Own Nothing and Be Happy

Own Nothing and Be Happy

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Own Nothing and Be Happy”.
Merry Christmas lldd out of the three of you who’s the hardest to choose gifts for and why I’m impossible me too. My aunt got me a gift that she says is perfect and I will love it, and that is the biggest red flag, because the more perfect someone thinks a gift is and the more they think I’m going to love it. The more certain I am that it’s going to be terrible, yeah and I’m going to have to like say thank you, and because this is someone who comes to my house a lot, keep it forever. I don’t like clutter and I consider most gifts to be clutter.

Like literally go on to a website and go to the gift ideas tab, I promise you every single thing there is manufactured garbage it will be thrown in the garbage. My family is like frustrated with me because we’re all supposed to come up with Christmas lifts and I couldn’t come up with one for myself, because I couldn’t find anything I wanted, and I I like I had a few people just say like you’re like not getting Anything then, and I was like yeah – that’s fine, that’s cool, in fact, if we could just not do the gift exchange and I could not buy anything, that would be great. No, I got, I got things for everyone else and I and I I don’t mind I just like I I legitimately really tried.

Own Nothing and Be Happy

I took like a whole evening and was like yeah, but you also do prefer. If you just don’t have to deal with that so yeah, it is what it is mer Christmas. By the way I got you nothing, yeah nice, Merry Christmas yeah! I remember there was there was one year a bunch of employees came together to get Lon of something and it was like actually pretty cool, but I remember being like you know what it they got me a badminton racket and they signed the sleeve.

Everyone signed the sleeve and um. It ended up being a really good racket, not because the people organizing it had any idea how to pick a badminton racket or what my tastes were, because it really come at a certain point: it’s not just higher quality they’re. All the same quality, it just comes down to personal preference in your play style. They happened to pick this kind of spiritual successor to the one that I really liked. That was EOL and I couldn’t get more of anymore cuz. They do Break um, and so not only did I use that one, but I actually bought two or three more of them for my racket bag so that I have mult multiple rackets, strung cuz. If you break your strings in the middle of a game and then you switch rackets can be a little disc Bob um.

So that was a that was a Smash Hit, hey pun, intended yeah um pretty much. Oh, there was the keyboard one that was cool, but that was a display item. I think some people legitimately thought I was going to daily drive it, and I was like guys. It has no windows key like it.

It was it’s a model M that was also like signed by everybody. It was pretty cool yeah. In both cases I warned the people organizing it. I was like H, don’t feel bad if yeah I was like this is a great idea, but just a warning.

I wanted to get Luke emotional damage, but I ended up not making it happen, I’m very sad, okay. It was a funny idea. .