One Day Video Studio Makeover on a Budget

One Day Video Studio Makeover on a Budget

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “One Day Video Studio Makeover on a Budget”.
I think it’s about time that i address something. That’S been bothering me for a while this right here, my studio, i hate the way this looks. I moved into this house a little over a year ago, and this is just the garage. I use one wall of the garage as the filming studio for making videos for make magazine and for making videos for myself.

One Day Video Studio Makeover on a Budget

And this is what i’ve set up and i hate it when i moved in these shelves were here – and i thought maybe, if i put enough makey stuff in those shelves, it would help offset it. But i think it just looks like crap, especially when you look at like that door over there and stuff like that. So i am going to do a remodel, i’m going to take you along for the journey.

One Day Video Studio Makeover on a Budget

I’Ve set a budget of about 200 to redo this entire wall and make expanding sides to kind of bring it all in and make it beautiful follow along, as we do this and, of course, i’ll put affiliate links to all of the stuff that i use down. In the description below, let’s get started: okay, i’ve done some staging kind of figuring out what i want in this space and how it’s going to be framed. But now i got ta figure out the shelf, it’s one of the downsides of working uh alone.

Typically, my co-workers are all in san francisco and you can’t really bounce ideas off people very organically, sometimes it’ll be a few hours before they’re even online, and then i could take pictures and send and ask opinions. But i need to decide if i want to take down the shelves, do the whole backdrop and then put up some shelves or, if it’ll be too plain. I don’t know i’ve got acoustic foam panels that i think will look cool.

So i guess i’ll just start by putting up the acoustic foam panels and i’ve got an idea for some curtains and stuff to really frame this in. I think i’ll do all that first and then decide if i want to put up some decorations up there or some shelves up there kind of start with a blank slate okay time for some paint. I went with a nice dark color.

One Day Video Studio Makeover on a Budget

This one is by the spruce best home paint interior uh. I went with one that’s technically black, but it’s kind of kind of a gray and i went with flat. I believe, though this may be like an egg shell. Basically, i wanted this back wall to be kind of dark and toned down, even though i’m going to be putting stuff over it any spot that shine through or any spot that wasn’t covered. I just wanted it to be dark and a good nice dark backdrop. So time to paint while you’re watching this montage for this time lapse, you’re hearing some some free music, but i’m listening to a book by n.k jemisin called the city. We became it’s really good um, i’m just going to turn this whole video into recommendations.

So everything i talk about. There will be amazon affiliate links for make in the in the comments below. So why don’t? I recommend this book as well. Uh, it’s it’s set in new york and it’s kind of a modern fantasy. It’S really cool um, i’m really enjoying it. I love in k, jemisin’s, writing and i suspect, if you’re from the area and even more familiar with new york than i am, i live in missouri, it’s probably even better, but so far it’s really good. All right back to painting all right. I got this wall painted and remember i’m putting foam panels over this wall and there will be curtains at the edges, so you won’t be able to see them anymore and i planned on painting the ceiling out to about.

I don’t know you can see these lights in frame here. I plan on painting the ceiling out that far as well, but this popcorn ceiling is more fragile than i expected. I’Ve never painted one and it comes off whenever i paint over it with the roller, and i don’t want to deal with that. Hopefully, it’s strong enough to hold the foam panels which weigh virtually nothing and i’m just going to use spray adhesive to stick them up there. Hopefully, it’s strong enough to hold those and painting it would have been a move point anyway. So, as far as i’m concerned, this is a this is done.

This is a big step. It’S done, and now i can let that dry and start putting the panels up. In the meantime, i’m probably going to go ahead and hang the curtains, but what i want to do here is, let’s see, you’ll, be able to see it on this side better.

I want to hang a curtain right here and the same on the other side hanging. Curtains um, they kind of frame it in so that when i’m filming, those curtains will block off the rest of the shop it’ll, all look so much more professional now, the the way i decided to do this is with this flexible hanging curtain rod. It’S not a solid rod, it’s actually a roll of this pvc channeling with mounting brackets. I couldn’t find it in black. I really wish i could have found it in black because then it would kind of blend in and disappear um and i’m not even going to bother painting it because it’s like pvc – and i don’t – i don’t – have anything that’ll, stick to that very well.

Hopefully it’ll. Just be out of view and won’t stand out that much, but i got like 12 feet of this. I’M gon na cut it in half six feet on each side should be fine. I bought some really tall curtains to hang off of it, and hopefully it will mount solid enough that they won’t pull out of the ceiling.

I think i know where the studs are and we’ll just see how it works. Let’S get to it these power tools by works, they didn’t sponsor this video, but they do sponsor some other stuff. We do so. It’S kind of you know they are a sponsor of ours.

So take that you know for what it’s worth, but i actually really have been loving using their tools. I use this to cut some of those shelves off. It’S a power. It’S a battery powered jigsaw. Their screwdriver is great. It’S got this like interchangeable, uh chuck.

That’S nice and you can actually switch between two tools, which is maybe a little gimmicky, but it seems so far to be holding up really well, but what’s really been saving. My biscuits here in this hot garage is their battery powered job site fan. This thing’s been awesome, you’ll also notice. I used um this little battery powered like multi-tool thing. It can be a soldering iron or a heat gun or or a rotary tool. I have the angle grinder attachment and that helped me take out some screws that were stripped um.

So you know just another recommendation link in the description below okay got the curtains up, as you can see they frame it in. So you can’t see all the junk. I have over there and up next are the acoustic panels, so i’m going to use these acoustic panels. I got these on amazon they’re super light and they were pretty cheap. I think it was like 75 bucks for 100 of them and, as you can see, i’m not gon na need a hundred of these up here now, if you’re on, like a super tight budget, another good way to do uneven surfaces back there is, if you had Anything shipped to you that has dark packing materials.

You could actually use that, and i was gon na use that. But then i thought you know maybe i’ll just splurge a little bit and make it look a little bit more professional uh than just having you know. Different packing materials randomly placed all over i’m gon na try to put these on the ceiling too, but i don’t know how well the ceiling is going to hold them.

Another quick recommendation, this 3m high strength, 90 adhesive spray – is what i’m going to use to hold. These on the walls, it should hold them just fine if it doesn’t hold them, i’m not going to include this clip. So if this clips in here it’s working great – i know some people are going to ask about this, so i wanted to be sure to get this in there. This door is still here. All i did was cut the the acoustic panels right at the edge of the door so that it kind of disappears. I could probably use maybe another layer down, but it really convincingly disappears in the shot perfect all right. So you can see it’s all framed in everything now looks a million times better, in my view, now it’s time to kind of put the workshop back together and stage it all and see what i think this is about as zoomed out as i generally will ever Get and that light there is like blowing things out a bit um, but with this all cleaned up, i may i may work on some prettier lighting. Uh i’ve got um these lighting. I’Ve got these fancy lights, light boxes, i’ll, put a link down below to these um.

I’Ve got those and then i think, really even this acoustic paneling, which got a little bit messy up there in the corner, and i got some spray glue on it. But this acoustic paneling could actually look good with maybe a red or blue, or both kind of up lights on it to show the different textures. I really like how this is coming out with this light. Here, though, it just really kind of looks blown out here. Let me let me switch up the lighting a little bit and we’ll see if it looks a little prettier a little bit of a background redo on a budget. A few recommendations you’ll find all the links to everything i recommended down below. I was really happy with how it turned out, even though i’m kind of lazy and it got a little sloppy – those curtains being able to move helped me be able to move stuff in and out of this shop. They don’t so things aren’t necessarily in the way and those acoustic panels really add a lot of texture. I like how it turned out all right.

Well, we’ll see you next time you .