Our Coolest Lab Equipment Yet ;)

Our Coolest Lab Equipment Yet ;)

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Our Coolest Lab Equipment Yet ;)”.
It may not be the DIY more economical environmental chamber that I asked for, but with adjustable temperature and humidity it’ll. Allow us to simulate the environmental conditions just about anywhere on this beautiful blue orb, and that’s a good thing, because if my tablet breaks then damn it, I want it to be for a good reason, not because I had the audacity to live somewhere. Hot and tropical, like here’s a good reason, so I could get this segue to our sponsor out of it fresh books, freshbooks simplifies, accounting and bookkeeping, ensuring that you are ready for tax time right now. There’S a special offer just for our viewers, go to freshbooks.com Tech tips and you can save 90 on your first four months. Environmental Chambers are one of the most.

Our Coolest Lab Equipment Yet ;)

Is environmental Chambers like this? One are one of the most important pieces of equipment in a manufacturer’s Arsenal, and the reason for that is even if they’re not building a rugged device designed for Arctic expeditions. Even devices that are destined to spend their lives indoors can be subjected to vastly different environmental conditions. I mean take something as simple as room temperature that is culturally dependent and room. Temperature can be as high as 28 degrees Celsius in Nigeria and minus 28 degrees Celsius. In Europe, in the winter, in an energy crisis that is where the sch-512-4 comes in, with our humidity range extension option, this bad boy will fit so much humidity 98 to be exact, so it’ll go all the way from 5 to 98 relative humidity, meaning that we Can simulate environments as demanding as southeast Asia, where, as we alluded to before Electronics failure rates, can be as high as two to three times what you might find in a more moderate operating environment? Of course, humidity is not the entire story, and we want to talk about temperature as well. This is a big one because, while humidity is going to affect a device’s ability to work at all or not, work at all, temperature could affect its efficiency, say a GPU, for example. I need a GPU, whether it’s something as small as finding that a particular GPU runs three percent slower in Texas than it does in Oregon, or something as big as finding that a mobile phone manufacturer has a big battery controversy on their hands because at low temperatures, Their battery life Falls far lower than the competition. This is going to help us root it out and while we might not be looking at the most interesting side of it, there are certainly some things we can talk about back here.

Our Coolest Lab Equipment Yet ;)

For starters, there’s power: this bad boy calls for up to 40 amps of 208 volt single phase power and Peaks at 8, 000 Watts that allows it to go up or down five degrees in temperature per minute. That’S all handled by the HVAC system here which, based on the size of the condenser, could probably handle a small apartment. If it didn’t need to go up and down five degrees, a minute moving down, we’ve got another optional accessory or wait. This can’t be optional.

Our Coolest Lab Equipment Yet ;)

Is it like a bigger one or something? That’S the humidity control? I guess. If you just want to do temper control, you wouldn’t need this right, correct cool. They make it very clear that you may not use deionized water, you must use demineralized water and I guess that’s just to keep it from getting schmooed up inside or is that to do with the actual Vapor it’ll be due to not getting schmut up inside. Thank you, our water up here, it’s nice and clean so hose it is not really no.

This is this is where the liquid goes. It looks like there’s a small filter on it, and then you hook it up to the water inlet right here, which I think we’ve got to open this up and have a look right. Like did we sign some kind of NDA for this thing, double blue. So, okay, cool yeah, you know what’s funny, is you make your way from Etsy to consumer electronics to Scientific equipment, as your price goes up? The diy-ness curve kind of looks like this yeah yeah anywho.

It’S the opposite of the Dunning Kruger curve, all right! Here’S our water, inlet, here’s, a something yeah, it’s insulated thanks, so well, there’s some wires yeah. What this likely is is this is going to be the heater slash cooler for the actual water for the humidity control, in order to make sure that we hit an optimal temperature, gradient right cool, and then this looks like it’s sleeved like it might be a temp Probe or something yeah, those look like thermocouples cool, this looks very hand built. I think they all are actually hand assembled yeah. I mean yeah ooh gn2 Purge.

