OpenAI Imploded

OpenAI Imploded

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “OpenAI Imploded”.
It’S time for Tech news, and you know what that means. I know what it means, but why why don’t you say it so I know you know so open AI just had a weekend that puts the one at Bernie to shame the twists and turns have Honestly made my head hurt, but here’s our summary late Friday evening, Ceo Sam ultman was fired by the four other members of the open AI board. While President Greg Brockman was removed as chairman, they wanted an old man you’re too much of a normal man. Upon hearing the news Greg quit and tweeted his account of recent events, implying possibly unintentionally, that open aai Chief scientist and board member ilas suser was the brute in this Shakespearean drama.

Most of you will get that what’s that night for bro, you two British, it’s still not clear what the board’s exact reasons for the shakeup were, and the story is Complicated by open ai’s, truly weird corporate structure, where the nonprofit board controls the capped profit company. But some speculate that Sam’s seeking investment for a new AI chip company played a role as open ai’s board, accused him of being not consistently candid in his Communications with them. Despite a later Memo from open AI coo Brad light cap cool name definitively, claiming that Sam was not fired for malit, a French word, meaning weasel.

If that confused you, then you know how everyone, including the open AI board, felt this weekend. They apparent agreed to step down and bring back Sam and Greg right before Microsoft, swooped in and announced they’d hired Sam Greg and a bunch of other openai employees right after that, openai hired twitch, co-founder EMT sheer as interim CEO, replacing day and a half old interim Ceo MAA morati, presumably because she just needed more experience and her name sounds like a car. We can’t have that, but really EMT may have been chosen because, like the safety-minded board members, he said he wants AI development to slow down. He also said that CEO jobs could be replaced by AI, so slowing down means he could enjoy his new position for longer than 5 minutes. It’S probably EMT May soon be captain of a ghost ship, though a letter from open AI employees threatening to resign unless the board steps down and brings back Sam and Clik bars to the break room and what was signed by 650 of the company’s 770 employees. On Monday morning, including Ilia, sskk A2 brute what Brutus you’re back, what are you doing here? Confusingly, Ilia tweeted that he deeply regrets his participation in the board’s actions.

A tweet Greg reposted with a heart, emoji mura, moradi, also replied with a heart to Sam’s tweet saying I love open AI, so I don’t know whether these people are actually still trying to be friends, despite all the drama or whether they just don’t don’t know what Emojis mean now: here’s the real kicker The Verge claims. Multiple sources are saying that Sam and Greg’s Microsoft situation isn’t a done deal and that they are still willing to return to open AI. If the board resigns and Sam did recently imply that the open aai team are all going to work together, some way or the other, as for Microsoft, well, they’ve invested billions in open AI, so whether they get Sam or Sam returns to open AI, with a new Board this is really a win-win for them and hey how about a seat for old SATA while we’re playing musical chairs eh, okay back to work, making a digital God.

OpenAI Imploded

This whole thing sounds like the most hard to follow: polyle I’ve ever heard in my life. Honestly, I’m just proud of myself for following it all the way through Sunbird the company, nothing partnered with on their nothing chats iMessage compatible app for Android, has apparently comically misrepresented the security of their services. Multiple professional and amateur investigators have claimed that the full contents of messages sent through Sunbird service are accessible in plain text, by not only Sunbird but by anyone with a smattering of hacker knowhow.

Despite Sunbird claiming not to collect any data because they use endtoend encryption on Twitter, Sunbird tried to dismiss security researchers concerns, but all of their points seem to have been systematically refuted by a team from when enough had been enough. Nothing removed the chance beta from the Play Store on Saturday saying they were delay playing the launch to fix several bugs in what the Sunbird team’s brains. These are probably like Southern Hemisphere, bugs like Rhino Beatles, yeah and Sunbird themselves put their services on hold now.

This is another story where it’s very unclear. What’S actually going on, a engineer was banned from Sunbirds Discord after making a tool that lets users delete, Sunbirds copies of their stored data, which Sunbird is apparently storing. You know what I think we better delay the launch, though yeah just let just let it all blow over now, it’s time for quick, quick shopping time, no Dennis not again is still B small like lann’s hand, please don’t hand Your Love One, a crappy gift, this Holiday Newegg is here to bring joy to your bag. With the Black Friday sales you get up to 84 % off for ging, laptops, monitors and CPUs to printers you get a GPU. You get a GPU, you get a GPU, oh you get. You get this back! Plus you can save even more on a GPU by using you as GPU trading program, the Black Friday price protection ensures you have the lowest price on New Egg, be a s and check out new egg at the link below yeah nice bits. You got there be a shame if someone quickened them.

Reviews are out for amd’s ryzen thread Ripper 770x and 7980x, and the general consensus is that these chips are sick AF. If your name isn’t Brutus. That means they’re good, not only that, but they stand as a formidable and currently uncontested entry into into the niche of prosumer processors for high-end desktops. Ironically, a term coined by Intel doesn’t feel good.

OpenAI Imploded

The top skew the 7980x model has 64 cores 128 threads. A base block of 2.5 GHz and a turbo clock that can add up to 5.1 GHz. Finally, A fitting air to the thread: Ripper 3000 Series: here’s hoping AMD won’t get bored and completely skip a generation like they did with the purely hypothetical thread. Ripper non-pro 5000 series: it’s leaving the throne unfilled.

OpenAI Imploded

It’S not right. Dro. Your Crown King Here YouTube seems to be intentionally slowing itself down on Firefox and Safari, at least for some users.

It looks like a hardcoded 5-second delay that disappears when the site is fooled into thinking. It’S running on Chrome. Now it’s tempting to assume that Google is simply punishing users for using a competing browser.

But it’s also plausible that this is a bug introduced by Google’s heavy-handed ad block. Filtering always remember, hanlon’s razor and never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by neglect or incompetence, except in this case. It’S you know it’s Google i” ve done this before, but we don’t know Nvidia and SK. Hex are working together on a new GPU design. According to Korean news site junong, the design would have hbm 4 memory chips stacked directly on top of the GPU, like a hat. That makes you much better at remembering what you said to Amanda in fourth grade like what were you thinking? Ah, get it off.

This structure sounds similar to amd’s 3D vcash used in the company’s x3d processors, which are really good at gaming because they help you remember where the bomb s sites are in Counter-Strike. 2. That’S what I think they do. I I don’t design processors and you know valerant, for the win. I don’t play that either. Details of Intel’s upcoming lunar Lake MX have leaked showing that the CPU, GPU and memory will all be on the same s.

So, like Apple’s, unified memory architecture, ooh wa – not on my watch – stop that this will be the first commercial release of the technology that Intel showed off to the Press earlier this year at their Arizona Fab. This leak is so big. It almost makes you forget that meteor Lake – U the architecture lunar Lake MX – is meant to replace, hasn’t actually been officially released, yet despite Intel’s promise of a 2023 launch. But I haven’t forgotten: Pat Your Mind, Tricks don’t work on me and if you paper launch the meteor like you, I’m not sending you a Christmas card this year, like came out of nowhere you’re getting coal and autot tech company valo is suing Nvidia after a video Call Gaff exposed alleged trade secret theft, basically a valo employee left for a job in Nvidia and took volo’s work with him.

This came to light months later, when he accidentally screen shared stolen code during a video call with valo employees. All because one employee couldn’t make a normal video call mistake like forgetting to wear clothes. It wouldn’t be nearly as embarrassing or criminal, and you shouldn’t forget to come back on Wednesday for more Tech news also, you know, got to put some pants on just basic basic respect. For me. .