Our Best Secret Shopper Yet

Our Best Secret Shopper Yet

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Our Best Secret Shopper Yet”.
Oh, you know what’s frustrating just a second, oh I expensive, freaking monitor just to have it like pop in front of your eyes that kind of sucks, okay, I I don’t mind bothering like supervisors and managers and, like you know, execs, but I I I generally try. Not to bother anyone else outside of ours, but I’m very very excited to tell you guys this and so hope. Wait! No, oh, shoot! That’S the wrong one or wait! No! Yes, I could get the answer here. Wait! Okay! What’S happening! I am so sorry to bother you on a Friday night um, but I figured you you might be someone I’m on the W show right now, you’re not on speaker, though. So if you know you need to tell me off for disrupting your dinner or yeah, get them late, breakfast or whatever it is. Um did Shay finish, shooting the thing.

Our Best Secret Shopper Yet

Okay, this is very vague: okay, cool, um, okay, all right! I’M going to leak! It then see you later. We literally just talked about it. Okay, bye have a have a wonderful weekend.

Our Best Secret Shopper Yet

A topic on this show wh. What was that merch message? Yeah a topic on this show was about things that employees don’t like hearing on W show. At least it’s not tin in this time what one of them was leaks? No, it’s fine! It’S good! Oh man, so guess who’s going to be back on LTT um Adam’s, so Shay, who you guys may remember from his AMD ultimate Tech upgrade, which was hilarious, really good, uh, yeah, really great, and this time around. Oh man.

Our Best Secret Shopper Yet

I forget, I forget her Alias, but she is our secret Chopper awesome, yeah, very good, I’m so excited we um. She she, as you guys know just, has a a great personality. She gives exactly zero whatsoever about computers, so so she’s an ideal secret shopper for us, because she can carry on a conversation and be super positive and charismatic and and fun um. But she has no idea what you’re talking about and doesn’t care, and that is exactly what want for secret shopper.

We want people to be. We want the customer service and sales and Technical Support people to be talking to a personable human being. We don’t want them to like hate us or anything, but we want them to really have to work for it, because no, this is not someone who knows the speeds and feeds and i7s and ryzen, 3s and and all those numbers and doesn’t care about them. You have to put it in real human terms and so uh from what I’ve seen so far, which is the sales calls sheay has done done an outstanding job.

I am super super pleased with uh, with our selection of our secret shopper this time around and now that we are finished, the sales calls and the tech support calls. The system integrators will know that uh storms are coming start looking up and but it’s too late for them to do anything about ites Shay Shay. Let’S, who was it too, an alias so get too late for them to do anything about it so uh, I I I I I will say this: it’s going to be an extremely fun secret shopper series, and do you know what our theme was so the first Time around we did Magnum TI Tech, investigator uh, and so it was sort of themed. After that I iconic show from I don’t even know it.

Was’ 70s. I guess um Second Time Around, we did Bond, obviously um. So it’s you know it’s always an investigative. You know detective secret agent or whatever kind of theme Paw Patrol.

No. I have no idea wow, no Heavens, no um any any guesses come on Dan. Do you know I don’t? Okay, if you guys have any guesses, I’m I’m open uh. Let’S let the chat not Columbo, not get smart um, not Walker, Texas, Ranger, not Maverick, not angel. I watch not rockward, not Rockford Files not Knives Out wow, not Sherlock. You guys are not there yet, not Brooklyn. 99. Not Sherlock is kind of surprising, not Mash, not CSI s.

Oh Petman 27’s got it. It’S monk monk, you don’t know monk youan, I don’t watch shows. I don’t.

Monk is amazing. Where Earth did that come from uh, I have to confess that uh Jacob from the linked team had something to do with it. That’S a that’s a very interesting idea: yeah we’ve gone. I would have never considered that. Like a Bazil years, we’ve we’ve got.

We went with monk, it’s eight seasons, it’s popular, it’s a great show, it’s actually really good. Is it an actual monk or is the person’s last name monk? His last name is monk. He adri is Bond. A real Bond yeah.

Is he glue? Is it about financial bonds, Financial advice and martinis? This is not Financial advice. We are not financial advisers, especially not him um hell. No, oh God cappuccino anyway. Yes, uh! I will I will be playing.

I will be parodying the role of Emmy awardwinning actor, Tony Shalo. As Monk and uh it’s it’s going to be a lot of fun. We’Ve got all the same suspects as last time or all the all the same um, the usual, The Usual Suspects. U, but we’ve added, I don’t believe cyber power I think, was included, but dnfed both the previous times, because they didn’t provide advice. They are in this time um and then we also added everyone’s favorite influencer, PC brand.

Well am supposed to guess the people will guess it. Yes, Mr Big Brites star Forge. Oh I guess it’s been that long cuz.

It would have made sense, but it’s been four years now or something star Forge. No, no! No! No! No, not star Forge sinceer. It’S been a minute, I feel like it’s been a long time.

It’S been a really long time. Cuz, I didn’t remember what ones were in the first one yeah I mean the first one Ivan did so that gives you some idea. How long ago that was there’s been one since then, though, right yeah December 2018 was the first one and then uh two years ago round was 2 years after no, it was November.

2020 was round two, so this is round three of secret shoer pretty much 3 years ago, pretty much three years ago, yep, it’s the kind of thing ever since we started our goal was to do it every year and ever since we started that has never happened. It’S a ton of work, but this time around it was not nearly as onerous on the writing team. So we had labs to help support us through the testing which H shout out Labs yeah enormously helpful, which really gave plof an opportunity to focus on. You know kind of fun: intros Skits, the uh, okay, it’s so bad, but I hope that it’s so bad, it’s good, because it’s the first thing you’re going to see when you click this video, the the monk uh theme song is a Randy Newman song like it’s A jungle out there you know: do you know that song no okay, anyway, um it’s Randy Newman.

So that should be pretty much all you need to know: yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, so plof wrote, parody, lyrics and David sang it doing his best Randy Newman. It’S awful, we got more lies me group, music, yeah, it’s it’s, it’s the best kind of awful and I hope you guys enjoy it a lot. We should sell the song as a download on the Forum yeah. We should I’m kidding not even a little. I don’t even know um, I’m kid, oh Emil.

What Emil, since when do you watch the show Emily she’s watched for a while? Has she I never see her in the chat? I do? Oh, okay, all right, um anyway, so Emily sden from our editing team. I I was looking over her shoulder um cuz, that’s not weird right! You know when you work in a hallway and just you know this Chief Vision officer just walks past and is just looking over your shoulder. You have to look at things yeah.

I have to how how can I be a vis? How can you have Vision if you don’t look at anyway, I looked over her shoulder while she was, she was working on it and it looked very funny and then I think I think she actually uh. I think she sent it to me for, like my proper review, I review intros. Actually, I’ve been reviewing all the video all with asterisk. I’Ve missed a couple, but I’ve been reviewing most of the videos in their entirety. Lately um the team nailed it whole team nailed. It uh it’s really bad and it’s great I’m excited I I don’t know I really like the secret shoppers.

I’Ve liked all of them, but I don’t know if I’m more excited about secret Chopper or that we have another musical piece from the company. Oh man, I, this might not be the one you were after, which means it’s probably the one that I’m after yeah jeez I’m excited. It should be good next topic. This is a headline topic. Emily says you don’t want this one, that’s perfect! Coming from coming from her okay, that’s perfect. Thanks said you got my back here right, that’s EXA! That’S exactly what I want, though.
