OLED vs QLED TVs 2022: Don’t make a mistake!

OLED vs QLED TVs 2022: Don't make a mistake!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “OLED vs QLED TVs 2022: Don’t make a mistake!”.
Thanks to arcules for sponsoring a portion of this video, hey, what’s up, what’s good wan na know about tvs, uh yeah yeah! No, i uh! I got time so, if you’re watching this, i’m sure you can relate to what just happened: you’re, either tech support for your family and get these questions all the time about like what tech, what tv your family should be getting up or on the opposite end of That and you’re the person making the call trying to get a sense of this kind of technology and seemingly is getting more and more confusing every year. But that’s what this video is for help. You understand the differences when it comes to tvs, specifically between two of the biggest technologies out there, qled and oled, and hopefully demystify that tech for you and figure out which tv you want to get and buying a new tv is not something you do every year, But these sets are getting better and better, and what we have right now is huge technological changes over what existed four or five years ago. So if you’re in the market for a new set and looking at those two technologies, let me tell you what to expect so for this reference.

As of this filming, this is the most up-to-date version of tcl’s 4k 5 series, qled tv and also sony’s oled tv. It’S the a90j in a 65 inch size, so i made a similar video last year, but in that span the tech has changed and evolved, but here’s a quick refresher about the technology oled is generally a more expensive technology, so the conception is that’s going to be Better oled is a better tv to get, but that is not necessarily true. Qled brings a lot of cool technology to the table that oftentimes can literally outshine what oled can do. So, let’s talk about the tech start with the one you’re most likely familiar with oled. It stands for organic light emitting diode.

Basically, what that means is that each and every pixel, an oled tv is acting as its own light source. Think of it like millions of teeny, tiny, rgb, light bulbs that can go on and off and then change color independently. So qled, on the other hand, is basically a really high quality lcd panel with an equally fancy name um. So qled stands for quantum light emitting diode in the tv world.

OLED vs QLED TVs 2022: Don't make a mistake!

Quantum simply means smaller light emitting diodes and a lot of them. So additionally, cula tvs, the quantum is referring to specifically a tiny layer of dots that reflect either red or green or blue when you shine light on them. So this is help going to enhance the colors like a regular old-school.

Lcd panel would normally produce. So there are a few companies that are producing q-led technology, so here we’re using one of again tcl’s top-rated line. Culet sets as our example, but samsung is probably best known and sort of competing at the highest end of qled, whereas high sense is competing more at the bottom end of qled and tcl kind of right in the middle samsung, one of the world’s like preeminent technology Manufacturers is really pot committed to culina they’ve, been refining this technology for years. So this is not a technology. That’S going to go away or not be here.

In a few years you decide to go for the q letter out. Samsung is committed and q led sets from them are really leading the charge all right. So there’s a reason that oleds are so loved and there’s also a reason why they’re more expensive. So i think lg and sony have sort of been leading the charge on the old front.

OLED vs QLED TVs 2022: Don't make a mistake!

So actually the tv we’re using for this reference is a top of the line, sony oled, but the panel is actually made by lg with sort of sony’s tech. On top of it, so hopefully you’ll get the best representation of what oled can bring and sort of the newest representation of what qlik can bring with tcl. So a qlite technology does have advantages, and we will talk about them. There are some areas where it just can’t compete with oled, so oleds have a crazy, thin panel due to not having the whole backlight panel. You see in most led tvs, so some oled panels have the main hardware box, even in a separate box not attached to the rear of the tv. So you can put this thing against the wall and have it be almost totally flush and from a sheer design standpoint.

Oled manufacturers can do a lot more and since it has individual diodes that can light up independently. That also means each diode can independently turn off. So that’s how oleds are getting their top tier black levels. They’Re just turned off led panels, try to produce black levels through very, very dim light and sometimes come across as dark, gray or hazy, which you may see in some culotte panels. Oleds again are producing their deep black colors by just not emitting any light at all and because of those diodes, you can have nearly unlimited viewing angles. No matter what angle you are sitting at the tv is going to look it’s it’s peak beauty, there’s no shift of color or dimming when you sort of shift and look at it from the side, even at extreme angles.

It looks exactly the same as if you’re viewing it straight on. It’S also going to give you incredibly high response time. So, if you’re watching fast moving movies or sports there’ll be no motion blur or little to no motion blur at all. But it’s not always perfect, because each diode is emitting its own light. There is a limit to how much light each one can put out, and this is really the biggest problem with oled. It results in a bright picture, but not nearly as bright as what cula can produce now to be fair when you’re putting something lit up next, something perfectly black, it tends to look a little bit brighter, but this can become a problem if you’re in a really Well-Lit room with a lot of direct sunlight coming in and maybe sun hitting your display uh an ola display can look dim or even sometimes washed out. If you’re in an area where you can control your light, have a little bit less light coming in. Oh, it’s going to look absolutely amazing, but again it still will not be as bright as what you get from q leds, another potentially big disadvantage from oled. That’S not really plaguing newer generation oleds but definitely did in the early days is burn it. If you watch sort of the same thing all the time it can burn itself in. So if you’re, watching sports news or playing games have graphics stationary for a long period of time, there’s a very slight chance of burning. Now most oled tvs have sort of ways to mitigate this, but that will not be a problem with culina. They don’t suffer from burning, so a small concern, but definitely one to consider and obviously the last one here is generally. The price is much higher on olas.

