OnePlus 6T – Is This My Next Smartphone?

OnePlus 6T - Is This My Next Smartphone?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “OnePlus 6T – Is This My Next Smartphone?”.
Yessir yessir, so we’ve got a new device from one plus, I’m pretty sure, you’re aware of it. It is, of course the 6t and I finally have it in front of me here so, of course, I’ll be unboxing it and taking a closer look. As you know, I’ve been a fan of oneplus devices. In the past I used the oneplus 6 extensively as a daily driver. I may very well do the same with this one, the 60 – I am still currently on the pixel 3, but this device here. It’S kind of targeting the pixel 3, it’s attacking the pixel 3. Have they done enough here to differentiate from the oneplus 6, because after all, this is a t model. It’S not an all new. Is that a completely new thing? It’S still got a snapdragon, 84, 5 and so on and so on and so forth. We have a microfiber cloth, 1 plus red so proud.

These are the types II bullets earphones. Ok, so probably indicate to you that there’s been a change with the whole headphone setup. On this device bit of a controversial topic, the elimination of the headphone jack we’ve been talking about it.

How much does it matter? I don’t know that depends on you if you use mini Jack, headphones you’re now stuck with Samsung LG and who knows for how long another one bites the dust another one bites the dust I say: hey another one bites the dust and we’ve also got first-party cases. I like this stuff, I like that one Plus does it some of the nicest first party case accessories in the business. What does it say here? Jack collection of individuals possessed of a tremendous understanding and superior taste the finest technology what’s most important, is that they’re a part of what we do, and that includes you look at that now.

The definition of you, 128 gigabytes, as you can see, Qualcomm Snapdragon. This is what you’re here for yes, would you look at that? It’S letting you know right away how you’re gon na unlock it. Your fingerprint will go here. Of course, this device will also feature similar face unlock capabilities to the previous version, and if you were familiar with that or if you caught my video on that particular feature, then you know it’s really fast. You’Ll see a little S curve of s pattern in the reflection as well, it’s intentionally there and it’s to give it a little extra shimmer dual camera set up at the top the flashes below there, and you can see the absence of a fingerprint scanner. It is cool to have it hidden and secret and under the display, but keep in mind, oneplus had one of the fastest rear fingerprint scanners in the game on the previous version, type-c connector on the bottom, incredibly fast charging the fastest in the game. Generally speaking, at least with the previous model, I expect the same. They’Ve now moved up to a 3700 milliamp hour battery. So there’s a nice little improvement there, apparently as well.

The chin is a slight bit smaller. It actually looks pretty slim. This is the case that would be included in the retail package. You get like this smoked look here.

It’S actually not bad warning, I’m a flagship killer, all right, all right, great all right all right. Five years old and a million stories told here’s that charger that I talked about. I assume it’s going to be quite quick: the classic oneplus red type-c, cable, oh and I almost forgot the adapter type – c2 mini jack. The headphone jack is gone on this device.

OnePlus 6T - Is This My Next Smartphone?

Some of you will be angry and upset about it and you’ll say you told oneplus and shouldn’t do that that you really appreciate the headphone port and so on and so forth, and, to be honest with you, I feel like they probably could have fit it in Here I think it’s more just a general trend now at this point in the whole marketplace, and so I’m sure oneplus they probably sat around a table and they’re like look. No one else has it do we need it? Can we cut it? Can we get the price down a little further if we can skip that part of the manufacturing process? I don’t know exactly what the justification was, and these things are annoying. You always forget them. I’M gon na be completely honest, and maybe we have a little discussion here about whether or not the headphone jack is fully dead. Now me, you tell me, I tell you you tell me: let’s look at the phone, would you look at that? So, first up we’ll test this guy. Here you can see how that works.

OnePlus 6T - Is This My Next Smartphone?

It reads it rather quickly, there’s an animation that goes along with it. I think the attempt there is to make it seem faster than it might be, but it’s still pretty quick. It might be a few milliseconds slower than the rear scanner now face. Unlock has been quick, it’s strictly optical, it’s just image based, so it’s not the most secure in the world.

OnePlus 6T - Is This My Next Smartphone?

The speed almost makes up for it where you’re like that convenience is so intense. It’S as quick as you press the button. Basically in some cases like it just it doesn’t even show anything, it just goes straight boom boom and now, of course, if I look away from it nothing and then I look at it. Bang I like having the two features in tandem. Versatility is good here from an authentication perspective. This is one of the few face unlocks that I continued to use with the device after the demonstration, because it’s just so fast now, another thing in and around the device. This is crazy. Snappy, like animations, are toggled back.

I turned them off completely now, and this is just like it’s instantaneous there’s a lot of like the phone just feels quick. This device is outperforming some of its competition, for example the phone. That’S in my pocket, the pixel 3, it’s a 4 gigabyte device – this one is 8 – can have a little bit more confidence with that extra RAM. That happens to be in here and then never mind the knotch, because this to me has to be one of the most pleasant notches.

It’S a weird thing to say: I’ve been so against it and, to be honest, I’m still not the hugest fan, but if you’re gon na have one there’s something a bit more elegant about this implementation right here now, all it has to house is the front-facing camera. After all, so you can show the notch area or hide the notch area. It’S completely up to you and the overall aesthetic just to me makes a bit more sense there.

It is think about the package you have AMOLED fhd, Plus Snapdragon, 8/4, 5, 8 gigs of ram a relatively Pleasant notch. All things considered, you have an ear stock, Android experience a very fast face on lock in conjunction with an in display fingerprint scanner. Fortunately, no wireless charging, even though you have a glass back, I’m not sure the reason for that.

I assume it has something to do with them being enamored with the quick charging 15 minutes, all the battery life in the world bigger battery from the previous version. No one’s gon na complain about that so 3,700 milliamp hours, it’s around 500 bucks starting at 550. There aren’t that many options that sort of complete the package in the way that oneplus can is it worth spending the extra cash to step up to something like the pixel 3 pixel 3 XL. This guy here starts at 550, the three excel, which has a similar display size that things 900 bucks to start, and then things get a bit squirrely in figuring out if you’re gon na get that value back, we got to think about the camera.

Talk about the camera, it seems to be so important for so many users out there. I think it would be hard to imagine that this is really gon na challenge the pixel for camera status champion. But even if we concede camera champion to the pixel device, is it enough of a factor for you to reach into your pocket and spend almost twice as much a compelling package? Tough to ignore you’ve got to be paying attention to this device. I have a feeling you guys are gon na choose this for me to switch to next. Let me know down in the comments.

If you want me to switch to this or some other device, I’m excited to get to know it just a little bit more. Is it your next smartphone? Is it my next smartphone? Am i switching to this guys? Let me know in the comments .