Yes, we have a gaseous nitrogen Purge, which does it gets everything that isn’t nitrogen out of it. Oh, I think it uses gaseous nitrogen to purge right, so that would get everything that isn’t nitrogen out of it: okay, yeah, not strictly speaking behind a door, but this is our desiccant system. Now what we just have to like keep refilling it with like desiccant crystals, or I mean we have an apple Supply them Yo Logistics. Can you guys just save every desiccant package that you get from now on? Actually, no. This is a closed system.

We shouldn’t have to refill the desk again uh frequently by any means. So how does it desiccate? How does it desiccate? Well, let me pull out this handy manual, so uses this to control the humidity. This is our air dryer, yeah humidity, it delivers wet air, doesn’t excess Purge uh, so it’ll be part of the gn2, so I’m not gon na have to like buy nitrogen cylinders and crap uh.

That’S a good question. Oh speaking of nitrogen cylinders, one of the features of this chamber, though I don’t actually see any way to do it – is that you can hook up dry ice or liquid nitrogen to vastly reduce your pull down time. Do you have any idea how that works? Our model didn’t come out with it with that. However, it is an optional add-on that we could talk with AES and get sent out.

Oh so yeah, okay, we, we don’t need it though five degrees per minute is pretty good, and if you’re complaining about a nitrogen tank, you really want to store dry ice. Now from what I heard, AES included an Easter egg for you really they did. Oh, I found it. Thank you honestly.

I assumed it was whatever was inside here, but that’s amazing um like shout out AES by the way I we did pay for it right. Yes, we have, but I’m pretty sure we got a deal on it because, like so many scientific equipment manufacturers, these guys are like wow, it’s so cool someone other than a manufacturer is finally doing this and have uh decided to help us out, which is really cool. Not just for us, but also for all the consumers, who are going to be more educated thanks to this gear. That is a lot of glass, and this is really cool. We actually got what is supposedly like filming grade glass or something. So if you go on the other side David, it should be no problem for us to film things that are inside the environmental chamber which, to my understanding, is not a standard feature.

Would they typically have no glass at all or they could have? Oh, it would just happen, it would just be a solid plate. Wow. This seems like really fancy like. Does this triple pained, it’s quadruple pained now.

This is cool. They’Ve actually got. Oh, I guess this is just a grounding strip or something they’ve got these strips on the outsides of the glass that seem to be soldered to something.

Actually, I think those might be the lights. Oh shut up, there’s lights, so that way we can film through once those lights are on. It should be a clear picture through the glass, that’s so cool small correction.

Apparently these might be heating strips because the glass is heated to prevent condensation from forming on it. Correct, that’s freaking cool yeah. These guys went all out with making sure we could actually film through here. Oh amazing, now the kinds of things that we might end up filming then I think certain things are obvious. Like phones, I mean you could do a whole Army of phones like.

Is that the kind of thing that we would do? Oh yeah? I plan on having 25 devices under test at any given time for the most part, so we’re going to be able to have 25 devices in here all at the same temperature we’ll be able to record their battery drain at different levels. Now tell me something: do you need to have them plugged in in order for you to record all that diagnostic data or everything, Wireless everything over the network? That’S look in the back. We have pass-through wait that stays open and it still stays at the right humidity except shut up, but there’s holes yep I mean you would at least plug them.

If you’re, not yes and of course, the beefiest Environmental they’re foam, so you can keep your cables them. Oh, that’s so cool this is the most satisfying squishy toy. I want to ask them what this is made of, so we can do like a stress ball for LTT store, feel it that looks like a neoprene composite. This goes in here, probably on the outside.

For our user friendliness, these will be especially useful for categories of devices that cannot be operated, wirelessly like say, for example, a PC power supply the home for the environmental chamber is actually going to be right next to our power supply testing unit. So I think the idea is that, while we can’t necessarily run efficiency tests, while it’s wait yeah, how are we going to do that, because we’d want the cables to be the stock cables plugged into the PSU tester, like? Is that going to reach we’re right? Next to it so yeah realistically we could um, but but I believe that we are going to have some longer cables from the chroma that’ll plug in okay, but then we wouldn’t be able to evaluate efficiency at high temperatures. We are going to be able to um.

