That way, if you want to do with an entire book like that, would be a pain take a very very long time. The caesar software takes all the pain points away. It makes scanning actually super fast, no matter sort of what you are using. It should run with it, compatible with windows, mac and linux and caesar’s got it patented. They call it book curve. Flatten technology does what it says when scanning a book, so usually a book like, has a curve when it’s open, so the software automatically straightens that out this image is straight and correct, so you don’t have to flatten the book yourself.

That’S a pretty good thing, especially if you want to keep the book as pristine as possible, so now that i’ve explained what this thing is, let me just run through it and show you how to use it right. So let me show you how this works. Let’S say maybe you’ve got some comics that might be worth some money, but they’re. You know in plastic and super shiny ordinarily.

That would be a problem for scanners. You can see there’s glare and reflection, so you can do a couple things you can check it out. First turn on the light and be like that’s too much too much light happening there. We don’t want that, so we can use the side light, which is conveniently located right back here, turn that on turn these lights off and look at that, the glare is gone. Uh and then you can scan whatever you want. I’Ve got a foot pedal here set up um. We can push a multitude of buttons on the device we’ll fit. My foot boom scan happens and i’m all set, and i could pick a bunch of different options on what i want to scan, how i wanted it to look single flat page facing pages all that kind of stuff, and now i’ve got a perfect scan of wolverine Number one which is pretty dope, but let’s say you wanted to actually scan some pages.

Perfect Captures: CZUR ET Scanner

Let’S do that here, punisher pov kind of an old school comic, so i want to go to facing pages there. We go open it up and you got a few opportunities. I want to scan this page, so you put it kind of in the middle right there. You can hold it and try to get it to go flat.

Perfect Captures: CZUR ET Scanner

That will work, but you also have these things which have a name. They are called finger, cuts which did not know, is an actual thing, but they’re it is, and it’s real and they use sort of hold pages flat. So you can hold one hold it there get that line right in the middle hit. The foot pedal, if you want to use that finger cut and then what it’s going to do is see.

Perfect Captures: CZUR ET Scanner

You got two pages here being scanned. Now i’ve got perfect representations of both pages without uh the finger cots being shown, which is kind of cool a nice way to flatten the pages and see how clean that scan. Looks there a bunch of different ways. You can do it combining signs or manually select what you want to scan a lot of really cool ways to go about it.

Let me show you again how to take photos so how to scan. So, let’s say i want to do a single flat page. So here it is punisher pov, a special guest nick fury agent of shield.

So i got a couple options like i said i can push the button there on top and that’ll go ahead and take a picture and do the scanning. If i wanted to reach around, i’ve got a button right. There that’ll do the same thing and then i’ve got that foot pedal. Then i’ve got a bunch of lights. I can pick and choose from try to get the best lighting effect.

So there’s one shot overhead. Two and you can see it and the glare goes away uh, so you can decide how you want to scan. So obviously, if you want to scan things by pushing the button or using the foot pedal, you can do that. But if you’re scanning a long book or a big document that can get tedious uh, this has auto scan built in actually will detect.

As you turn the page and when the page is turned, it’ll, take the scan free automatically and you just keep scrolling through your book and turning the pages, and it will do all the legwork for you uh, but also it matters. How you’re going to save these things as well right, so you could save it as a pdf uh. You could save it as a jpeg, save it into excel, and then information can be editable as well and probably more importantly than that it can be searchable. So obviously, this scans well, but you can do more with it, especially if you’re having a zoom type meeting. So first, if you go to zoom and you try to share your screen, you can share what the scanner sees, which is nice.

You can flip through your comic book, your book, whatever you want to do, but if you want to get more control of what you’re showing you go to visual presenter, that lets you do things like zooming, uh, annotations and a bunch more. So it sort of makes this go beyond just a book scanner and it sounds like an insane thing to even talk about a book scanner, but if you’ve got a use for it, you’re never going to go back after using this um. It also has sort of a really cool lighting feature in this is probably one of the most important things to get right when you’re doing sort of a high quality scan.

So, of course, the et24 pro has it built in. So when you’re shining a light down on the glossy page, you’re going to get glare so to combat this actually detachable side lights illuminate the sides instead of above this reduces the glare you might get so no matter what you are scanning you’re, getting a really high Quality image. Alright, so that’s the caesar et 24 pro – and i know this sounds like a really obscure thing to talk about and a lot of ways. It is, you probably know already. This is for you or it’s not for you, but if you have a use case for this, and you are scanning a lot of things, this is going to be like a life-changing bit of tech to try and use if it sounds like something that you would Want to check out, we have a bunch of links in the description to learn more or even try to pick one up for yourself again, a big shout out, and thank you to cesar for sponsoring this video see you guys next one you .