NYC Mayoral Makers Week Proclamation and NY Top Makers Award

NYC Mayoral Makers Week Proclamation and NY Top Makers Award

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “NYC Mayoral Makers Week Proclamation and NY Top Makers Award”.
Hello, everybody uh. We have just a few little things if we could maybe come up we’re gon na uh uh. We have a proclamation for makers week and we have the next top maker finalist uh award winner. So if you could come on over bring your beer and uh we’ll do this, but i i would like to introduce first of all, some of you had notes on the show. This is sherry huss who really uh she and louise glasgow put on maker faire and they’ve been working out all this. They actually did all the logistics for our event as well, but welcome to sheri glad to have you here tonight and i’d like to introduce kyle kimball who’s from the new york city, economic development, uh, corporation council, corporation, okay and and edc otherwise.

Kyle. Thank you for being here. Thank you. Thank you, guys, uh very much. This is really exciting. Some of you may remember me from uh the semifinals uh, where we uh announced the award winners of the semifinals. So this time i actually come have come with uh reinforcements from edc who have been working on this, in particular, mckayla crater, um who’s standing here with me, um i’ve also uh, have with me a um.

NYC Mayoral Makers Week Proclamation and NY Top Makers Award

The mayor couldn’t make it tonight um, but we have a proclamation uh from the mayor and so i’m going to read uh some sections, some excerpts uh. He spends a lot of time. Writing the words to this uh. So it’s it’s hard to get short shrift to the uh concision of the mayor, but uh. I will excerpt to give you an abridged version uh. It says first of all, whereas long before i was a long shot candidate for mayor, i was an electrical engineering major at johns hopkins, just another student working hard to help pay for college, which i find hilarious, whereas maker week is a great opportunity to celebrate the Can-Do spirit of new york’s many engineers, crafters and do-it-yourselfers, with the little bits global make-a-thon, we’ll start things off in september 14th, our youngest makers work together back to school projects and more on the 18th, make magazines, hardware, innovation, workshops, etc, etc, and all i can say Is with all affection, since i’m one myself, tech, geeks, and whereas our cities makers don’t spend a whole lot of time in the spotlight. Of course, that’s how they prefer it. I’D rather be at work. They’D rather be at work in their classroom, labs and their garages are at their kitchen tables every so often, though, it’s fun to come together at events like this weeks uh.

When makers can hear interesting feedback about their ideas, or maybe they can ask a question that leads to a fellow maker to his or her own new insight, as the old song goes, if you can make it here, you can make it anywhere and i join you In applauding all the makers who continue to tinker, take tasks, try new things and introduce their ideas first to new york city and then to the world. Now, therefore, i michael r bloomberg mayor of the city of new york: do you hereby proclaim september 14th, 22nd. 2013.

In the city of new york as maker week uh, we also like to refer during maker week, uh the mayor bloomberg, not as the chief mayor but the chief maker uh, so our city’s chief maker said um. You know you really guys really inspire and push our creative and high-tech uh industrial sectors forward. It’S actually something that we’re very focused on here at new york city, economic development corporation. You hear a lot about uh, other tech sectors that we’re focused on uh. Certainly, the industrial and the the intersection between industrial and tech is obviously very uh and also very important to us, and we think the creativity, that’s important, uh in terms of having hacker spaces, collective workspaces, 70 machine shops and as well as the applied sciences campuses. We think this is really important for the future of this city and this space and the space that you’re working in is crucial to the city’s future and our economic base.

NYC Mayoral Makers Week Proclamation and NY Top Makers Award

So to help make this move forward. Edc partnered this year with businesses like little bits and outer fruit to launch new york’s next top makers, a pilot product innovation, competition, which you’re all fairly aware of we received 60 eligible submissions, uh of at standing quality. Six finals were chosen by an expert panel of judges, uh and uh public online vote, and these six finalists receive five months of assistance to help them commercialize their products uh, including a prototyping budget studio space from design la new york designs, a lean startup bootcamp from Incubate nyc uh mentorship from industry experts, including uh, representing companies like adafruit siemens and oxo, some of whom i’ve seen around the audience here tonight uh and we are so proud of how far uh all the finals have come over the past few months, and really this Is an exciting competition for us and a very exciting night, in particular um in terms of bringing inventions to life here in new york city.

NYC Mayoral Makers Week Proclamation and NY Top Makers Award

So today i am thrilled to announce uh that our expert panel of judges, that i mentioned, we selected one grand prize winner and i didn’t see that who will receive an additional 11 000 towards launching their businesses uh their business. Before i announce the winner, i’d like to thank our partners and sponsors for the incredible support of this competition, um challenge, post uh, who uh has done, continues to do great work for us, uh, incubate nyc for their partnership, ny designs for their sponsorship and our talented Uh and inspired mentors judges and guest speakers and, of course, the incredible team at edc, uh makayla, crater who’s, just here, allison hodgson who’s there eric gerler head of our cet meisha last but not least, uh, really all the participants who actually brought this competition uh to Life uh, including our finalists, so without further ado, i will announce our grand prize winner and i don’t know whose beer this is, but i’m going to use it and i might drink it without further ado. I’D like to announce our winner and that winner is power.

Cliff so i encourage you all to follow the next week’s events and thank you all for what you make and uh. I think we are uh all set yeah thanks a lot. Thank you kyle. Thank you. Everybody! Congratulations, guys! Um just uh. We have drinks here, but we also have a light dinner behind you, uh, it’s behind me and uh welcome to see you over there soon. So thank you, everybody for a great day, congratulations to you and and really proud to get this proclamation from the mayor. Thank you, kyle .