That’S a good point: Gaines is the mobile guy in the long term. So, realistically, that’s not going to be his problem, but it is one that we are going to have to solve, because the efficiency of a power supply can be dramatically different at zero degrees compared to what it is at 40 degrees, both of which are perfectly realistic. Operating environments, this makes sense then you’d have your pass-throughs for the top shelf and your passengers for the bottom shelf, and while you can put the Shelf absolutely at any height that you want, probably I suspect what we do is end up with it kind of in The middle most of the time yeah, I would say so, you could probably if we put a base plate down, fit six laptops in here. If you put them, if you pivoted them 90 degrees yeah that could work so that way, they’re side facing. Would you get enough air circulation? If you had a solid itself, though you wouldn’t have to fully cover the shelf, so you just make sure underneath the laptops it was flat. Oh that’s still getting dangerously, not that real world, because you know two inch buffer. All the way around it you’re fine, it are you well, let’s find out well yeah, I mean I guess we could test that and that’s why we’re here, yeah right, okay, fair enough, I was told this could be used to test desktop computers, not this stuff hold On see, look perfectly normal gaming desktop doesn’t even fit in my environmental chamber Gary. I know we just cut a little here. Oh my God, yeah.

Is that how you did things back at Asus? Absolutely in all seriousness, though guys, this is a much more typical mid-tower size computer, which is this a threadripper pro yeah. Is this new threadripper Pro? What new? Oh, okay! I thought it was like very new, but tell me something. This thing could easily be kicking a thousand fifteen hundred watts of heat out into the chamber. If we tell this thing cool it down, we’re, probably not going to get five degrees a minute out of it. No, so your pull down or your rise up rates are going to vary depending on. What’S actually in there sure you’ve got a thermal load right, yeah sure empty five degrees per minute got it with this in here, oh, I know what this is as1 connect.

We got an extra system that allows us to connect this thing to the network and it’ll log over a span of like years, or something like that, like every humidity every temperature. How often does it log do? We know, I don’t know the exact polling rate, but it is, I believe, it’s just logging all the time that is, that is an incredible. Oh, my God, yeah. What the hell am.

I looking at you weren’t expecting that when you open it up were you I was expecting something, but that’s beautiful. You can tell they take seriously. You know what I’m saying: yeah proper Cable Management, so circulation Motors compressor. We’Ve got heat power, supply, humidity, heat, here’s our window heat. If we wanted to trace those wires yep now, we can’t turn it on today, unfortunately uh because we don’t have the power plug installed yet, but what I can do is further demonstrate the size by showing that we can fit a whole human inside the environmental chamber. How long would I last in here at the extremes of what this chamber can do, not vary, but we could make it very comfortable.

You know man, I could be so comfortable in here. If it was working right now, we could keep it at a healthy 25 degrees. Just like I’d be comfortable telling you about our sponsor bitdefender they’re committed to protecting and improving the online experience of their users all around the world. Bitdefender does this by detecting and stopping ransomware adware malware and web attacks, and, if you’re worried about this affecting the performance of other tasks, they do this with minimal to no slowdown on your devices. Bitdefender builds their Solutions with the user at the Forefront they care about. You this means multi-layered protection, instant reactions to online threats and security for your personal info and digital identity, with tools like a password manager, credit monitoring and a Wi-Fi security advisor. You know, bitdefender has your back. If you want to learn why AV comparatives called bitdefender security, their product of the year in 2022, as well as save 63 off a year subscription, you can click the link below and get started today, thanks again bitdefender.

If you’d like to see more of what we’re working on in the new building be sure to check out our latest Labs update video one thing to note: we don’t actually have a safety latch in here, so you probably shouldn’t climb in there. Oh, that seems like the kind of thing. Well, I mean they’d, probably assume anyone smart enough to operate. This equipment is smart enough not to crawl in an environmental chamber. .