Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “OMG THE PS5 LOOKS AMAZING”.
Can you hear that The very wind is whispering its secrets to me. And for some reason, the wind always whispers about tech news., Nothing else. LG is working on a wacky new phone design with not folding but swiveling screens.. A report from Korean news outlet ET News, describes a concept device called the LG Wing, which features a 6.8 inch display that rotate sideways to reveal a second four inch display, underneath.

And then under that screen. Is that …? No, I’m just kidding., There’s just two screens.. This design extensively allows the user to use an on-screen keyboard, while still enjoying whatever landscape content is playing on the main display., There’s also a graphic that indicates.


The second screen could be useful to display bar graphs.. The report says the Wing is expected to launch in the second half of this year., So we’ll have to see whether this thing actually comes out and confirms once and for all. That phones have officially jumped the shark.. You might say: LG is just wingin’ it at this point.


(, laughs, sarcastically ). I added that one on my own. Riley takes the responsibility for it.. This morning, Epic Games announced Unreal Engine 5 in the form of a jaw. Dropping live demo running on the PlayStation 5 as part of the new Five-Club initiative.


That last part isn’t real.. I’M sorry. I Unreal Engine demos are always visually impressive, but this one actually brings along some new tech that could have a big impact on game. Development.. Unified allows developers to import a super high-detail model like a statue made of 33 million triangles without having to manually, render its details into flat, textures. A process known as “ baking” And game devs. I know it’s more complicated than that. I’m sorry.. More importantly, doing this won’t incur a huge performance.

Hit. I mean: do you know how many triangles we’re talking here Like so many triangles., Epic also announced that developers can use Unreal Engine for free until their game makes $ 1 million in revenue. And that that policy is being extended retroactively for any games that launched After January 1st 2020. Wow., I mean I would have taken the sick, looking tech demo running on PlayStation 5, all by itself., But they’re like free Unreal Engine and triangle stuff., That’s just the ( bell rings. ) cherry on top. And Zoom might be addressing its security problems, but the company’s efforts will not help you if you click a fake Zoom link.

Yep hackers are spreading fake links to Zoom Google Meet and Microsoft Teams meetings in elaborate new phishing scams. According to a report from Check Point Research., The bad guys are registering domains that pose as the official services sending out invite emails to victims who then click the link and accidentally download malware. Oof. I guess it’s time for all of us to switch to VR meetings.. It’S not even really a joke.

Spatial, the VR conferencing app has just made its collaboration platform free-to-use on the Oculus Quest, iPhone Android and through a web browser., And this is happening just as everyone’s tired of being Zoom-bombed.. Although it’s only a matter of time before Spatial gets 100 tiny, knuckles, avatars popping up saying “, they know de wae, !”, (, laughs, sarcastically ). Now it’s time for the backslaps brought to you by Brilliant., Whether you’re a student looking to get ahead. A professional brushing up on cutting edge topics or just another category of potentially really smart person. You should check out Brilliant thought-provoking math science and computer science content..

They help guide you to mastery by breaking complex concepts into bite-sized chunks. Check out their mathematical fundamentals course, which introduces the foundational ideas of number theory, logic and algebra through creative challenges.. We need more logic in this world. These days., The first 200 people who head to, will get 20 % off their annual premium subscription., So click that link below to check it.

Out. AMD has announced a confusing new game store called Robot Cache., Which lets you buy and then resell games for 25 % of the original price. When you are done with them. And then when you’re, not gaming, you can use your PC to mine, a platform exclusive credit called Iron, which you can then use to buy more games..

Okay, first of all who benefits from “ reselling, digital games. ?” And second, is this a cryptocurrency thing: First, the backwards-compatibility snafu, and now this What’s going on over there Team Red Quibi, the short form, mobile-focus video streaming services, reportedly not doing too well and Company Executive, Jeffrey Katzenberg, blames everything that has gone wrong on the Coronavirus.. I mean it is true., A service meant to be watched, on-the-go launched just as people were told, not to go anywhere ever. And I feel a little bad., But we really need another video service guys.

The FBI has officially accused China’s government of sponsoring hacking attacks meant to steal COVID-19 vaccine research.. Presumably, whichever country comes up with a vaccine. First would have bragging rights about being a more advanced country and saving the day, which is obviously the whole point of making a vaccine., So hey good job, China, I guess. In other news.

The Chinese government is also dropping rocket parts in Africa. Reports from the African country. Cote d’Ivoire described chunks of metal falling from the sky right along the trajectory where the core of China’s Long March 5B rocket was falling back to earth after it inadvertently entered an unstable orbit.. China is going to be launching a lot of rockets as they build their space station., So hopefully this doesn’t become a regular occurrence.

And Nvidia. Ceo Jensen Huang shared a little video of himself removing what he called the world’s largest graphics card from his oven at home.. The unit is probably a server-based product that we will hear more about tomorrow at the GTC Keynote.. But, honestly, that’s not what’s got me curious.. What I wan na know is: hey Jensen, where’s your leather jacket. I thought it was actually fused to your spine..

Alright, that’s it for this one guys. Come back on Friday for more tech news., hopefully by then the wind will have something new to whisper.. It’S always whispering. That wind.

( Imitating whispering wind ) .