OpenAI’s GPT Creator Tutorial: How to Make a Custom GPT for Anything

OpenAI's GPT Creator Tutorial: How to Make a Custom GPT for Anything

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “OpenAI’s GPT Creator Tutorial: How to Make a Custom GPT for Anything”.
Open AI recently announced at their first ever open AI Dev day that you can now create custom gpts to assist you in whatever you want. So today, I’m going to show you how to make a custom GPT and chat GPT 4. So I’m a big golf nerd and my first thought was: I want to make an AI golf caddy to help me navigate the golf course now. I know that sounds crazy, but in Golf Plus VR they are developing an AI golf caddy for the game, which knows its way around the course hello there.

OpenAI's GPT Creator Tutorial: How to Make a Custom GPT for Anything

My name is Arthur and I’ll, be your personal, caddy and Coach. What would you like me to call you? You can call me Ryan great to meet you Ryan. How can I assist you with your golf game today, so why not give it a try in real life? So I’m going to try this in real life and feed the AI, some information about my lie and my distance to the hole and see if it has any good advice on Club selection or just where to hit the ball to get started.

OpenAI's GPT Creator Tutorial: How to Make a Custom GPT for Anything

You must have a chat, GPT Plus subscription, which currently costs $ 20 a month, once you’ve subscribed, sub cribe, select the chat, GPT form model and then under the new chat button select explore right here. You have my gpts and I created one called Fairway friend, which helps calculate your golf handicap. All you need is your last five scorecards and information about the course you played at if you’d like to use that it’s public down here are the gpts made by open AI, Dolly data analysis, cck GPT classic each GPT has been tailored to a specific need, like There’S a GPT for doing laundry and another called game time which can help you with rules for different games. So I’m going to come up here and click the plus symbol next to create a GPT and hi I’ll help build your new gbt. You could say something like make: a creative who helps generate visuals for new products or make a software engineer who helps format my code. What would you like to make? I would like to make an AI golf caddy, okay, so here’s the prompt I wrote to create my custom GPT, the AI golf caddy.

OpenAI's GPT Creator Tutorial: How to Make a Custom GPT for Anything

I would like to make an AI golf caddy that can help me navigate my ball around a golf course. I would like the AI to give me advice on Golf Club selection and the type of shot I need to hit based on information I give about. My balls lie the distance to the pin, as well as wind and weather conditions, and please make the occasional golf joke when appropriate.

All right, I’m going to hit return. Gpt Builder is thinking it’s updating GPT, and this takes a little time. It’S really deciphering everything I just typed in to make the perfect AI golf caddy, GPT, Behavior, updated all right. So now I have created my AI golf caddy and here’s the description that chat GPT gave it AI golf caddy, providing Club selection, and course, navigation. Advice with a touch of humor.

Here are some random conversation starters with the AI. What club should I hit for 150 yard shot? Tell me a golf joke. My ball is in the rough. What should I do so? These are just kind of conversation starters if I need them so right here with we have create, and now we have configure on the right, so I’m going to name my GPT, I’m going to name it something very generic, so other people will find it AI golf Caddy boom, so right here you can have Dolly, create an image based on the description of your GPT and it’s sort of the logo for your GPT. So let’s see what it comes up with. Oh yeah, look at that guy there he is! That’S the AI golf caddy. He has a little golf book too, which is perfect. So now we have the name at the top.

We have the description of our GPT. Then we have instructions for our GPT, which is basically what I wrote, but it boil it down and added a little more information. Then we have conversation starters and down below. We have knowledge, so we can actually upload files to help train your GPT.

Now what I’ve done is. I went to Timber Creek Golf Course, which is my local golf course. I love to play there try to play at least once a week, and if you go to course guide there are images of each hole. So I’m going to upload an image of each hole to help train chat gbt.

Now it is worth mentioning that I was only able to upload 10 images to the GPT or it would not save. So you are limited in the amount of data you can upload to train your AI now down below. Here you have web browsing capabilities. You have Dolly image generation and code interpreter under actions.

You can create a new action which allows chat, GPT to search a website or use a third party PL plugin now at the very bottom, there’s a drop down for additional settings to use conversation data in your GPT to improve our models and boom. My AI golf caddy GPT is created. You can see it under my gpts. I made it public, so try it out if you want so now, I’m going to take it out on the course and see how it works. Okay, I’m on the ninth hole.

I got 384 over water, but there’s water in the other side at 230. What do you recommend? Choose a club for your t- shot that will keep you short of the water and 230 y like a fairway wood or a long iron? Okay. So I’m going to choose a five wood over the water and see what happens all right.

So this is my lie after that shot, just shy of the bunker and the water, so that was some good advice to hit the fairway wood instead of a driver. So I have 141 yd shot to the green. It’S a upper hole Loc. What club should I hit depending on your swing and the conditions a niron or an eight iron could be suitable choices if the green is elevated.

Consider taking the club that will give you a bit more distance, likely the eight iron to ensure you make it up to the higher elevation how’s, the wind out there, it’s a helping wind right now that was an eight iron and I hit it a little over The green cuz there was a helping wind now, as you approach the green to see your lie, the focus shifts to planning an effective recovery shot. So the AI did tell me to Club down to a nine, but I didn’t listen. I hit an eight, but hopefully I can get this up and down and now I got like a 3ft putt for par okay, I got 125 yards slightly uphill middle pin location.

What club do you think I should use typically for 125 y, a pitching wedge or a nineiron might be the go-to clubs. Given the uphill aspect, you might lean towards the nine iron to ensure you have enough distance to reach the pin, that’s right at it, who I think that was the right Club. It did hit the green, but it rolled off a little bit on the left side. So so, let’s see how it is: here’s the flag and then here’s my ball – maybe 12 ft away. So not a bad Club selection.

The distance was right on get in get in that’s birdy, so I just chipped in for birdie. I’D say that is the right Club on this hole. Thank you, AI, golf caddy. So far the AI golf CAD has given me some good advice and if you’re a beginner – and you have no clue what club to hit could be super helpful.

So, to recap, the AI golf caddy was very helpful during my round. It did provide me some solid advice on Club choice and told me what to focus on during my shot focus on your posture and balance to maintain accuracy, as mentioned before, I was limited on the amount of knowledge I could upload to the GPT, but it was Really cool that I can ask the AI to pull up an image of a certain hole and would display it on the screen giving me a better picture picture of the shot. The AI golf CAD would give me props. If it heard me say that I had hit a good shot, will I hit into the trees heading into the trees, can be a tricky situation in golf, but sometimes the answers were very long, so I might update it to answer with more concise responses. Most experienced golfers know the distance that they hit each Club, but if you’re a beginner golfer the AI golf caddy could be a major help on the golf course when it comes to learning what club to hit in different situations. Ai golf CAD tell me a golf joke: why did the golfer bring two pairs of pants in case he got a hole in one if you like this video like And subscribe to ca for more how-to videos like this one and leave a comment, if you have Any golf related GPT ideas, thanks for watching .