Oxygen OS on the OnePlus One!

Oxygen OS on the OnePlus One!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Oxygen OS on the OnePlus One!”.
Hey what is up guys of Kim PhD here and welcome to yet another video on the oneplus one, probably the phone, that I’ve done the most individual videos on on this channel. So if you’ve owned a one plus one over the past couple of months, there’s two things that you’ve been waiting for for a while number one CyanogenMod 12s extension an update from CyanogenMod 11s book on top of lollipop and number two oxygen OS. The update and the operating system built specifically for the oneplus one by one plus so oxygen OS is finally available for download and i have to actually flash the zip on my oneplus one. It’S available to about a seven hundred and fifty megabytes i’ll also leave linked repet like button.

If you want to install yourself – and i asked on twitter, if you guys want to see a video about it, despite also saying that it’s a pretty small update, a pretty simple thing, but a lot of you guys were interested. So here is one plus ones: oxygen. Os 1.0, so the first thing you’ll notice about oxygen OS is just how close it feels and looks to stock android. So if you use the nexus 5 or nexus 6, that’s what a lot of this is going to remind you of, and actually it’s built on top of android 5.0.2. So it’s not! The latest version of android, like an actual nexus, would be built on, but you notice, basically all the user, interface and google now and this launcher and everything here is just like stock android. So what i think is the biggest new feature of this OS, at least from what i’ve seen and used is the quick settings. So this is what the normal quick settings for android 5.0 would look like and that’s fine.

But if you at this little quad box up here, you can actually rearrange where things are and what shows up here. So you can tap. What’S add: don’t use airplane mode very much where i don’t use the flashlight, you can tap to toggle, which things show up and which things don’t you hit, save and there’s your new quick settings, so you can toggle and control the stuff really easily. Let’S say i want all the stuff there, I can touch it all and toggle it all back and if I ever want to reset it, I can do that too. So that seems like the main feature being able to easily quickly customize. What shows up in your quick settings box here since that’s something I guess Android users use a lot, there’s also a couple of other features from CyanogenMod 11s that you may recognize. So if I go into the settings here, you have buttons and gestures. Buttons are just the buttons on the bottom of the phone, so you can turn on or off the on screen buttons. Let’S say you want the off screen: capacitive buttons. You can use those too we’re used to being able to switch those on the oneplus.

One and gestures are the screen off gestures. So let’s say you want to be able to draw a circle to quickly turn on the camera. While the phone screen is off just draw that circle and it will open you right up into the Google camera. So it’s not the CyanogenMod camera or anything special.

Oxygen OS on the OnePlus One!

But that’s what it’ll allow you to do so the gestures are there and I actually found that a lot of these we’re activating in my pocket when I was using CyanogenMod. So I turn the gestures off. We can give them another shot if you think double tap to wake or drawing to open certain apps is worth your time, but everything else like you can see here the launcher.

Oxygen OS on the OnePlus One!

The Google now home page being one swipe away from the regular apps and screens and everything like that. All of this is still very close to stock Android. So almost nothing else is modified. Here I did notice the multitasking. You get a nice little X button up here in the top to clear all your recent apps.

Oxygen OS on the OnePlus One!

That’S a little bit different looking and it’s new and it looks kind of nice and, like I said you use a Google camera here and not any sort of special camera app, but it does look like the pictures it takes are just as good as you would Get on previous realms from anything like CyanogenMod. Another thing to note is this: comes with all the Google apps installed already, so I did install the superuser app here to get that root access, but it is a 750 megabyte download and it doesn’t come as an OTA update, so you have to download it and Flash it yourself by following those instructions also, I know people are always interested in the wallpaper. This particular one.

I did add myself, but this does come with a couple of what’s called oneplus wallpapers, it’s just a couple of them, but they are pretty good-looking and these are the ones that come with oxygen OS. If you want to try those out so there you have it. It’S a very small list of new things, but that is oxygen OS for the oneplus one.

It’S a very simple, very clean, very near stock rom. It’S not the only simple clean near stock rom, you have Paranoid Android, you have bliss pop. You have signage and mod. You have a bunch of other options, but I feel like they needed to get something out: that’s stable and a little bit before signage in mod 12. Otherwise, you’d have really no reason to check this out. That being said, I think this is a good place to start, because it’s so simple and so clean and at least so stable for right now.

This is a good place to build on and they’ll be able to add future things, add some new features and options and customizations further down the road with update, but this is 100, so at least it works, and hopefully it’s more interesting with future updates either way. That’S minute, thanks for watching and I’ll talk to you guys in the next one peace .