Now samsung is competing at a very similar price q led to oled, but the rest of the qled line generally tends to come in much less expensive than a comparable oled. So i’ve talked a lot, especially on social media, about cryptocurrencies, i’m a very active investor in cryptocurrency and i’m doing my best to learn nfts and one of the things. That’S terrifying about the space aside from really being brand new. Is there are a lot of security risks you hear of cryptocurrencies being just stolen in the middle of the night and due to the anonymity of wallets, it’s almost impossible to track those down so to help alleviate a lot of those concerns.

These things called hard, wallets or sometimes cold wallets that can take your cryptocurrency keys offline, so you’re, not storing it in a coin base or other exchanges you actually physically are holding it so that nobody can actually get to it online and probably the best way to Do that is with oculus it’s a cold storage wallet combining with the world’s strongest air gap security with an easy to use app. So the whole product is made up of essentially two parts that work together. So there’s a physical arcules key card.

It kind of looks like a credit card, and then it works in conjunction with the mobile oculus wallet. App you’ve got a physical metal card that is just like dripping with security, and you make transactions pretty cool. You actually tap the key card to the back of your phone uh using nfc, and then transactions are done.

OLED vs QLED TVs 2022: Don't make a mistake!

Uh fully encrypted and they’re, obviously stored on the card which you can put anywhere you’d like the wallet app built in, is also actually relatively easy to use and let you buy and swap directly from that app. Let you do it in seconds and then get it over to your oculus physical card, but if you’re looking to get serious and looking for long-term investments in long-term holds, you want to get that currency off of the exchanges and a system like oculus is a really Solid way to go the convenience of a physical sort of hard wallet that you can hold and see, with also the convenience being able to actually buy and trade and seeing those transactions in real time. The three fact authentication i really really like to have. If you want to check it out or pick one up for yourself hit the link down below a pretty sweet promo going on there as well [ Applause, ], [ Applause ], all right! So let’s talk more about culex because they can do a lot of things.

Really well uh. They can produce an extremely bright image that is insanely color, accurate right up until peak brightness uh. This allows for very impressive hdr images and you’ll never have to worry about burning when it comes to qled. So, whereas oled’s got the advantage of black levels, culic clearly has advantage with brightness and oftentimes color representation uh as well as depends on the content that you’re watching. But i think this part boils down to where your tv is going to be and how much light is going to be hitting it and secondary to that is the price you can get many many more qlet sets for way less than a comparable size or what It’S going to cost, but it’s not all perfect with qled, because it’s a backlit panel definitely not going to be as thin as oled and there are still models that allow you to mount this flush to a wall. Don’T get me wrong, but you’re not gon na get that razor thin display, like you will, with an oled and again because it’s backlit panel you’re not gon na produce the black levels. You can get it from an oled, so generally you’re gon na get some variation of gray representing black. Viewing angles also are not nearly as good compared to oled.

Black levels, like i said, become faded and sort of step more to the extreme angles. You can also have blooming where there’s sort of a halo of sorts around very bright objects, uh and the more expensive kula tvs. This is definitely less of an issue versus the less expensive models, but it’s something that does exist in the whole qled family, all right. So that’s advantages and disadvantages of q-led versus o-l-e-d and, as you shop for tvs, you might hear other technologies start to be thrown out there.

Things like mini, led and micro, led it’s like a grab bag of wood they’re, just throwing together for marketing tv terms. We’Ll talk more about that in another video, but these are more future technologies that exist right now, but they exist in generally smaller, very expensive packages, so to spoil it down. Mini leds, like the next gen of qled and micro leds like the next generation of oled kind of very confusing, because these words sound almost identical technology, is not quite ready for math adoption yet, but we’re going to get there soon. So i do want to be clear, though, that a lot of those disadvantages i mentioned about q-leads are not going to be noticeable to most people and the gap in quality between qled and oled has gotten really small.

It’S really hard to tell a difference unless you are like sitting in best buy staring at both of these on a wall looking at them next to each other. But if we are talking about picture quality, i’d say: oled wins hands down. No other tv tech is going to produce the black levels and oled can and if you ever stood in front of an oled tv trust me this video that you can see right here is not doing it justice. You have to see one in person to appreciate how amazing they are, how incredible the images they are producing, but in all other aspects i think qled is going to appeal to more people. Not only is it more affordable, you don’t have to worry about burning and with cute light, you’re still getting really vibrant colors great contrast, amazing brightness levels that come from those sort of really bright whites to make the images just absolutely pop and again, unless you have Both sets sitting side by side, it is not likely. The average person will see much of a difference at all and remembering that qlite is still a new technology and the leaps it’s made from where it starts where it is today, is really incredible.

With each iteration. It gets closer and closer to oled quality and, as time goes on, it’s getting even more difficult to tell difference between the two, so you have to figure out which one you want to get and i think for me what i tell people is: how much light Do you have where your room is and how much budget you have to spend? If you have the budget and you don’t have direct sunlight coming in, go oled and you’re going to absolutely love it? If you want to save a little bit of money and still have a beautiful picture or you have a lot of sunlight coming in qlite is going to be an amazing choice and whichever set you get from, whichever manufacturer you’re going to get an amazing picture. You’Re going to get images that are going to look, unlike anything you’ve ever seen before, and i guarantee you as much thought as you’re, giving towards tvs. Now, whenever you put whatever you buy up on the wall, you’re going to love it .